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I need help
I need help
I am trying very hard to stop drinking, but I don't really know if I want to completly stop. I have fun at concerts, have fun with my girlfriends family, everything is ok BUT ....I drink when I am alone , I drink when my girlfriend don't want me to , ( we live together) I am worried so much about my health, I feel hopeless , I am a member of a gym , but dont go, I try to eat right, but dont , I try things but nothing I do helps . I wish I had the money to go to rehabTags: None
I need help
Hi spiderweb,
Have you ever the MWO book?
You can download it right from the Health store here on the website. It might help you muster up the motivation you're looking for.
Believe it or not it is possible to still have fun without drinking. It is also fun to wake up without a hangover, go through my day without the guilt & anxiety I dragged around with me for years. My health has improved & my energy level is back to where it should be for someone my age. Best of all my depression is gone. All this happened because I chose to stop drinking.
Look in the for some great ideas to help you put a plan together. I also highly recommend the Hypno CDs ~ they really helped me learn to relax without AL & to change my thinkingAll of this is a lot less expensive than Rehab & something you can do for yourself.
Drop in the Newbies Nest thread, let us know how you are doing.
Wishing you the best!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
I need help
Hi spiderweb,
Gosh, I remember those feelings ... nasty stuff. I'm so sorry you're gotng through all this. But it gets better if you don't pick up that next drink! I was on this site a few years back under the screen name down2earth. I couldn't imagine a life with or without booze.
I am back here today with almost 13 months of 100% sobriety and I feel soooooo much better.
I struggled so hard for so long and I remember those same exact thoughts running through my head.
I was able to go to treatment (i had to go 4 times before it stuck) but it wasn't a traditional type of treatment. It was a 12 day stay a safe medical detox, followed by therapy.
Do you have withdrawl? For me, getting past that was the biggest hurdle in getting clean.