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Sober Saturday night

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    Sober Saturday night

    Second sober weekend. I'm at home reading the
    book Kick the Drink. Makes perfect sense.
    I have not had a drink or a cigarette in 9
    days but I don't feel so great.
    Fatigue, strange pains. BUT I'm just going to keep
    going and see what happens. In the back of my
    mind I'm thinking maybe I quit everything too late;
    maybe I have something seriously wrong with me.
    Thanks all for being here

    Sober Saturday night

    Hi Anne, First sober (and nicotine free) weekend for me. Well done on 9 days. I don't know what happens as I'm not there yet, but sounds like your body may just be adjusting. Keep it up
    You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



      Sober Saturday night

      Ann, CONGRATULATIONS!!! Give your body time to unravel from the abuse. What you're feeling is pretty normal. Make sure you're feeding yourself well, drinking LOADS of water and get exercise and rest. Are you taking supplements? What we did to ourselves isn't easy to bounce back from so be patient. You're doing great!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        Sober Saturday night

        I really feel for you because I was there. I had about six weeks between my quits & I didn't start to feel 'normal' for quite a while. Do like greenie said - take real good care of yourself & you will come out of this, promise
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Sober Saturday night

          Hanging in there

          Thanks for the support. I'm just going to plod
          on, certainly not going to drink or smoke.
          I seem to be extremely thirsty and very tired.
          I had hepatitis C years ago and it felt bad like this.
          I'll give it some more time then have a liver
          panel done to ease my mind if necessary.
          I love the concept in Kick the Drink-that stopping
          drinking does not mean deprivation and/or
          missing out. On the contrary-oh please don't deprived
          me of feeling like hell and screwing up my life-
          Hahaha-nothing to miss about all that madness


            Sober Saturday night

            Well done Ann on your great achievement ..... GO GIRL....
            :dancin: enguin:
            starting over


              Sober Saturday night

              Ann, Well done Keep up the good fight!!! I gave up cigs 25 yrs ago and I still remember how really hard it was. But it can be done.I had a few slips on the way but eventually killed the craving. It just takes damn hard work. But WOW is it worth it. Its never to late. We cant change the past,but we can learn from it!! You sound as if you are doing really well. I have ordered the book,cant wait to read it. Started L Glutamine but to early to comment on whether it helps. Will post later.:goodjob:

