43, married, two kids, successful business owner. Since 21-23 y/o, I've been a habitual drinker. Occasional knock down drag out drinking binges with buddies, but that's not common and mainly it's my nightly routine that I feel is problematic. 1-1.5 bottles of red wine/night, starting at 6PM or so as I help with dinner, or make dinner (I love to cook, and eat

A week ago I started the HCG diet; I have about 30-35lbs to lose. It's a super strict, low calorie regimen that actually works, though controversial. On it, you can't drink, and I take an HCG injection every morning, and under doctors supervision is a bit pricey. I chose the diet for its effectiveness, strictness and supervision.
I do struggle in the evening with not having my old friend next to me, usually a bottle of Rodney Strong or the like. Not the shakes or anything, but it just feels 'weird'.
I'll be on this diet for 40 days and while I've heard of people cheating, I want to prove to myself I can go this entire stretch w/o cheating. I drink so much damn green tea now its ridiculous. LOL. I also now take melatonin so I can sleep, as I used to rely on the wine to put me down.
Anyway, two questions:
- Does my behavior classify me as an alcoholic? Obviously not the kind that you see in the street with a paper bag full of mad dog begging for money, and while it impacts my next day, I still hit it pretty hard and achieve a lot.
- Is it unrealistic to think that I can go to just 1-2 drinks per night after I go through this purging? I am hopeful that starting a gym routine will have me more in a health mode and I relegate drinking to an after dinner activity after I have food in my belly.
Thanks all!