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I'm back

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    I'm back

    Well good morning all (and I can honestly say it's a good morning). I am now on day 3 of beeing alcohol free and I feel amazing.

    I first registered on this website back in 2009, with the intention of quitting or at least cutting back my drinking. Well I did manage to cut it back quite a lot, gone are the days of loosing time and not remembering the last hour or so before going to bed (well most of the time), but I am still a regular daily drinker, with the odd AF day a week (usually a Monday night after a bender of a weekend) and that's only to satisfy my husband that I don't have a problem - yeah right!.

    Anyway, no alcohol for me on Monday night had me waking up Tuesday still feeling a bit hungover but I think that was from the fact that I tossed and turned all night (guess it was because I didn't have something to "knock me out"). No alcohol last night - I was so tempted and was praying for my husband to to got the fridge to grab a beer so that I had an excuse to have a wine, but he didn't - and I'm proud to say NOR DID I!

    My hope is (like many others here) that I can become a social drinker - no longer drinking on my own. I know in my heart of hearts that's probably not going to be the case, but it's worth a try, if that doesn't work I know that I will have to abstain completely, but baby steps right?

    Tonight will be a test. We have no kids home, and usually that means hubby and I will usually either go out for dinner order takeout and watch a movie - this is almost always accompanied by alcohol (but usually in moderation). I am really hoping that my husband doesn't reach for that beer tonight - but if he does it will be intersting to see how I go - I really do want to just have one or two with him.

    Anyway - just wanted to start to put my thoughts down in writing.

    Take care all

    xxx Me

    I'm back

    Hello My New Life,

    Our names are similar! I chose mine thinking it's time to take responsibility for my life.

    I also came here planning to try modding eventually - and there have been a few people successful with modding - there is a mods section as well for that on this website.

    I also wished fervently for a long time to just be a social drinker - and somewhere along the way I have just decided it's not for me and I hope that I can be a non-drinker instead. There is a really good book by Jason Vale called "Kick the Drink Easily" that points out a lot of myths about social drinking and how much "fun" it really is. It's kind of made me realize I'm just addicted to Alcohol, and I really never wanted to drink socially - I just didn't want to give up my addiction.

    Whatever you decide, this is a great site and I wish you the best on your journey!


      I'm back

      Dear My New Life, and My Life,
      We are all in this together. I'm finding the cds helpful, especially after a long day at the office.
      Free at Last
      "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

      Highly recommend this video

      July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


        I'm back

        Arrrrghhhhhhhh husband 2 beers - me 6 wines!!!!!!!! Thank goodness for MWO stopping me from a 7th!


          I'm back



            I'm back

            My new life,
            I have been sharing my efforts this past year to become AF. Each month I seem to start anew--I have gone from a low of only 3 days in one month AF to a Sept high of 20 days AF (not in a row, but at least days with no alcohol). I was hoping to go all of Oct without a drink but succumbed to cravings on Monday night. So, we get up, start fresh and try to rack up consecutive days. Today is a new day. Get through this evening and check in with the site in the am, if that is helpful. Best wishes.
            Free at Last
            "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

            Highly recommend this video

            July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last

