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My Story

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    My Story

    Hello everyone. I am totally new to this site and stumbled upon it because I was searching the internet for answers to what causes a person to drink too much. It is so much easier to confess to people whom I've never met then to those I already know. I left my husband nine years ago and was looking forward to starting a brand new life. I began a very rewarding, but tough college education. I went in to a major college debt of about sixty thousand dollars, as most do, because most of us don't have that kind of money lying around. I am currently withstanding the stress of looking for a better job so I can begin paying it back and so I can enjoy a life above the poverty line.

    Everything started out great. I enjoyed my classes and my instructors immensely. However, somewhere along the way, about two years into it I began to feel very isolated and alone because of the immense hard work and discipline it took to succeed. I quickly developed no social life and began to feel like I was in a rut. I started to drink at night and on week ends to escape the depression from the isolation. I never told anyone how I was feeling. I never got extremely drunk, but I drank enough to come very close at times. I ws even buzzed at times while doing homework. However, I saved a majority of the drinking for the nights that I blew off the homework until the next day.

    In the last few years I had some major heartaches and setbacks. I lost my father from complications of a stroke and also a good friend who died from an instantaneous heart attack because he was addicted to pain pills. He was only thirty-nine years young. Within six months of these two miserable events, my eight month old granddaughter was diagnosed with a very rare form of brain cancer. Surgery removed sixty percent of it, but she still faced a good years worth of chemo. Fortunately she is recovering beautifully and the doctor stopped the treatments. Just this week she had the medaport in her chest surgically removed. Anyway these things only added to my depression of course and I ended up taking a semester off. It was just too difficult to concentrate.

    Looking back at all of this,except for there before the grace of God go I, I sometimes wonder how I made it through. Now that I've graduated I'm getting ready to go to Oregon and visit my mom and brothers and sisters in Oregon for about a week during the first part of October. I seriously need a change and the visit will be good for me. I can stop drinking for a few days at a time and even feel good about it, thinking I'm going to stop, but then I always end up doing it again for days and sometimes weeks. It's strange because I don't go into drunken stupors. I just like that strong buzz and I can't seem to put it down for good. I seriously want to stop, but it's so hard to just give it up completely. Sometimes when I'm alone I cry because I don't always know what to do with myself. I often even cry myself to sleep at night weather I've been drinking or not. I'm excited to be here and receive support. Please help. I really need someone to talk to. Thanks!

    My Story

    Hey! Just wanted to welcome you to MWO! also, you are very brave for opening up your heart on here. Inal so sorry to here about your heart ache. Your trip will be great for you and may give you some time to get your head together and have A think about a few things. There is a tool box thread on this site(sorry I don't have the link for it but I am sure someone will come after me on here with it) which will help you male a plan to keep sober. You have come to the right place! Hang in there! Ben
    ?I thought I'd begin by reading a sonnet by Shakespeare, but then I thought, why should I? He never reads any of mine.?


      My Story

      Welcome! There is so much support here.
      Glad you found us!

      Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


        My Story

        Hi Serenity welcome to this forum. We are here to help you and you have found the right place. You need to set up a support team both online and offline. Read the and set up a plan and then stick to it.

        Day 121 af
        I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

        Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

        Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


          My Story

          Thank you for your welcoming notes. I plan to visit as often as I can. And now, on to the tool box. Thanks, Drifty. See you all in the threads.



            My Story

            Hi Serenityluv (I love that screen name!) and :welcome:

            I hope you found the Toolbox already, but in case not, here is a link:

            Congratulations on your graduation. What field are you in? I just returned to school this semester myself at 53. It's quite an adjustment!

            I hope you enjoy your family visit, and can make some firm decisions about your relationship with AL. For me, it just kept getting worse and worse until I finally stopped. It was hard, but the best thing by far that I have ever done for myself. That and quit smoking.

            Strength and hope to you,

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              My Story

              Hi Serenityluv,

              Welcome to MWO, this is a good place

              Congrats on your graduation! I hope you can relax & enjoy visiting your family for a while.
              I have to tell you unresolved depression got me into drinking way too much too. And of course the more you drink the more depressed you become..... There was also a killer case of anxiety for me as well.

              I hope you get a chance to download the MWO book from the Health store here on the website. It may help answer some questions for you.
              Getting my depression under control really helped me realize that I wanted to go AF. Tried Rx antidepressants & failed but have had success with an OTC called Amoryn. Like Doggygirl I felt so good when I quit drinking I ended up stopping smoking too - a real blessing.

              I hope we can help you find your way out
              Wishing you the best!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

