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Can I have a Buddy Please?

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    Can I have a Buddy Please?

    Hi there, I am struggling to even start this AF route and feel I would fare better if I had someone in the same (ish) boat to start out with, I currently drink between 1 and two bottles of wine a night (ashamedly admit) and desperately want/need to quit

    Thanks in advance x
    Taking it ODAT

    Can I have a Buddy Please?

    Hey there!
    I can tell you that you are certainly not alone - we are all here trying to accomplish the same thing. Are you able to go into chat? There is a lot of support there. Write back and we will help you out :l


      Can I have a Buddy Please?

      I tried to go to chat. No one is there. Sorry mauritiusdodo. Do you have a nickname?


        Can I have a Buddy Please?

        Why don't you drop in the Newbies Nest - there is someone new starting there almost everyday.
        We all understand what you are going through right now ~ have been there & done it, so to speak.

        Is there anything in particular you need help with? Feel free to PM me. I was a heavy wine drinker too - know all about it

        You can do this!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Can I have a Buddy Please?

          Hi everyone, sorry i had to take a phone call last night and never got back on here, i appreciate the offers to chat and would love to later if anyone is available?

          Lav thank you i will pm you later and I am going to keep popping into the newbies nest too.

          I am going to go out to the library this morning and get as many books on my problem as i can and start reading, I really need to get a plan together before i try and quit this time because i just don't have what it takes to do it alone and i know that I am so ashamed of myself and fed up :blush:
          Taking it ODAT


            Can I have a Buddy Please?

            A Huge Hello Mauri
            Remember me, we used to talk here round February this year I have really missed you - how are you dear friend, so good to have you back - hey don't worry, we are all in the same boat, and are all trying to do the same thing, so hang with us, I am so very happy you are back and look forward to our fabulous chats. First of all realise, what a fabulous, unique person you are, and then we can go from there. Don't be hard on yourself (ever), take one day at a time and take baby steps, you know if we do, it makes things so much easier, we are our own worst critics, and I truly believe we have to stop, and think about it and yes, learn to love ourselves and accept that we are not perfect. No one is! And never will be, but with the help of all the people who love and care for us we can achieve everything in this life we want to. So my dear friend, stay with us and let's all help each other. And remember always be kind to yourself (and others) and Love and Sunshine Always Kaza xx
            Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


              Can I have a Buddy Please?

              Hi Kaza, of course i remember you :l thank you for your lovely post, i look forward to catching up with you too x
              Taking it ODAT


                Can I have a Buddy Please?


                Ditto what Kaza said. I am 14 days into my 4th try since starting out here in 2009 so I'm not new to the experience of trying yet again (and again). Hang in there and stick with us - I found when I didn't come here, it was easier to pick up that bottle and start right back down the same road I've been on so many times before. Do whatever think will work for you. For me, the biggest thing was to get ALL THE AL out of the house. That way I wasn't tempted. If it was here, I would drink it. Then I just had to find the willpower to drive right by those liquor stores.

                So far so good - I'm trying and I know I'm not perfect and I also know if I fall again, there will be friends here who will pick me right back up and encourage me to start all over again.

                We are a true work in progress - any help I can give you please just ask. I know it's hard and like Kaza said, please don't be too hard on yourself. It didn't take us 1 day to get to the level of drinking we were at during our worst so it surely will take more than 1 day to get back to where we want to be.

                Here's a big :l for you Mauri - so glad you are back!
                Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                  Can I have a Buddy Please?

                  Thanks Jolie, it is good to know i have support from all of you, and that makes so much sense that it will take time to get back to 'normal'
                  Taking it ODAT


                    Can I have a Buddy Please?

                    eee bah gum... well im from reet up north like yersel........ just very near you on north west coast...... but ah can talk reet yorkshire if ya want me to...... ive got down to once a week drinking (binge) but i was nightly 1-2 bottles. whatever before i passed out.... so im here you girl. come on ... show your big fat northern boots.xxxx.......
                    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                    Keep passing the open windows


                      Can I have a Buddy Please?

                      LOL hiya spuddleduck! My hubby loves to take the mick out of my yorkshire accent - he is from over the border in Lancashire!

                      Not doing well at all have yet to get off the starting block, feeling a cold coming on today though so that could be the push I need!
                      Taking it ODAT


                        Can I have a Buddy Please?

                        atishooooooooooooo....... ooooo. sneezy me im allergic to me....... hows the dales..... us in lakes are splendid n sunny
                        Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                        Keep passing the open windows


                          Can I have a Buddy Please?

                          A big hello to you Mauri dear friend, Crunch, Gotta Stop, Jolie and Lav, here's hoping you all had a fantastic day and are looking forward to a great and relaxing weekend. Mauri it would be great if you checked in with the Underoos too, My Happy Place is there (remember the three of us used to chat - h'mm you both saw me through Cyclone Carlos)! Well Cyclone season is almost here again and they predict a worse cyclone season than last year (which by the way all you Possumbottoms, is pretty scary when the weather man gets it right hey? Normally they are not right, however, they did get it right for the NT during the last Wet. Hey Mauri, I still lash out and get my eyelash extensions -Mr K reckons he gets windburn - toooo funny!! Anyway I know you are on a different time zone but just needed to touch base and say welcome home, stay with us, be kind to yourself, take care and as always Love and Sunshine Kaza xx
                          Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                            Can I have a Buddy Please?

                            Ok I have ordered the Jason Vale book, it should be with me in a couple of days, I have been doing rubbish as usual with no real plan or props to help me start so hopefully this will give me a base to start from...
                            Taking it ODAT

