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Sick of being sick

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    Sick of being sick

    New here-just wanted to share my story. I have tried
    to stay sober for years and have succeeded for
    10 months( the longest I've accomplished)
    I've struggled for years but am just now realizing
    how bad things have become. There is no denying
    that I am literally killing myself. I have a 22 year old
    daughter who needs me around. ENOUGH!
    Reading the posts here I know I don't need to go
    into detail about the stuff I've done. All of you know
    (and that's why this site is priceless) all about
    the shame, fear, and guilt that goes with drunkenness.
    We are all in this boat together. I intend to row
    my ass to a safe shore and stay there.
    Thank you all for being here.

    Sick of being sick


    You have lots of comapny here, we all understand
    What a great time to take control & show your daughter just how amazing you are!

    Make sure your plan addresses the triggers that make you drink.
    For me it was lonliness, feeling sorry for myself, self-medicating so to speak. You'll find lots of great ways to handle problems (before they even pop up) in the Tool box.

    Drop in the Newbies Nest too for more support!
    Yu can do this, we're here to help.

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Sick of being sick


      Welcome - you have come to a good place with lots of information and supportive people. I'd like to give you some links that will help.

      First, this is a link to the discussion of a book that helped me and others here stop drinking. I highly recommend reading Kick the Drink by Jason Vale. Here's the link:

      And, here is a link to the Toolbox, which I highly recommend too (be sure to scroll through the pages because stuff gets buried there):

      Best to you and way to go for thinking of your daughter. You will both be better off it you can get alcohol out of your life!


        Sick of being sick

        Ann, Welcome to MWO. You have taken the most important step.......admitted you have a problem with AL. You will find lots of really supportive people here who are at various stages to quit or control their drinking,many have stopped completely. Newbies Nest is a really good thread to hop into.:welcome:


          Sick of being sick

          Thanks Lav

          Thank you. I have so much good stuff in my life.
          I cannot spend another day on the couch unable
          to function. Cannot and will not.
          I've ordered the MWO CDs and milk thistle.
          Also today ordered new running shoes.Used to
          be a runner-will be again.
          My husband left me in 2006 and things have been
          downhill from there. I even started smoking again
          after 20 years smoke-free! Nuts.
          When I leave my office I pass all the bars my colleagues
          go to after work and believe me I've made a fool
          of myself in all of them. No more.
          I intend to buy a house next summer, and I intend
          to save $$$$$ for that partially by NOT drinking
          and smoking.
          My daughter is in the Navy. She is visiting in a month
          and I hope she will see how much better I am.
          Thanks to all.


            Sick of being sick

            Hey Unwasted

            As soon as I saw your recommendation about
            Kick the Drink I ordered it. It is on it's way and I'm
            very excited to get it.


              Sick of being sick

              Oh, hi Ann - I remember you now from another thread. I wasn't sure that you were really going to quit drinking from your other posts. Sounds like you've definitely made up your mind. So happy for you!


                Sick of being sick

                Yep-quitting for sure

                I am on day 6-feeling ok. I don't see an option
                about quitting or not. To drink is to die.
                It's really that simple. I can look ahead down that
                dark road and see the things to come if I don't
                stop now. I shudder at the thought.
                Something is different; that's how I feel right now.
                It's as if I've peeled away that last bit of denial
                in my brain and see clearly what I have to do,
                and what will happen if I don't. If I say " Oh I'd
                never drink every day" that may be true now
                bot won't be in the future. Stuff I said before I'd
                never do-I've done. And so it goes.
                Writing down the truth is also very helpful.
                Also trying to get rid of the envy of normal drinkers.
                Waste of energy-it's not me and never will be.


                  Sick of being sick

                  Hi Ann

                  I like the line you wrote

                  Writing down the truth is also very helpful.

                  I feel exactly the same..Keep going with your days AF - I'm glad for you that something is different, its sounds like 'better different'

                  Take Care


                    Sick of being sick

                    Ann, when you read the book you'll be able to completely change your thinking on envying other drinkers.


                      Sick of being sick

                      Hi Ann. Congratulations on making it 6 days~You've made it through the toughest part in my opinion...:goodjob:

                      You're so right...never did I think I would drink every day or even sometimes start in the morning (or I guess keep going - as I would take some to bed with me in case I woke up) but that's where I was. I read on this site awhile back that you have to be 100% committed, that often we feel that we are - and we actually are - 99%.... but that 1% is what we have to conquer before things "stick" sounds like you found your 1% and added it to the 99%...

                      I think it was a bit more eloquently put when I read it but I hope you get what I'm saying! :H

                      I'm only coming up on 3 weeks - this attempt - but I will say to keep in mind that it gets easier! Hang in there - you've got so much to motivate you!

                      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                        Sick of being sick

                        Hey I found the thread, can you believe it? :H


                        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011

