Got drunk last night - 3 glasses of wine at home, decided I was lonely and bored after a long day of study (I'm an graduate student of acupuncture) so rode my bike to a nearby bar and had 2 pints. Wine and beer is queer, for sure. So pedalled around town after for about an hour late into the night.
God has been good to me and I've never had a DUI (which would keep me from getting licensed), no smashups, no injuries, never got fired, though have gone to work feeling pretty crappy. Hubby still loves me. I didn't get pulled over, though I was having a tough time holding my handlebars steady. No one harassed me (I'm in a major city), no injuries, and foolishly, no helmet. Just the memory of being out of control. On my little red bicycle.
What an idiot.
I'm supposed to be learning how to help others take care of their own health and I'm failing at helping myself. I'm within a year of graduating, so the stakes are getting higher, and I'm scared. I need to get myself together on so many levels and I'm scared I'm not up to it.
Thanks for listening!