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Day 8 and slept like s**t

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    Day 8 and slept like s**t

    Hi All,
    I know this is to be expected but it still sucks. Woke up last night in a state of anxiety, some crappy things I did while drinking kept flooding my brain. I can't wait for this stage to be over. I felt isolated, shame and just tormented.


    Day 8 and slept like s**t


    I'm working on AF day 20 and those feelings of guilt/shame passed for me in week two. I'm still having dreams of drinking and that scares me to the point that I wake up in a panic, but then realize I'm I think it's kinda funny!

    keep up the good work!!


    Round 1 - AF/NF Sept 29, 2011-June 23, 2012

    Round 2 - AF/NF October 6, 2012-December 2012

    Round 3 - AF/NF January 5, 2014 - ????

    Third times a charm!


      Day 8 and slept like s**t

      Hang in there Peacefull!
      We can't reverse years of abuse in a week!
      Focus on taking good care of yourself right now, eating well, take supplements, etc & sleep will return. Do your best to put the feelings of shame away now, they are not serving you. That's all history & you can't change history. What's important is what's going on now

      You're doing great!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Day 8 and slept like s**t

        I remember my first bout of sobriety........ back in 2006 when I first came to this site. I had those same feelings as you did Peacefull. I cried non-stop for a whole day from shame and anxiety. It kind of hit me during my first week. Kept having flashbacks of my horrid drunken episodes.

        It does get better. The more you 'deal' with those feelings, the better off you will be.

        Feel them, then let them go. One thing I have learned in sobriety is in order to maintain it is that you need to stop punishing yourself and start forgiving and loving yourself. It takes work, but it really does make the world of difference.


          Day 8 and slept like s**t


          AF Day 30
          sorry have not been on boards since my last tantrum. Everything that can go wrong has. Have been crabby, irritable, upset, changing bank accounts, cable, bill payments, just frustration. Did I say crabby??? The thing that makes me laugh out loud, the redeeming, UNBELIEVABLE, astounding factor, that I NEVER, in my wildest dreams, would have thought 31 days ago - is that alcohol would NOT make things better!!! ah ha!!!! More soon.


            Day 8 and slept like s**t

            Thanks everyone,
            Feeling so much better today

            Had a good workout last night and slept very well, I did have a drinking dream though or should I say non drinking dream -I turned down a drink yaaaaaa

            One Day at a Time.



              Day 8 and slept like s**t

              Glad you are feeling better Peaceful. I am day 5 and am finding I don't dream about drinking but am having really weird vivid dreams and waking up quite a few times during the night despite having taken a herbal sleeping pill. Has anyone else experienced this? x


                Day 8 and slept like s**t

                Hi Chelsea,

                I am having very vivid dreams as well. Not sure what you are taking, I have taken melatonin in the past and my dreams were really freaky. I can't wait for this phase to pass and have a real, natural sleep as I still have to take something be it a gravol or sometimes my 5HTP and magnesium is enough.

                Day 10 here and feeling good, not dreading the weekend at all or today for that matter as I usually started drinking Thursday nights. I have changed my routine and am going to a meditation group on Thursdays. I am filling in trigger times with something else.


                  Day 8 and slept like s**t

                  Hi Peace,

                  The sleeplessness or anxiety is primarily driven by REM and you body getting back to normal it will greatly help to raise your serotonin levels. I am sure you are paying attention to your diet...but none the less tryptophan rich foods help a lot in withdrawal. Try having lean chicken or turkey for dinner before sleep...take glutamine, have sunflower seeds (you can check out my article on that Sunflower Seeds- A Natural Source to Fight Depression and Stress | )

                  These things have helped many..moreover they are healthy and will help you to stay sober in the long run...and avoid caffiene, drink lots of water and avoid high glycemic more of my articles on that (Understanding the Glycemic Index | Try to stay as healthy as me thats the best way to beat the withdrawal and getting your life back.

                  All the best.



                    Day 8 and slept like s**t

                    Hi all,

                    First timer here and first day of giving up the booze. Tried as we all have before, and the sleeplessness it what gets me the most. I have managed to get through the night with a drink and then no sleep. How long does it last, thanks all and glad I found this site


                      Day 8 and slept like s**t

                      Bingdash - Could have been my post! The sleeplessness is the pits. This is Day 2 for me, but after lots of exercise yesterday done early in day, a light dinner, a cup of Sleepytime Tea and melatonin I was awake most of the night. No headache though!

                      The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.

