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More depressed as you get older

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    More depressed as you get older

    hi , I have posted here before . I realize that the older I get and still drink , the more depressed I get along with worrying . I have a great GF, retired early but still need to work, I am healthy, but when I drink I feel like killing myself. I would never do it, tried along time ago.Alcohol is a deceiver, it will make you happy, then make you sad, I feel happy when not drinking, but still do, it is just a crazy thing. Ozzy Osbourne said it will grab ahold of you when you least expect it.

    More depressed as you get older

    Hi spider and welcome back. Ozzie was right. At least in my case he was right. It grabbed me and wouldn't let go. The only way to break free was to stop drinking. Thank goodness there is a solution.

    You are not alone.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      More depressed as you get older

      Hey spiderweb! yup it does grab you Into it's clutches, sneaky bugger huh! I found as I have got older(only bleedin 28lol.) the hamgovers are ten times worse. Why do we or why did we do it a? And regarding the depression, well, at the end of the day alcohol is a depressant an at no point is it gonna make us feel on top of the world.(well apart from when you get to that tipsy state, but after that it all goes to shit), but the fantastic thing is Mr web is that it does not have to be like this. If we want it bad enough things can change. I get my inspiration from the wonderful people on here who post, not only the people who have been sober, but also those who are still in a constant battle. We can learn so much from each other and the support here is amazing. I would suggest that you check in every day, if not maybe try every other day and just read read read! Also post aswell as it's amazing how powerful it is to put your feelings on paper(well, computer screen), it's a great release...well for me it is. Spider, hang in there and I hope to see you around here a lot more. Take care buddy!!
      ?I thought I'd begin by reading a sonnet by Shakespeare, but then I thought, why should I? He never reads any of mine.?


        More depressed as you get older

        Hi spiderweb,

        Have you tried the Hypno CDs?
        I believe they really helped me to break the hold AL had on me. Think about giving them a try

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          More depressed as you get older

          Hey spiderweb! yup it does grab you Into it's clutches, sneaky bugger huh! I found as I have got older(only bleedin 28lol.) the hamgovers are ten times worse. Why do we or why did we do it a? And regarding the depression, well, at the end of the day alcohol is a depressant an at know point is it gonna make us feel on top of the world.(well apart from when you get to that tipsy state, but after that it all goes to shit), but the fantastic thing is Mr web is that it does not have to be like this. If we want it bad enough things can change. I get my inspiration from the wonderful people on her post, not only the people who have been sober, but also those who are still in a constant battle. We can learn so much from each other and the support here is amazing. I would suggest that you check in every day, if not maybe try every other day and just read read read! Also post aswell as it's amazing how powerful it is to put your feelings on paper(well, computer screen), it's a great release...well for me it is. Spider, hang in there and I hope to see you around here a lot more. Take care buddy!!
          ?I thought I'd begin by reading a sonnet by Shakespeare, but then I thought, why should I? He never reads any of mine.?


            More depressed as you get older

            Spider-- Are you the one who is in Nashville? I may have you confused with someone from there who likes music and Kid Rock-- if so -- so sorry! My dad who is now 78 had depression all his life but from 60 on it got much worse-- if it is untreated it will get worse and worse when you get older. He used to be able to function well with a job and all that-- he retired and does not do much of anything. He does exercise because he is a former athlete and somewhat vain (hee) but I knwo he has gotten much sicker-- and that is with no booze at all. I think we all recall when Al made us feel good and we chase it. At a certain point-- we will never ever get that feeling back without all the problems. We may not hit the skids everytime we drink but it is always waiting there. And also-- Ozzie was drinking up until not too long ago even though he knew he should not-- when Sharon had cancer he was hitting the red wine from what I recall-- so it si sort of do what I say and not what I do. Good luck-- hope it all works out


              More depressed as you get older

              I totally get this Spider - I am only 37 but in the last few years I have hit some really low points after drinking a lot over months at a time. Earlier this year I was on anti-depressants for a time but have now stopped taking them. I'm not sure if they helped but the drinking certainly didn't!

              I find that often when I drink now, I often wake in the night or early morning feeling very anxious, I have frequent thoughts/fears of death and I sometimes think about self harming or suicide (I have only hurt myself once and not very badly and I wouldn't actually go through with topping myself before anyone rushes to track me down and have me sectioned!). When I am sober and ok, these thoughts couldn't be further from my mind. Just goes to show how powerfully AL can affect our minds and mental/emotional well being.


