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Afraid of withdrawl

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    Afraid of withdrawl

    hi everyone, new to this site.
    anyways, i want to quit....again! but i get myself so worked up about withdrawl, im also a major hypocondriac with anxiety disorder, so ive convinced myself im going to have all the really bad ones, like seizures, and dts etc.... even though ive never had them before, and dont think i drink enough to do so. anyways, just looking for some support.

    on on a wait list for a detox center, but the wait list is about 3 weeks long!! i dont want to wait till then, i want to do it now, but my anxiety always gets me all scared.

    ive quit before, and it wasnt so bad except for the panic attacks thinking something really bad was happening to me lol

    anyways, i basically drink a bottle of wine a night, though lately ive been trying to taper off till i can get into the detox. sigh. i love being sober, wish i wouldnt have mucked it up again!


    Afraid of withdrawl

    Vanilla, I don't know about withdrawals, so I'm hesitant to post anything that would be wrong. Just sending you support and hugs.


      Afraid of withdrawl

      Hi Vanilla,

      Welcome to MWO, this is a good place!
      Sounds like your anxiety problem is big, mine was too. Are you seeing a Doc for teatment for that? Perhaps you could get a script for something to take the edge off while you are detoxing then you won't have to worry unecessarily.

      A good place to start is by downloading the MWO book from the Heath store here. You'll learn about the recommended nutritional supplements, The Hypno CDs which are great for reducing anxiety & more.

      You can also take a look in the for lots of great ideas to help you put your plan together. You can do a lot to help yourself right now.

      Please drop in the Newbies Nest thread for more support!
      Wishing you the best!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Afraid of withdrawl

        Vanilla-- welcome! I knOw the prospect of withdrawal is scary and it differed by the person -- how much you drink and for how long-- but this might make you feel better-/ I was at a bottle a night for about 2 to 3 years and sometimes more on weekends. I had no physical withdrawal -- mostly mental - just anxious -- but you say you get anxious and panicked even now with booze. Withdrawal can be very serious and if you can have someone to check in or be with you to watch and see if you are okay for the first 3 or 4 days that is great. There are meds that can be prescribed to help at home retorted -- if you feel you might need them I would encourage you to call a doc (not sure where you are but in Places with nation healthcare there might be a medical professional you could at least call.

        With that said -/ I hope my experience with no withdrawal with a similar amount of consumption makes you feel a bit less anxious. Good luck!


          Afraid of withdrawl

          Hi Vanilla :welcome:

          Ditto with ATL. Same consumption and day 4 now - no withdrawal. Just my little head playing tricks with me early evening - which is when I'd begin to settle in with said bottle.

          Good luck - you can do it
          You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



            Afraid of withdrawl

            Hi Vanilla, just to let you know I was a '2 bottles of wine a night' drinker. Had the hangover which only got better as the AF days totted up. No withdrawals as such. Couple of testy nightmarish nights trying to sleep. I had panic attacks before I stopped drinking, but for me everything got better as soon as alcohol was removed from my life.
            Having said that, I know we are all built differently so hope all goes well for you........
            Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


              Afraid of withdrawl

              Hi Vanilla. Just wanted to say hello and welcome you. You are definitely wise to recognize that withdrawal from alcohol can be a serious thing. I'm wondering if you found this section of the forum which has some useful links to more information. This might help you figure out what your risk level really is.

              I did not go to a medical facility for detox, but I WAS able to have someone with me for the first 3 days to make sure I did not show signs of needing medical attention. If you decide to detox on your own, is there someone who can stay with you, and get you to the hospital if things don't go well?

              Good luck to you,

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Afraid of withdrawl

                thank you everyone for your responses! they did make me feel a bit better. yeah, im a bottle of wine a night kinda gal too. last night i only had about a glass though. i always get freaked out that something bad is going to happen, like ill have seizure etc...but i like this with other things too lol ex; a headache is an anurism, or brain tumor, racing heart is a heartattack about to happen, it all kinda ties into my anxiety disorder. so i get really inside my head sometimes and actually CAUSE this symptoms.

                i think ill just be dealing with anxiety for the next couple days, altough i was really queasy this morning.

                i think i can do it this time though! im so done with drinking!


                  Afraid of withdrawl

                  Nest book in the world for anxiety

                  Hi Vanilla,

                  A great book for you would be "From Panic to Power" by Lucinda Bassett. It saved my life years ago when my panic attacks rendered me immobile. It is not about drinking but about how to recognize and deal with panic and the what if thinking, Welcome and best wishes,:lGina

