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First Signs of Benefit of No Booze

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    First Signs of Benefit of No Booze

    Knocked the booze on the head about 3 weeks ago.
    Today I saw the first real benefits. Went out for a run late last night and subsequently had trouble sleeping with a long tough day ahead of me today.
    However I was able to get up at 6:30am full of energy and work till 5:30pm then do a decent weights session in the gym. This would not have been possible if I has been on the p*ss at the weekend.
    I must admit I had a struggle with myself Sat night about going out drinking versus sitting in. Eventually I decided to sit in but that struggle still has a way to go yet. Would be difficult at this stage to go out without drinking.
    Finished the A Carr book but obviously hasn't done the trick.
    Going to order the J Vale book.

    First Signs of Benefit of No Booze

    Hey Stompy - it's been 3 weeks for me too! and I'm feeling pretty damn good too. :-) I read the carr book. was interesting but didn't really do the trick for me either....I'mreading Vale and am noticing lot of similarities but it seems different. Hard to explain.

    I don't have to worry much about going out to difficulty is not drinking when I'm home....I drank at home....and I'm home alot. :-)

    Great going - keep it up!

    Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

    Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


      First Signs of Benefit of No Booze

      lolab;1194619 wrote: Hey Stompy - it's been 3 weeks for me too! and I'm feeling pretty damn good too. :-) I read the carr book. was interesting but didn't really do the trick for me either....I'mreading Vale and am noticing lot of similarities but it seems different. Hard to explain.

      I don't have to worry much about going out to difficulty is not drinking when I'm home....I drank at home....and I'm home alot. :-)

      Great going - keep it up!
      Great stuff. Well done.


        First Signs of Benefit of No Booze

        Hey Stompy & lolab!

        Congrats on your 3 AF weeks - great job!

        I haven't read either book but I did read somewhere last night that the Vale book is basically the same material in almost the same words
        Someone mentioned possible plagarism......

        Have you guys thought about investing in the Hypno CDs?
        I used them for a long time & I really think they helped me change my thinking. Not drinking is one thing, beinghappy & comfortable not drinking is another. The CDs helped remove any doubt for me
        Think about getting them to ensure your continued success. You are already saving lots of money by not drinking......spend it on the CDs!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          First Signs of Benefit of No Booze

          I can almost see that lav
          On more than one occasion I've looked around here for cars book to even see if the chapters are different(but didn't locate it yet)

          I have thought more and more about the cds- such high recommendations!!! Thanks

          Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

          Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


            First Signs of Benefit of No Booze

            Stompy and LoLab - I read the Carr book at least a dozen times LOL. The first time I lasted 2 weeks about 4-6 years ago hell I don't remember.... I love the book though. even if subsequent readings didn't have the same effect. The Vale book is the same concept but updated and theres more of it. I think thats what we need is more of the "anti-brianwashing or de-programming." I can't wait to get 3 weeks behind me - but yeah I feel better already and its only 8 days. A record for me .... You are off to a great start.


              First Signs of Benefit of No Booze

              I feel like

              I feel like I have read them all. The only two I refer to are "Sober For Good" and the "Smart Recovery".



                First Signs of Benefit of No Booze


                I love reading about the benefits of being AF more than the disadvantages of AL ( although remembering them all is still a very useful motivational tool!!)

                Great, more Benefits Please!!!

                Take Care

