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    Hi Everybody

    Thanks Tech. My poor Yankees. *Wipes a tear*
    Noxy, it has been interesting with my "Dopamax".
    Initially I had headaches, tingling in my hands and feet (which was cool) and difficulty with word recall. Not as quick on the upshot, know what I mean? And my hair changed texture although I initially blamed this on a bad dye job. Not so.
    If I forget to take it or run out, I get super irritable, and I get like a waterlogged feeling in my head. (I really feel like there is water in my skull). After I resume it, slight headache again but it goes away pretty quick.
    I started on 25 and gradually increased to 225 a day. I take 100 in the am and 100 on the evening. I found that I need something in the afternoon so I added a 25 at lunch. I used to take 300 a day but backed off because I tapered up too fast.
    The side effects do subside and level off. Many people take much higher doses for seizures and say it all goes away.
    The best side effect is the weight loss.
    I'm sure there's more, I'll post it when I think of it.
    Hope that helps! Hang in there!!
    Day 1 again 11/5/19
    Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
    Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
    Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
    11/27/19: messed up but back on track
    12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

    One day at a time.


      Hi Everybody

      Hi nursie. Thanks for your quick response ! I may give the topa another chance ... Wieght loss. Sounds interesting !!! I remember all carbs tasted weird !! Will keep following your progress ! Thanks again ! From noxy x


        Hi Everybody

        Hello Nursie

        Hello Nursie,
        I wanted to say hello and welcome you , I am also new here and I am also a nurse and a mother. I have been on for two days. the stories are very interesting and I can relate. I only posted a piece of my story because I am not ready to talk about it. I have never harmed anyone, I am killing myself slowing with every drink that I consume. From the inside out. I have four children, my oldest daughter has asked me. "When do you think that you will stop drinking beer and smoking cigs." today is day 2 for me that I have not had a beer and I am excited. I have gone through this before where I would stop drinking feel great and think that I can have a social drink. Not the case, I hope that we can communicate on this site as well as with others who are going through the same things that I am. Last night I was sweating I had hives and I was coughing all through the night terrible feeling, this morning I am better. take care and good luck with your sobriety


          Hi Everybody

          :welcome::welcome: Hello Nursie. There are lots of people here that will offer support and advice as you begin your journey. Yell out anytime you want and someone will be there for you. I am still learning and are notching up more and more AF days. I have found a plan absolutely necessary for when mr AL taps you on the shoulder. For me, a can of coke,opened, is a good one to help with saying no!! There are lots of tools to help in that section Good Luck:welcome:


            Hi Everybody

            Thank you Sil and Boozer.
            Yes Sil, let's keep in close touch as we have so much in common. I had the same symptoms except for the cough. Somebody said to get to a sauna though I didn't get the chance. Lots of hot steamy showers to flush out the toxins. Are you taking supplements? A couple more days and the fog will lift.

            Boozer, it's amazing how much anxiety lifts once I actually have something, anything in my hand. Water, tea, soda, olive oil I don't care!!!! Lol
            Day 1 again 11/5/19
            Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
            Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
            Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
            11/27/19: messed up but back on track
            12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

            One day at a time.

