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    Hi folks,
    I'm most discouraged and wanting a glass of wine in the worst way. Today is day 19 AF.
    I feel good for the most part, but I'm tired all the time and I have only lost 2 lbs.
    I thought cutting out 1.5 liters of calories a day would make a difference. Doesn't seem so.
    I know being post menopausal complicates losing weight, but really, only 2 lbs?
    Looking for advice/encouragement.


    Hi sarah - GREAT job on 19 days AF!!! That's wonderful! Instead of focusing on the weight loss, try to think in terms of all the other benefits. How improved your skin looks, how you organs and brain are healing, how you are clear-headed in the mornings and remember everything you have said and done.... those kinds of things. Worry about the weight later. Just get some good solid AF time behind you - that's most important. Again, congratulations on your AF achievement!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



      Hi Mia Sarah,

      Congrats on your 19 AF days! Great work!

      I think you're fortunate to have lost 2 lbs. I am a 50 something who didn't lose an ounce when I quit drinking. And to make matters worse, I quit smoking soon after & gained 13 lbs
      I am finally losing some now & have recently increased my activity level which helps this age group.
      Try keeping a food diary for a while, see if you may be replacing AL calories with sweets, etc.

      A glass of wine will not help, how about taking a walk??

      Hang in there, things do get better!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



        MIA... 19 days are absolutely awesome!!! 2lbs in 2 and a half weeks is pretty normal weight loss. Are you Substituting sweets? If not 4-5000 calories is 2-3 lbs. It will continue to fall off. I am sure you feel pretty healthy otherwise? Right?

        I was 1+ ltr of wine a day and was AF for a month then on and off moderating. So far... Not too bad.

        Best of luck!
        Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein



          Hi Sarah,
          I've felt that way about loosing weight myself. I seam to loose it SO slowly. 2 pounds in 19 days actually is a pretty healthy way to go about it. It will come. 19 days is fantastic! If it makes you feel any better it was around that time when I wondered if it was all worth it myself. Now I'm a lot farther along and I can tell you it is totally worth it.
          Take care, Choice




            I had the same reaction to a week of INTENSIVE exercise (cardio/strength) and dieting. My trainer said 2 things: "when was the last time you lost 2 lbs in a week?" and "how long did it take you to gain this weight?". Helps keep things in perspective. You LOST TWO POUNDS! Fantastic!



              19 days??!!! That's awesome!
              I felt like you too at first, you'd think that cutting out 1,200 useless calories PER DAY would have changed things drastically right? Not so But don't get discouraged. Things will improve, slowly but surely. And IMH's trainer is right! When IS the last time you lost 2 pounds in a week? Not to mention the all around benefits of not drinking, organs, skin...oh, and don't forget self-esteem! I never want to go back to the "morning after scramble" that I used to do daily...trying to piece together the night before and cringing at what I did or said.
              Keep up the good work :l
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

