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Week one AF

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    Week one AF

    Last night and tonight were tough but I surfed the urges and resisted the temptation. Realized the really strong urges came when I was hungry, so will try to make certain I am not hungry, alone, lonely, or tired.

    My Life, thanks for the video of the musician who stopped drinking -- very helpful

    Free at Last
    "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

    Highly recommend this video

    July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last

    Week one AF

    Hello Free,

    I think we're on the same day. In these early days it really is just taking it one day at a time. My only strength right now is that I've done several 20+ days and a 43 day AF since November this year, so I know it will get easier. My goal this time is to make it past 90-days. I want to see if it's true what the video said - that this craving for AL will just go away.

    Let's try to find out together maybe?! I am glad Friday/Saturday are over - the first weekend is the worst! Hope you have a fantastic AF Sunday.


      Week one AF

      Thanks, My Life. I decided morning of Sept 11th, watching the family membes of all those who had ost their lives, that I should try to live mine, rather than be numb from alcohol. Today is another tough one for me, a party that I am hosting. Will check in later tonight.
      Free at Last
      "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

      Highly recommend this video

      July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


        Week one AF

        Hello Free,

        I am sure you can do it. You made it through Friday and Saturday, so let your resolve be "bulletproof" like the guy in the video. I found that video very helpful too.

        I felt so awful on Sept 11th after drinking too much on Saturday night that sitting there in my misery watching all the horrible footage about 10 years ago I decided to do something about it. We can do this!


          Week one AF

          Mylife - just wanted to say hi - it's great to see you back!

          free at last - you can do this. Your idea of not letting yourself get hungry, angry, lonely or tires (H.A.L.T.) is a good one.

          Mylife - it took longer than 90 days in my case, but I can tell you that the compulsion to drink has completely left me, and has been gone now for quite some time. That DOES happen. What a relief! The only way to keep it going this way (for me) is to stay AF. It IS freedom!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Week one AF

            Thanks so much DG. It's great to hear from you.

            I'm so discouraged with this disease I just don't know what to do. I've told myself "just get to 90 days" and then worry about it....

            Thanks for the info - I just know it will go away eventually. I just am an impatient person in general and can't believe this is so hard to do. :thanks:


              Week one AF


              Happy to see you again!
              May I just add something to what DG said?
              Use the Hypno CDs. I believe they really helped change my thinking, conscious & subconscious thinking & thoughts of AL slowly but surely disappeared

              Best wishes to both of you!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Week one AF

                Free....fantastic keep it up! May I also ask what this video of the musician is about? Keep it up!
                ?I thought I'd begin by reading a sonnet by Shakespeare, but then I thought, why should I? He never reads any of mine.?


                  Week one AF

                  Free ,well done on your continued progress its a hard road but well trodden by successful people before you, keep at it and keep posting and letting us know how you are getting on no matter what is happening,We have all been/are there. :-)

                  :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                  Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                  I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                  This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                    Week one AF

                    Thanks Lav. I have used the CD's in the past - I'm not very suggestable, but they definitely were relaxing. I also think I made a mistake in ordering the Moderation instead of the Abstinence CD's so maybe I'll try that route. (I got them when I first ordered the book)

                    Geek - this video is something that was posted by another member, but it really made me realize if you put your mind to it you can do anything. Here's the link.

          [/video]]How I quit drinking and smoking. - YouTube

                    Thanks for the words of wistom Mario!
                    Have a great AF day all.


                      Week one AF

                      Hi all, giving an honest progress report. I managed to resist wine for the first 1.5 hour of my dinner party but when I picked up what I thought was my glass of seltzer water and took a sip of what turned out to be white wine, I lost all resistance and ended up moderately drinking Sunday night. Returned to AF life on Monday, but lost the will power at a cocktail party last night. Decided I'm still considering Sept 11 as my stop date, but with two blips. Just ordered supplements and today I will not drink. Thanks for the encouragement. Will post at end of week 2.
                      Free at Last
                      "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                      Highly recommend this video

                      July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                        Week one AF

                        Hi Free.

                        I understand. I also slipped on Sunday. I also made a resolve to myself that if I slipped ONE MORE TIME I was going to a Dr. and I did. And I'm getting a shot of Vivitrol next week. She says that it has dramatically reduced cravings in her patients and she has two women who never were able to get more than a week or two of sobriety who are now on day 50 and 90. So, I'm going to give it a shot. (Literally!)

                        I'll keep you posted.


                          Week one AF

                          My Life,
                          We are on this path together. I have a hard time with any kind of medication (an antihistamine knocks me out). I read someone's post today about considering treating this disease the same way a diabetic would treat his/her condition. If I were diabetic, I would not buy a bag of sugar every night. Trying hypnosis, visualization, meditation, and anything that I can to "not drink today." Best of luck with the shot.
                          Free at Last
                          "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                          Highly recommend this video

                          July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                            Week one AF

                            Thanks Free. We are on this path together. And I know we can do this!

                            I live with a diabetic (my husband) and I have very often compared my disease to his! If you have ever known a diabetic - they are constantly tempted by foods that they know they cannot have and it is a daily battle for them. Some handle it well, but the majority do not - my husband included. Many times I feel guilty that all I have to do is give up this one thing and I'll be okay - he doesn't have that option.

                            I am planning to be AF through next week when I get the shot - my cravings usually get bad around the end of the first week AF so hopefully this will get me through that rough spot. I'm determined!


                              Week one AF

                              My Life, just checking in to see how you are doing. Haven't seen any posts lately.
                              Free at Last
                              "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                              Highly recommend this video

                              July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last

