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Where Is Mauritiusdodo??

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    Where Is Mauritiusdodo??

    Just wondering if anyone has heard from Mauri since her last post, which was on Friday? She had 6 days AF and was struggling a bit but made it through. There was a very negative comment posted on her thread and I haven't seen her post since.....just concerned.

    Where Is Mauritiusdodo??

    Hi Winesucks, havent checked back but from what I remember Mauri mentioned not posting for a couple of days as away for the weekend. I reckon should be back tomorrow.
    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


      Where Is Mauritiusdodo??

      She had an anniversary weekend planned with her hubby. Hopefully we'll hear early this week?


        Where Is Mauritiusdodo??

        I am here, not staying though I have failed miserably, started drinking on my weekend away and not had an af day this weekend, I see that someone on here has seen fit so slate me and although I know that she has a point I can't handle being picked on on top of everything else

        Thank you to everyone who has given me so much support and guidance, I am going to keep on trying to sort my life out but going to have to do it alone, wishing you all well

        Tracy xxx
        Taking it ODAT


          Where Is Mauritiusdodo??

          Oh Mauri Love
          I am so sorry that you feel that way. I have been away from the boards for a little while and I have not kept up to speed, so I haven't seen the "very negative comment" that WineSucks is referring to . Please don't take whatever was said to heart my friend, stay with us, there are so many of us out there and we just have to stick together, no one has to do this alone, we are all there for each other, and I for one am so very happy that you came back, I missed you. So please don't stay away, I am so very sorry that a "negative comment" was posted and which has upset you. So dear friend, be kind to yourself and Love and Sunshine Always Kaza xx
          Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


            Where Is Mauritiusdodo??

            Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

            Harriet Beecher Stowe


              Where Is Mauritiusdodo??

              My apologies - cat walked on I-pad screen while I was off cleaning my teeth!
              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                Where Is Mauritiusdodo??

                Don't go Mauri. I'm new here (hi) but it seems to me that there are an awful lot of people who want you to stick around. I did see the comment which was harsh (would have hurt me too) but don't let that get in the way of all your lovely friendships here - they're quite apparent from reading all the posts.
                You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                  Where Is Mauritiusdodo??

                  mauritiusdodo;1194352 wrote: I am here, not staying though I have failed miserably, started drinking on my weekend away and not had an af day this weekend, I see that someone on here has seen fit so slate me and although I know that she has a point I can't handle being picked on on top of everything else

                  Thank you to everyone who has given me so much support and guidance, I am going to keep on trying to sort my life out but going to have to do it alone, wishing you all well

                  Tracy xxx
                  Tracy - please don't let one member's opinion send you away from MWO. You've gotten a lot of support here. I can't know why MissAbby suddenly posted what she did when you'd been doing well and had 6 days sober. Truly, I cannot understand where that post came from.
                  And something else - I'm not making excuses for you here, but IMHO, that anniversary trip came along way too early in your sobriety. The best thing you can do, again IMO, is to get up and start over again. Keep yourself away from situations where you will be tempted to drink - social functions, etc., as much as you can and concentrate on staying sober. And it's like Zennie said - some people manage to be AF from the first day, for most people, it takes longer with many stumbles along the way before they finally make it. But it can be done. The important thing is that you don't stop trying. And as I said in the beginning of this post, please stay here at MWO. With a few exceptions, this is a place of great support and good advice. And we all need as much help as we can in our individual journey to get and stay sober. Wishing you the best of luck and hoping that you stick around.

                  Stirly :huggy
                  For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                  AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                    Where Is Mauritiusdodo??

                    Hi Mauri, just to let you know I did see what was said and worried about your reaction when you came back; please don't let one comment out of so many positives steer you away from us. This is something we all have to deal with in 'real life' as well. It is only another persons opinion and can only affect you if you let it.
                    I know you feel disappointed in yourself after the weekend anyway and that can make you a little more sensitive. Choosing our words on here is something I feel everyone should think about - sometimes the person making the comment may not have meant to hurt and could be in a bad place themselves and equally do not take into account that the person on the recieving end is a different person to them. There are so many people here going through their own shit and as much as we can write to one another, we are not walking in each others shoes.
                    I for one would hate to see you going. After the large amount of start/stops I've had I can still see a bright future. Would love to see you there too. Stay pleeeeeez......for you!:l:l:l:l
                    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                      Where Is Mauritiusdodo??

                      Mauri - don't walk away from your support system! I did not see the post in question, however I recognize the name of the poster per stirly's post. With no disrespect to that poster (as we are all here trying to get well from a horrid sickness), that poster has made many a post that would seem very negative. Please don't take that seriously. The way bigger and more important issue is revising your own sobriety plan, and getting back on track. We are a huge community here and everyone isn't going to always get along peacefully. Find the people you DO connect with, and take advantage of the support you need. That's my 2 cents on it anyway, FWIW!

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        Where Is Mauritiusdodo??

                        Thank you everyone I am sticking around

                        Stirly I think you are right, the anniversary trip came at the wrong time for me the temptation was too great! I am back on with trying hard again so wish me strength please
                        Taking it ODAT


                          Where Is Mauritiusdodo??

                          Hey, just want to lend my support also. I can't check in as frequently as I'd like so I missed the comment too, but I suppose it is inevitable that we will occasionally get a poster who seems a little out of line. Mauritious - Just try again. It isn't the end of the world, and you had a particularly difficult hurdle to overcome with your anniversary weekend. Perhaps the more important thing to consider is if you enjoyed the weekend despite the alcohol? After all, celebrating your marriage is also important, so I hope there were some good times!
                          Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.


                            Where Is Mauritiusdodo??

                            Thank you, yes we had a lovely time, I didn't even drink that much considering and we had some great food although the tasting menu was a bit of a let down!

                            tonstantweader;1194490 wrote: Hey, just want to lend my support also. I can't check in as frequently as I'd like so I missed the comment too, but I suppose it is inevitable that we will occasionally get a poster who seems a little out of line. Mauritious - Just try again. It isn't the end of the world, and you had a particularly difficult hurdle to overcome with your anniversary weekend. Perhaps the more important thing to consider is if you enjoyed the weekend despite the alcohol? After all, celebrating your marriage is also important, so I hope there were some good times!
                            Taking it ODAT


                              Where Is Mauritiusdodo??

                              Mauri - So glad you decided to stick around. Don't worry about the Anniversary thing - I also agree that it came too soon. This is a process so hang in there.....we are here to support you.


