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    New here!!!!!!

    Day 7...

    I made it.. my first goal a week without AL and a weekend without AL..Can''t believe it..I am very happy with myself. A week ago I was shaking and very anxious and had to go to work, a typical Monday hangover..This Monday I am quite content adn totally the opposite. So now what? I am going to continue and I have made my next goal 30 days...My birthday is next Sunday so instead of getting totally wasted, I will have a lunch and go to the beach. The hardest part is the first 3 days after that it slowly gets better. I sleep so much better as well. If you pondering about going AF, go for it there is nothing to loose. It is not easy but well well worth it...Will keep you posted on my progress. Thnaks guys for the support. I could not do this without MWO.


      New here!!!!!!

      :yougo::yougo:CONGRATULATIONS ON ONE WEEK AF!!!!:yougo::yougo:

      You are doing GREAT. Congratulations on your progress. Keep up that determination to be unhung each and every Monday (and all days ) week after week.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        New here!!!!!!

        Thank you..I will give it 100%..I will always remember how I felt at my that worth it for an alcoholic haze...NO...I have an addictive personality and have realised that...I dont want to ruin my gaines by getting in an alchol haze followed by hangover and self pity...i feel so much better, would i still want a drink...yes...but it is a craving ....and that goes away....i just want the strength to continue and goal is now 30 days...


          New here!!!!!!

          Day 9..
          I have made it to 9 days without AL. This is the first time in 20 years...I feel weird in away, sobriety is scary..I have used AL as a security blanket in so many situations. To cover up my shyness, to get dutch courage and to get more confidence etc....I feel naked in away..I feel so better though. I can not emphatize how much better I sleep. I used to have trouble sleeping, falling asleep for 3 hours straight (passed out I guess) then tossing and turning for the rest of the night. I used to get so tired, moody and irritable at at work. I am clamer, my anxiety is gone and my racing heart palpitations have also gone.. There are so many plusses that I can NEVER touch a drop of AL again or I will end up what I want to leave behind..Ok will keep you posted


            New here!!!!!!

            9 days is great. I think getting over the one week hump and going beyond is HUGE. :goodjob: I could have written this post when I was 9 days myself.. every word. You are doing wonderful keep it up. Facing life sober seams scary at first but the wonderful thing about it is there are so many rewards that you will uncover each day, month, etc... those gems I know I wouldn't have found unless I stayed sober. There is such hope for a healthy future now that I feel confident that I would be more scared facing the world with a false since of security AL brings. It's such a trick and a lie. Sounds like you've got your head around it that strange feeling will pass.


              New here!!!!!!

     are an inspiration over 1 yr AF!!! well you still cravings??my worry is how i will be able to handlw social situations suc h as xmas coming up...this is the worrrying part...i still feel that I will "miss out" if I dont have a drink on these occasions..I know that Imammnot missing out on anything but it is the association is a 20 yr habit that I have only broken for 9 days!!!!! Feeling good though.!


                New here!!!!!!



                My name is Sue and I read your post with awe and jealousy. I can't get passed day 1. Every morning I say the same thing - not drinking today and somehow I manage to go out and get a bottle of wine or two, hide it from my partner and get drunk. We end up having rows, I feel ill and don't go to work and then the spiral starts again. I am going to try today once again not to drink and was hoping that you would help me with your inspiration and maybe we could support each other through this. No-one knows that I drink, I hide it and the evidence and I feel so alone.


                  New here!!!!!!

                  Hey Sue... you are DEFINITELY not alone! :l

                  We all know about the daily promise to ourselves... and the daily disappointment. We all know the anxiety of having to get rid of bottles inconspicuously and the constant scope out for new hiding spots. Been there, done that. And worse.

                  A really great read is "Just like a swimming pool" in the General section. I remember when I first arrived here, I was TERRIFIED of going one or two days without alcohol. Well, maybe one was doable (if I felt really horrid the day after) but two seemed completely unattainable.

                  This is where ODAT (One Day At a Time) comes in, I believe. You don't have to look at tomorrow.. and if it's too much right now, you don't even have to look past lunch. Take it an hour or even a minute at a time. You can do this! If you have cravings right now, distract yourself... go for a brief walk, if you can. Make a cup of tea. Go eat something. Jump into the chat room, ask for someone to join you in the "Need Help ASAP" section. Anything, to get past that craving.

                  We're all here with you and we will NOT drink TODAY.

                  Wishing you much strength and success!
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    New here!!!!!!

                    White! You are rockin! Don't forget to visit us in the Nest!
                    -Cap'n G


                      New here!!!!!!

                      Day 10...AF.. 2 more days to the weekend. I must say this time around the weekend does not seem as such a big threat...We ae also driving north early saturday morning and I am returning Sunday night back home. So I am out od the house and out of routine..My birthday is Sunday but will have an AF lunch instead of boozy dinner....Let's see how it goes..

                      Kukani39...I totally feel for you as I in the same boat..I have a very addictive personality, have been a smoker and kicked that when I turned 40, 6 years ago soon..As you have read my posts, you would have noticed that I have been a nightly drinker for more than 20 years...It is not easy at all to stop or moderate.....I had to set a day and decided that that would be it.. I had a couple of valium pills that helped me through my first 3 days of drying out (be careful dont substitute pills for AL)..The first 3 days were the hardest..It is such a habit that you feel that you miss out if you don't have that drink, just like smoking.. It becomes your buddy and you comfort blanket..I bought bottles of diet sodas that I drink instead of AL...Is it easy, NO but each day is a step away from that hell AL gave me and my partner...Since giving up AL we have not had 1 argument, I am calmer and sleep better.. I visit this forum daily for support and guidance...Kukani perhaps you also could think of moderating??Personally I am the whole bottle or nothing so it does not work for me and I have realised that. I am more than happy to be ?our MWO quit drinking buddy!!!!!!!!!! Take it day by day, you will feel better and make your life hangover and guilt free..
                      Gregorino...Thank you and is the ""nest" a place I should visit now after 10 days??


                        New here!!!!!!

                        Day 11.

                        Friday has arrived but I am not too worried about it as I was a week ago. I am quite liking this actually. Lets see if I will "survive" the weekend..
                        Going away so will report back on Monday..Keep strong MWO readers and friends...


                          New here!!!!!!

                          Day 12..

                          Friday has been and gone. No AL and had pizza in front of telly..leaving for a 7 hour drive north this morning so out of normal routine and back tomorrow night...should be able to go AL for my second weekend.. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                            New here!!!!!!

                            Day 14...did i survive my birthday weekend AF NO!!!!! Got drunk on chmapgane and then it went on to is Monday and will have to start All over again...I will no let mysepf feel as a failure as I did so well for almost 2'weeks.and I did not find it too hard.I am not feeling hangover as I was monitoring my here we go again


                              New here!!!!!!

                              White or health, just count your AF days as opposed to drinking days - you've done great! And instead of continuing drinking you're right back here - that way you'll be back on track quickly. Good on you!!!
                              IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!

