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Newbie Hello and a Question

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    Newbie Hello and a Question

    Hello. I have so much to say but I will try to be brief. I read a handful of posts and can relate to all of them. It is TIME to stop. It has been a long life of drinking. Luckily, I have not hurt anyone else or blacked out and done stupid things--until the last 3 months--I blacked out for the first time--luckily at home. I swore I would Never drink again if I blacked out. But, guess what? Well, you all know the answer.

    It has been a long time that I have been drinking. Just saying the amount of years is shocking and apalling to me. And if I add up the amount of money I have spent over the years, well was the "fun" worth it? Maybe I could own my own home now or not be living close to poverty if I had that money...

    I am going to be 56 this coming year. I started drinking socially around 18 and continued --off and on--until now when it is mostly on. I have never been a fall down drunk or obnoxious to anyone else--as-a-matter-of-fact, some long time friends never even knew I was drinking. Anyway, enough details--it is Time to stop. It is Not healthy. And my hangovers are probably what are saving me. They are horrendous--physically and psychologically!!! I basically turn into a vegetable the day after (sometimes for 2 days). I stay in bed, don't want to talk to anyone and I'm lucky if I can watch TV. I force myself to eat because I know I need the nourishment--maybe the only reason I am not diseased or dead today.

    I want to quit entirely. After all these years, I would like to go for a long time without a hangover. But obviously, I have developed an addiction--what was mostly psychological before is now very physical. How could it Not be???!!! In the morning, I don't have it, but around 4 in the afternoon, I start getting that "party" or "happy hour" feeling and for the last year it is very hard to control. For the last year, I actually Think about drinking every day. Before this, it was Not such a big part of my life! But now, I actually Plan it.

    I also do not want to do the AA thing--I know it works for many, but I prefer to be private and I don't like falling apart in front of a room full of strangers--And, the religious thing turns me off too. So when I read about MWO, I became very interested. But I am still skeptical and moving cautiously.

    I like the multi-level approach--the herbs, the exercise and the Hypnosis. Hypnosis works! When I was in my 20s, I smoked 3 packs of cigarettes a day. I grew up in a cigarette smoking house so I was probably addicted to nicotine before I even started smoking. So I did not think I would ever stop. But one day, an acquiantance who was studying to become a psychologist was practicing his hypnosis techniques and I became his "guinea pig" by having him hynotize me to stop smoking. (This is a similar story to the MWO founder's!) I remember thinking that he was not doing very well because I did not "go under" when he hypnotized me--I was relaxed, but I could hear and remember what he was saying during the entire session. I went home scoffing. Yet, guess what?! Cigarettes and even second-hand smoke started making me sick to my stomach (one of his hypnotic suggestions). I actually quit, cold turkey. No I tried to smoke a few more times, but butted them out in disqust. That was in 1975 and I never smoked again. It sounds unbelievable, but now that I heard the same story--God--I wonder...

    Exercise has always worked for me--I was a marathon runner and even did some running and biking last week when I was trying to quit drinking--again--did well for a week but, of course I said you can't actually Quit on Christmas Eve. That was one of my excuses. And I have Many. Christmas too--I just had to drink on Christmas! Time to Celebrate! Time to Vent! Time to commiserate! Drink 'cause I'm happy. Drink 'cause I'm sad. Drink 'cause I'm lonely, Drink 'cause I'm mad. (hey, that rhymes). I drink to start something, end something, continue with something. And now I have New Years Eve coming. And I think, yeah! Rah Rah--fun, fun, fun drinking. But now I think of the horrible pain the day after. Will I or won't I? What will I Do if I Don't??!! Even if I Do drink on New Years, I will definitely NOT in 2007! See, this is how it goes. Proclamations and then disappointments. I am glad I only have myself to disappoint, if I had children I don't know how bad the self-loathing would be.

    Anyway, I will stop babbling on for now. I do have one important Question, though: the Kudzu is supposed to have the side effect of lowering blood sugar levels. I have hypoglycemia and I cannot afford for this to happen. Any comments? I also take Paxil--any problems with that? I will not take any of the drugs recommended for the cravings (at least not yet)--I want to only try the herbs, the exercise and the CDs.

    Thanks for letting me talk.

    And Best wishes to all...

    Newbie Hello and a Question

    Hi Pisces and Welcome to this wonderful site. I am glad you found the courage to post your story, which sounds VERY similar to mine, which sounds VERY similar to many others on here.

    I cannot address the kudzu question as I do not know the answer but taking the other supplements, esp. the All-One is a real gift to our bodies that we have saturated with poison for too long. Please stick around and keep posting away. You will meet some really wonderful people here. I wish you the best. :welcome:
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Newbie Hello and a Question


      :welcome: It's great to have you aboard. I am just getting started myself. I haven't had the nerve to go cold turkey yet but I am considering tonight. You are so right about there always being a reason to drink whether it is something to celebrate or something to lament over. Thanks for pointing that out. I guess you could day that whatever external thing is going on should never be a good reason to pick up the bottle.
      Here is hoping for the very best for you.


        Newbie Hello and a Question

        Hello, I joined today too and already I feel relieved/embarrassed to admit I have a problem. I have decided not to go out on new years eve now, even though I have a ticket for a do. I need to find out who I am without the booze, I know she is a nicer person than the gobby drunk one. best wishes


          Newbie Hello and a Question

          Sorry about putting my address on the message I sent to you, That's what happens when you give a plumber a computer.


            Newbie Hello and a Question

            Welcome to the site Pisces.
            I'm also new, and my story is similar to yours, except I'm 2 years ahead of you.
            I hope we'll both have a great time getting fit again.
            This is a great place for help, incentive and motivation.
            I'm starting to "depower" the power alcohol has had over me the last 30 years, and it is working.

            Not having a hangover is a great feeling.
            I knew I'd be drinking Christmas Day, and I didn't feel so good yesterday, and it was a great reminder why I'm here. Can't help with your question, but ther'll be people here who can.
            Be kind to yourself, catch you in the chat room,
            PS I assume the great NW is not NW Australia, but Canada.


              Newbie Hello and a Question

              Hi Pisces,

              It may not be for you, but @ least look into Campral to help with cravings and to support abs if that is your goal. You can google for more info. I swear by it. You can still drink on it but it is like winning an arm wrestling competition to do so.

              Alll the best and welcome.



                Newbie Hello and a Question

                Hi Pisces....I am a little fish too! I remember reading that Pisces have a problem with addictions, and thinking, 'oh, that's allright then, it's not my fault...carry on glugging (drink like a fish had to come from somewhere!!)'.
                Now, I am like you...not a healthy hobbie, physically, mentally or socially...I can't help with your question, I take baclofen, but I too am a great fan of natural remedies, and like to use them as much as poss, but don't forget the reading...RJ's book, and many people here use Allen Carrs easyway which is full of great menatl training sort of thingys to gear your mind in the right direction, and alter the way you think about alcohol...focussing on the good, rather than making yourself think you are 'giving something up'....
                Someone will be along who may be able to give you more med advice, other than that...ring an addictions clinic, or your family doc (if you feel you can), they will definitely be able to advise on contra indications and precautions with regard to mixing meds and effects on pre existing medical conditions....

                Welcome to smashingsville ....always swim forward little piscine....Oh, and watch out for Macks rod (as it were.........) hugs....the melonfish (type of octopus) xoxo


                  Newbie Hello and a Question

                  Your story is completely familiar. I am glad that you are gung ho for the whole program. Often, newbies haven't really looked at the book or the supps or the rest. The first step is to go to your dr. If you want to give up drinking entirely, you might want to ask for campral. If you want to be able to moderate, ask for topamax. I took topamax, but it is a more challenging sell because most drs. are not familiar with its use for alchohol cravings. It works really nicely for me, but in very small dosages. I'm allergic to kudzu. So you will need to adjust what you take to your own body. You will need to work with your dr. on this. For this reason, it sometimes helps to go to an osteopath, who is more familiar with nutritional medicine. I haven't done this, but I wish I had. I am thrilled that you are starting out so well-informed, and I just know you are in the right place. Welcome!


                    Newbie Hello and a Question

                    weemelonhead wrote: Hi Pisces....I am a little fish too! I remember reading that Pisces have a problem with addictions, and thinking, 'oh, that's allright then, it's not my fault...carry on glugging (drink like a fish had to come from somewhere!!)'.
                    Now, I am like you...not a healthy hobbie, physically, mentally or socially...I can't help with your question, I take baclofen, but I too am a great fan of natural remedies, and like to use them as much as poss, but don't forget the reading...RJ's book, and many people here use Allen Carrs easyway which is full of great menatl training sort of thingys to gear your mind in the right direction, and alter the way you think about alcohol...focussing on the good, rather than making yourself think you are 'giving something up'....
                    Someone will be along who may be able to give you more med advice, other than that...ring an addictions clinic, or your family doc (if you feel you can), they will definitely be able to advise on contra indications and precautions with regard to mixing meds and effects on pre existing medical conditions....

                    Welcome to smashingsville ....always swim forward little piscine....Oh, and watch out for Macks rod (as it were.........) hugs....the melonfish (type of octopus) xoxo
                    Hey fellow Pisces. Thanks for the great post. I was happy to hear it. Yes, we do have an addiction problem but we are also strong and see all sides of all situations. We are very deep. Oh, and did I say wonderful too ;0) Maybe we should not be so sensitive so... Anyway Cheers (without the drink that is).


                      Newbie Hello and a Question

                      Being new to not drinking

                      Everyones stories sound alot alike, I still am wondering if I can ever quit but am thinking about it while not drinking day five for me. I never did drink every day or every other mostly twice a week but the hangovers are terrible for me and that is not good. I would like to really get to the point of moderation but still like to power down the first few and then here we go. I think there could be a good balance between nothing and something. I also went to one AA meeting and boy that was really something alot of those people are really far gone on the booze and I felt sorry for them but did not think they could help me. Not to sound snotty or anything and not to say I am better then they were but I just did not to feel right. I got the impression that there is no inbetween and if I don't want to end up like them et.. I came home to a football party at my house and of course beer, which I did not drink that day being hung over. I live with a yeller and that really sets me off sometimes and it does help until the next day. Just some thoughts for now........


                        Newbie Hello and a Question

                        Hi Sammys,

                        I thank you for your message. It is wonderful to have people to talk with and to share without feeling shame or judgement. I know that now is the time for change. I look forward to hearing from you again.

                        Lucky one


                          Newbie Hello and a Question

                          I feel lucky to

                          No kidding, this is not that bad. I am really sick and tired of being sick and tired as the old saying goes.

                          I am trying to think of something to replace drinking I have tried walking but that has not worked. I am still doing good though it is day 6 for me and I am sure I will not drink today. I think thursday will be rough so I will be in touch with this web site


                            Newbie Hello and a Question

                            Hey Sammy,

                            How long have you been doing the program?

