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Trying this AGAIN

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    Trying this AGAIN

    This time I'm going to have a few more tools at my disposal. I started taking Kudzu yesterday and I'm waiting to get a Rx of Naltrexone. Does anyone have experience with using both? Will it be overkill? After taking Kudzu I felt a bit nauseous. I took 2 of the MWO Kudzu last night and 2 this morning. I don't know if its all in my head, but I really don't feel much of an urge to drink, probably becaue I'm feeling kinda nauseous. :H I also went to an AA meeting yesterday and today. I can't shake this feeling though that there's a craving lurking in the dark that will come out and attack me and I'll have no defenses. I'm really very tired of all the problems alcohol is causing me these days. The only good thing is that it makes me a bit more social but even that eventually turns to me being a little too social and saying/doign stupid things. Its just not working for me anymore. :upset:

    Trying this AGAIN

    Hi Lolo and welcome back.

    Sorry I can't help you with the meds or the kudzu, I'm sure someone will be along shortly with advice on them.

    Hopefully a read through the tool box link below may be able to help with those lurking carvings.

    J x
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Trying this AGAIN

      The only good thing is that it makes me a bit more social but even that eventually turns to me being a little too social and saying/doign stupid things. Its just not working for me anymore.

      So True!

      Welcome back lolo. I highly recommend reading Kick the Drink by Jason Vale. It has made the difference in my being able to stay sober. There's a disucssion of it in the General area entitled "This Book Will Change Your Life."

      Best to you.


        Trying this AGAIN

        Welcome back lolo,

        I didn't take kudzu - I was concerned about allergies.
        I personally think it's a good idea to take your supplements/meds with meals unless specifically directed not to do so. Think of a pill 'cushion'.

        Hope to see you in the Newbies Nest too!
        Wishing you the best!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Trying this AGAIN

          lolo - congrats on your decision! YOU WON"T regret it! The only regret you will have is if you don't do it NOW!

          I felt sick for the first week off and on. When you are detoxing ... you are doing JUST THAT ... detoxifying the poison out of your system. That alone can make you feel sick. The supplements can actually speed up that detoxing - so you can feel even more ill. Drink lots of water to flush everything ... and even some cranberry juice to help flush and yet keep your blood sugar up for the early withdrawal. Alcohol is a sugar - so you can really have some blood sugar drops in the early days. It's okay to replace those sugars with cranberry juice at first. As you get some AF time behind you -- you can start cutting the juice (sugar) - as to much "sugar" replacement can just leave you craving "sugar" (Which Alcohol is the MOTHER of all sugars!) Make sense?

          Hang in here. Let us know how you are doing. If I can do it - You can do it ... period!
          Put your hands over your heart - and tell yourself that you are going to guard this essence of who you are with everything. Alcohol opens us up to darkness and depression instantly. You choose love today. Guard it by keeping the poison out of your body. It IS poison.

          NF - May 2, 2013 (cig free Jan. 25, 2013)
          AF - July 31, 2013


            Trying this AGAIN

            Lolo - welcome back. Since you've been here before, you probably know your way around a bit. I just wanted to add a couple of words to what the others have said. Water with fresh lemon juice is very good to help you detox and make sure you're eating properly so you don't mistake hunger for a craving. Also, if you have one time of the day that is more difficult than others - the "witching hour" - plan activities that will keep you busy and away from AL or relaxed, such as listening to soothing music while taking a warm bath - light some scented candles to help the atmosphere. Or go for something more active to take your mind off of AL - like a good swift walk, a movie with a friend or tackling that closet you've been meaning to clean but haven't. Stick by MWO and read the posts. This is a thread that might give you some food for thought....


            Best of CAN do this.
            For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
            AF since 10/10/2015:yay:

