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    Hi Not Powerless !
    Love your name too & that's exactly how I am beginning to feel myself - confident that I now have proper tools to work with.
    My husband is passive for ages & then there's a huge aggressive outburst. We've been on a roller-coaster ride of threats of separation, my promising to mend my ways - succeeding for a while & then falling in a heap again - more aggression/threats.
    But there was never anything wrong with him or our relationship that had to be looked at !!!
    Am feeling gratitude for having found this site, absolutely quite by chance - didn't know anything like it existed.
    I've been AF for 4 days, but in our last agro discussions, said I would like a drink or two (only) for Christmas Day & New Year (his Birthday). Of course he thinks that's not necessary, so we are treading on eggs at the moment. However, think it will be OK, cause he is desperate too! With how to save the marriage I mean.
    Then, definitely will go on the 30 day stint. Have done 3 months before, but it's the getting back into social drinking without going overboard which is a problem for me ! And dealing with stress !
    Perhaps we can support each other through January and into Feb ?

    Till next time, I/A



      Hi Paul !
      Thks for your welcome and your kind words.
      You already feel like a friend, cause we have just spent a month in Edinburgh, & travelled into the countryside as much as we could. Loved it !
      Hope you have a wonderful Chrissy and keep off the wonderful Scottish Whiskey !!!
      In Anticipation




        Sorry Anticipation...I often have a problem with gender....I call all babies and dogs he, and it looks like I've started doing it to humans too....sorry for not noticing the breasticles!!! Keep posting MISSUS .....great to meet your xmas hotter than here??? We have had very unsettled weather recently and are sooooo hoping to make it to the beach tomorrow....I may well be swimming in my sou'wester!!! Have a good one....hugs, the waterloggedmelon



          My son works in a whiskey bottling plant and has given me some quite expensive and rare bottles which I keep at the bottom of my wardrobe. I have had them for a couple of years and for some reason, I have no idea why, I have never had any intention of touching them.....that's wierd isn't it?????



            Hi anticipation,

            Not 60+ but getting close. I'm new to the site too. 10 days. And either not drinking or just a glass. Not bad after 30 years non stop.
            The beauty of this site is you bare as much as you feel comfortable. No one here judges you or tries to pry.
            There's no way for example I'd take myself to an AA meeting, but here I feel quite safe.

            You'll make friendships and receive heaps of support here, and every person here knows and understands what you're going through. Hell of a time for you to start though.
            There's lots of Aussies on the site too. I'm from NSW.
            So, welcome, enjoy your stay.



              Hi In Anticipation.....I am 50+ so not that far behind you and looking forward to being alive when I reach retirement age. There is a slight language barrier I've found, but with just a very little thought you can figure the meaning. Best of luck to you and each and every one of the rest of you, Love, My

