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I'm Coming Back

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    I'm Coming Back

    Hi everyone. I quit posting after my dog, Toby, died in March. Everyone was so nice and had alot of heartfelt words of sympathy for me. It was one of the worst periods of my life and I quit trying to quit drinking then. But now I'm back and I really really really want to quit. Forever? I don't know but I want control. I want to be healthy and I want to take care of my body. I want to be proud of myself and feel good.

    I look forward to meeting everyone. And getting involved again. Today is day 1 for me.

    I am going to the gym in the morning and start to get into shape. And I am doing this for me. My body deserves better... I deserve better.... Take care all of you....


    I'm Coming Back

    Shiner, Please to meet you and :welcome: back. It is so sad when we lose our little furry friends. It has happened to me many many times, it is never easy.:l I am sure you have lots of friends on MWO. Look fwd to talking again.


      I'm Coming Back

      Welcome back, Shiner....

      You've found the resolve to try again and I know you can do this. I found control by finally accepting my body doesn't tolerate alcohol. I was afraid to make that decision...but once I felt like I was soaring. I love the freedom...and the control!

      I wish you well....
      Sober for the Revolution!
      AF & NF July 23, 2011


        I'm Coming Back

        Hey Shiner,

        I feel for you ... I started by being really mad at the puppy my hubby chose and ended up training him and loving him more than I ever thought possible. Mine is still young but because he is a large dog I know he will not live that long ... so I am making the most of our time together.

        Day 3 for me and feeling great.

        Have you thought about getting a new dog? Just saying.
        workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


          I'm Coming Back

          Hi everyone.. Thanks for the replys... It is a nice crisp 56 here this morning and I'm getting ready for the gym. I feel so good knowing I didn't drink yesterday. I felt really good last night and I feel great today.

          Shu, yes... I ended up getting a boxer/pug mix.. She is a spoiled.... and I mean spoiled brat. She helped me so much when I lost Toby. She is something else. I will try to post pics of her.. She is precious.

          Boozer & Turn.. Thanks for your post. I really need support. I can do this.. I know I can.

          I hope all of you have a great day.... I will be checking in from work and am looking forward to getting to know you all..... Have a great day..



            I'm Coming Back

            Hi Shiner! I remember you...:-) I'd love to see pics of your new little guy....I know you can't replace lost love ones but new ones can certainly help ease the pain.

            Settle back into the nest - it sounds like you've got a great can do it!

            Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

            Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


              I'm Coming Back

              Hi Shiner! :welcome: back. I remember when you lost Toby. That is such a sad thing. We had to put my special dog Buck the Beagle to sleep a couple months ago. They are so easy to love and so hard to lose. I'm glad to hear you have another one to love.

              Drinking doesn't make anything better, does it?

              Good to have you back here.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                I'm Coming Back

                Glad you are back.

                We are here to support you. Good luck and congratulations on your new resolve.

                Boxer/pug mix must be adorable. I would love to see a picture too. PLEEEESE.

                Looking forward to getting to know you too!


                  I'm Coming Back

                  Welcome back, that was a little before my time around here, but I wish you well, and good luck in your new attempt to stay sober. Your body, mind, and soul will thank you
                  Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                    I'm Coming Back

                    Welcome back Shiner,

                    I remember when you lost your dog. I just lost one of mine last month too.
                    Glad you are back & determined! Drop in the Newbies Nest thread & let us know how you are doing

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      I'm Coming Back

                      Hi Shiner,

                      Glad to meet you, and I am SOOO sorry about your dog. I know how devestating the loss is.

                      Good job on your alcohol free time so far. Hang in there and those days will keep racking up. Isn't it nice to wake up in the morning and know exactly what went on the night before? I don't miss the days of scrambling around trying to piece it all together, and then more often than not having to do some serious damage control.

                      Keep us posted on your progress

                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        I'm Coming Back

                        Hi Shiner,

                        Besides the losing of a precious pet, reading your words was like you were reading my mind! I've just come back and I too am motivated and raring go!

                        I look forward to reading of your progress!

                        Best wishes


                          I'm Coming Back

                          Hi everyone. Well it is day 3 for me today. I feel so good
                          and my workouts are great. So much bettet than beating myself up on top of hangover.
                          So how do I post picture of my puppy? I will try when I get home. You guys are awesome. I have been lurking here for about 5 years and I admire you all so much. I feel at home. I will check in later today. Have a great day.

