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Day 6 and feeling really low

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    Day 6 and feeling really low

    Mauri, I am with you, girl !!!

    I went cold turkey (no supplements or meds ) and unlike a lot of fellow travelevers to AF who were "elated, glad the fog has lifted, could not belive how much more they could get done" I was in a hole for a few weeks. And by that I mean depression, tiredness, feeling anxious or afraid at times. I felt so low I got scared. Then it dawned on me that I must be really dependant on AL if I got that strong a reaction.

    It passed in time ... the only thing that really helped has been paying close attention to my diet, making sure I ate small healthy meals often, no refined sugars, no junk .

    Pull through it, it is just a phase! No tough love here, just plenty of support.
    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


      Day 6 and feeling really low

      Maybe you are right Missy since I have failed yet again but thank you so much for your oh so very helpful post I hope you get something out of being nasty to someone who needs help I don't get people like you at all and I hope that karma truly exists....

      missyabby1;1192533 wrote: You and I started visiting this forum at the same time. I joined the meds thread, cos I wanted to try campral........and you hung around here. I came back today to see how you were doing. And I have on a regular basis. No sobriety from each of us........meds or not. I see you are being supported by a lot of people here.........that is good. the end our sobriety comes from within. I really hoped that with all the support you had here on this thread (and I was jealous) that there would be some resolution. You know what Mauri.......the only way to sobriety is taking responsibility for it. I really was gob smacked at your recent posts...and I would say to all of you who respect Mauri. stop supporting her in her drinking . It has been going on for nearly a year.has it worked? No I don't think so. Sometimes support is so, so enabling to people. Stop enabling this person to keep up her drinking.
      Taking it ODAT


        Day 6 and feeling really low

        Hi Mauri.
        Please dont let one persons words spoil the massive amount of support you have here.
        I have been here a long long time and I have seen so much support AND conflict, its just the nature of the beast. For me the continuous and unending support has changed my life and I will be forever grateful.
        Keep at it, dont stop using the good elements of this site
        Best wishes Starty.
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          Day 6 and feeling really low

          Thank you everyone, I have been thinking about this all day and I am not going to leave after all, I had never even heard of missyabbi before her post and she is far too insignificant to push me out of here ! I NEED you all and I WANT to beat this, I know I haven't been doing too good on this rocky road but I have been trying very hard and will continue to do so!

          Thank you so much my friends for your never ending support I can't begin to say how much it means to me :thanks:
          Taking it ODAT


            Day 6 and feeling really low

            Mauri, good for you. I've failed so many times, but I would NOT let someone's inappropriate post push me away from here if I felt I needed the support and wanted to stay. If we were all perfect and could put the alcohol down just because we should, we wouldn't be here. So glad you made the decision to stay. Just string together some af days and try. That's all you or any of us can do.

            Best to you.:l


              Day 6 and feeling really low

              Thanks unwasted :l
              Taking it ODAT


                Day 6 and feeling really low

                Dear Mauri, hang in there. You are worth it.

