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Inquiry into meds

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    Inquiry into meds

    Wonderful site, and a great community you all have here. Myself am a recovering alcohol and drug dependent. While I was able to get past the smoke with less than full damage to my family in the last year, I have not had success with ditching the alcohol completely. Still too many urges. Still a few too many binge nights/days and it does take its toll as you all know.

    My question to a few of you who have been on this site for awhile is 'Would Bac be an option for someone who can't get past that last hurdle'? I don't drink nearly as many beers as I used to for many years, average around 8 a week now... down from 60+. But, that uncontrollable urge does take me now and again.

    From what I've read on this site and some others it appears that too many meds seem to have had a fifty fifty miss ratio. Bac appears to have everyone's attention right now and I have not read as many posts of people relapsing on Bac than on some of the others mentioned. Now, just because people aren't posting their failures here does mean they aren't occurring and I fully realize that. And it seems some of the SE's get people by going up too fast. I'm not in a hurry, so that is not an issue for myself.

    Definitely stressed in family life right now, so the help with anxiety which leads me into a 'bad choice day' appears to make the bac a choice for me. I've never used any meds for assistance with alcoholism before, so this would be a first for me. Do the people using bac currently believe it would be something fine to try for a first time medication attempt?

    Thanks in advance for any input some of you may have. Since I'm new I posted it here, should I move this into the Medication section?

    Need to make a change toward control

    Inquiry into meds

    Hi and welcome, Enigma. I would definitely copy and paste your post into the meds section. Some people will post here, but the people who know the most about meds might not find it under this tab. I've not used bac, but there is a wealth of information in the meds section. There's also a ton of stuff in the Tools section under Monthly Abstinence I believe. Best of luck. Lots of good support here - so stay close and read as much as you can fit into your schedule!


      Inquiry into meds

      Thanks UnWasted, I've moved it over to the meds section. Appreciate it.
      Need to make a change toward control


        Inquiry into meds

        Hi, Enigma

        I've responded to the thread you posted in Meds.
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009

