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    Hi all !
    Was MEANT to find this site! Found it quite by chance, about a week ago whilst travelling overseas, have been reading the posts, etc. and have been excited by what I have experienced so far. However, have been pussy-footing around, am still not quite ready to totally ' bare my soul'. But am feeling very comfortable and full of anticipation about the support and help I will receive from you all, and hopefully one day I will be able to help too. Have just never had anyone to confide in, without feeling shame/embarrassment/guilt/stigma:new: !
    {Have ordered the book, but probably won't arrive till after the Festive Season}

    Any other old fogies out there, like 60+, who have been out of control for yonks & yonks, with a spouse who tries to control, with threats, which has worsened the situation actually, despite the fact that I would be traumatized if the threats were carried through! It's like I've been on a Kamikazi path, not knowing how to rescue myself.

    Thanks, In Anticipation


    Hi In Anticipation & :welcome:

    I'm not 60 +, but have been out of control for yonks and yonks. I have a partner who loves me dearly & threatens regularly, any way I found this site 5 weeks ago and haven't been drunk since.

    I still drink but in moderation..........

    This site is amazing, there are so many supportive people here.

    All the best & let us know how you get on.

    Love & Hugs, Paula :h :l :h



      Thks so much Paula for your instant response.
      Love & Hugs to you too



        I'm sure that you'll get lots more welcomes as soon as they come on line.

        As for the feeling shame/embarrassment/guilt/stigma, We have ALL been there, and it's strange but after a few days cutting down you feel so much better, the people here really do understand how you feel.

        Even more Love & Hugs, Paula :h :l :h



          Hi In Anticipation

          Welcome aboard... I'm glad your here... I'm a Queenslander too....

          This site has meant so much to me in so many different ways... The support and friendships I have gained here will remain in my heart and soul and carry me for the rest of my life.

          You too will find this site of invaluable support...

          Please keep coming back and I look forward to catching you in chat sometime..


          Failure is not the falling down... it's the staying down



            Dear Wattle,
            Thank you so much for your response. It's so encouraging and makes me feel not so alone in my misery/guilt, etc.
            Haven't even read the book, but I'm hooked, reading everyone's success stories, etc. etc. etc.
            Am still finding my way rojnd the site and haven't found out how to get into a "Chat" scenario, but will spend more time, researching.
            Also want to find out more about inserting the Smilies and I believe there is on-line counselling available. Have you or any others used this ?
            Gotta run now, we are off to dinner - aargh, I have decided I won't have a drink, but it will be such a boring evening without the company of alcohol!
            Take care everyone as the Silly Season progresses
            In Anticipation



              Hi In Anticipation,

              I'm not 60+ but have been drinking for yonks and yonks and pretty much out of control for the same amount of time. I had a partener that thretened and carried through and it is devestating but it did give me the push I needed to clean up my act and this site is just unreal. Started on the programe 23 days ago and haven't had a drink since. You are in the right place my friend stick with it, it will change your life. I'm in Sydney Australia so we are neighbours!!! Merry Christmas. Kim
              Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!



                Anticipation.....I don't know whether you need to be 60 plus (had to write that as I can't find the little sign on my keyboard) to be able to empathise with your situation.....I am 36, but have 60 plus (god danngit! Where is that key) brain cells(ish) ....but Im still able to tick all the boxes next to the problems you have experienced....

                Three cheers for your wandering fingers...they have taken you to the right front door, without a doubt.
                Support, advice, and LOTS of really genuine love from a lot of people who get where you're at!!! Stick with it ......You sound keen, so hold that really is a mindset thing....
                I want to join in with the neighbours thing, but i am the arch enemy in Kiwi-a-go-go land (although if it makes you feel better....I'm sick of the All Blacks as well!!!) Happy Holidays Anticipation. Melon



                  Hi Boycie !
                  Nice to know I am not alone anymore !!!
                  Thks so much for your encouraging words & advice.
                  Wow 23 days - that's quite an achievement with the Silly Season upon us.
                  You have a great one & thks once again
                  In Anticipation
                  PS Forgot to report I survived dinner last night, with everyone else getting "ps'd" and hogging the conversation. Quite interesting to observe with a clear head



                    Thks so much for your encouragement. As you say, it is the understanding of where I am at, that I was craving from other people & not getting, until now.
                    Other half is a Kiwi, so we are sorted of related ! Until the All Blacks are playing !!!
                    Keep well over the Festive Season
                    In Anticipation



                      Hey!! Well done for the clear headed dinner...there's not much more annoying than the rambling drivel that people tend to spew forth after they've had a few is there...must have been nice to get up in the morning realising that YOU were the one who could tell all the embarrasing stories.....
                      Great start anticipation!!!.......weepommiekiwihead



                        Actually, after having re read a couple of my threads recently to check for typos before sending......I have realised that I actually spew forth a fair plateful of rambling drivel myself....and sober too Ho Hum pigs bum
                        So sorry can't even get away from it here!!! Happy hols Mr Aussie (now.....about those speedos.................)



                          Welcome In Anticipation,

                          Love that name! It took me awhile of lurking myself before I could start and share. Still working myself up to be brutally honest with everyone and myself. I have found everyone here very supportive. I have a husband who is passive aggressive about my drinking. Will come down in the morning and talk about how he had to turn everything off, where he found me sleeping and ask when I put my pajamas on. This is an annoying occurance.
                          I'm anticipating going alcohol free for a month on the first.

                          Welcome and keep reading and posting.
                          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



                            Hello IN ANTICIPATION,
                            I am not 60+, but I would one day like to be.
                            I found this place about 6 weeks ago, and I am a different person. It's good to have you here.:welcome:
                            Melon....your posts are always a pleasure to read. Thanks for 'spewing forth.'

                            If we all did the things we are capable of,
                            we would astound ourselves.
                            Thomas Edison



                              Sorry to confuse - I'm actually a female alco !
                              No I shouldn't say that. My hubby thinks I am, but I feel I have a problem drinking habit, which I have to correct and finally feel I am getting somewhere - thanks to all you wonderful people and this wonderful site !!!
                              I've been so sick of being told that I needed to get 'fixed up' - drinking-wise, psychologically. etc. I've tried but not succeeded, as yet.
                              Am very hopeful for future.
                              You have a peaceful Chrissy in Kiwiland
                              In Anticipation

