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Anyone elses finances suffering?

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    Anyone elses finances suffering?

    Ok confession time, I have maxed out two credit cards recently - not just on alcohol but if I hadn't been spending on my debit card to get my 'fix' I wouldn't have had to put things like petrol, car repairs and clothes on my credit cards would I? !!!

    I am so sick of myself I need to sort out my finances once and for all and drinking is NOT going to make it all go away!!

    I found a really good demotivator tool on Moneysaving Expert, it tells me I spend around ?1825.00 a year on alcohol:blush: and I have to say that is probably an underestimate on my part!!!

    If you fancy a go here is the link
    The Demotivator: Stops you spending what you can?t afford
    Taking it ODAT

    Anyone elses finances suffering?

    Hi Mauri, I have been pondering this exact same question and recently posted a thread called "What has alcohol cost you financially". In the General section. I' ll bump it up if you want to read it. I've figured that besides the cost of the alcohol itself, I, and many others have lost so much more money than we think through "collateral damage". I've lost actual cash and a purse which in itself was about a $6500 dollar loss. I've missed work opportunities. I've damaged a car and stuff in the house the needed to be repaired. I've bought stuff online that wasn't needed, etc, etc.

    Besides the emotional, mental and physical damage (which are great) the financial toll is a lot bigger than we think. It's scary and sickening.

    Thanks for the link.


      Anyone elses finances suffering?

      Hi Mauri,
      I was reading Lookings thread about the financial cost of alcohol and it really hit home for me. Especially the part where people mentioned wasting so much food, because at the time we buy it, we have high hopes for making a beautiful healthy dinner, but then evening rolls around and we'd rather drink and order a pizza, thus letting all the healthy stuff go to waste. I've done that more than I can count!! I shudder to think of all the nice food I've wasted. It makes me sad when I think of all the people that would LOVE to have a nice dinner, and here I thoughtlessly throw it out so I can get drunk
      The "residual" cost of drinking goes so far beyond the actual cost of the alcohol (and cigarettes in my case). It really is an eye-opener when we honestly look at it. I too had to use the last of my credit on groceries this week...why? Because I relapsed last week and spent over $150, money that was designated for gas and food. Just remember you're not alone on any of this Mauri, we can ALL relate, and we're here to stick around!
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Anyone elses finances suffering?

        i would not even know where to start.... maxed out cards ... maxed out line of credit.. and yes to the dinner thing.. i would rather drink than cook a nice dinner.. or do laundry or clean the house or pretty much anything.. so tired of it all. But yesterday i did fax my application to the rehab centre so thats a start
        AF since Sept 2013...


          Anyone elses finances suffering?

          Good for you Caper, let us know how it goes.


            Anyone elses finances suffering?

            DITTO to ALL of the above.... Time to stop the nonsense!
            You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



              Anyone elses finances suffering?

              Thanks for the replies everyone I am glad I am not the only one (although not wishing my situation on anyone!) I hate myself for putting al before other things I need!
              Taking it ODAT


                Anyone elses finances suffering?

                What's done is done. All you (or I, or any of us) can do is just start from here. Every month I make the rent, the bills and the minimum payment on the cards is a success and I feel fortunate. Look at the positive side of things and realize it could always be worse, but with AL out of the picture, it won't be!
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  Anyone elses finances suffering?

                  omg Mauri....when I quit, I pulled out the calulator and just got brutally honest. I was spending a minimum of $22 a day on my fixes....EVERY DAY. That's $8,000 plus a year....times how many years?
                  At least 5 in my fulltime drinking mode.

                  I can sure think of much better ways to spend $40,000!

                  Because I am a visual person, I started a sub-account on my main Savings account when I quit - something I can look at and see results. Every day I transfer $22 into it. I've been spending it on positive things...After my first week AF...I bought some beautiful Dahlias. They made me happy and made the deck so festive and pretty. Later, I bought a sweet. Wolfgang Pug is a great addition to the household and we would not have been able to get him if I was still throwing away money on smokes and drinks. I went wild as a donor diva....I set up recurring monthly donations for the local detox shelter, the spca and the public radio station (don't tell Determinator!)

                  Now that my spending spree is ...spent...I just let the funds pile up after I pay my bills. I am now saving the leftovers for a big family trip next summer.

                  This is power.

                  I love using money for good.

                  I am thrilled it is not being wasted and I am not using it to hurt myself!
                  Sober for the Revolution!
                  AF & NF July 23, 2011


                    Anyone elses finances suffering?

                    Turnaround, I think that's great. I have a feature like that on my online banking. I think I'll start that as well.


                      Anyone elses finances suffering?

                      Turnaround that is a brilliant idea! I am going to start a jar to put the money in I think so that I can actually physically see it
                      Taking it ODAT

