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    I'm a 33 yr old unemployed, single guy with a history of alcohol/drug and psychiatric problems. My most recent problems started last year when I was promoted to a high paying job in Hawaii. It was a dream come true. I had tons of money and lived in paradise. It seamed like a great time to ubruply stop taking my antidepressant and mood stablizer while increasing my use of coke/marijuana and alcohol. Sounds like a good idea right? I spiralled out of control into depression, anger, paranoia, insomnia, anxiety, panic, etc. In retrospect I should have hospitalized myself. I took a leave of absence and returned to Pennsylvania. I was too embarassed and emotionally unstable to return so I was laid off...

    I haven't had any illegal drugs or alcohol since Febuary. However, even after returning on legal meds I was unstable and unhappy. I just knew that the medications aren't enough. Everyday was a struggle even on medication and not doing drugs/alcohol. I lived in a constant fear that everything would fall apart and eventually it did.

    Now, I decided to try baclofen. I ordered a bunch of it online and started taking it 3 days ago. I started at 80mg the first day. I didn't notice any side effects so I increased to 100mg day 2. I notice people writing about being tired but I just feel normal. Suprisingly "normal". I don't know if its a placebo affect but I like it! I'll take it!


    Matt, just wanted to say hi and welcome you. Sounds like you've got some good quitting motivation under your belt. You've found a great place with really supportive people. You'll want to copy and paste your post into the meds thread (link below). There are many there who have had great success with bac - and there's a wealth of information about balcofen.

    Topamax, Campral, Naltrexone, Baclofen, other meds - My Way Out Forums

    Best to you!

