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me again,feeling sheepish

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    me again,feeling sheepish

    Hi again everyone, I really thought I had the modding under control this summer but lots of health issues and stress caused me to start drinking more than ever again, sick of being fat and unfit and hungover, but I really need help here I just do not seem to have the self control,it's fine in the morning but by 6 pm I am full of reasons why I need a drink in the evening,please help,love and hugs Twitch xxx

    me again,feeling sheepish

    Hi Twitch,

    You're back, that is all that matters. In a perfect world we would be able to modify, but for many, the fact is we simply CAN NOT.
    I was unable to stop all together until I realized that I could NEVER drink again and took it OFF the table. Now I don't think about when I will be able to modify because I know I can't and the days are getting easier because I know the answer is never......:l hang in and stay close. Gina


      me again,feeling sheepish

      Hi Twitch,
      I'm glad you're back, that means you haven't given up. Don't beat yourself up...if this were easy none of us would be here. I'm not condoning relapse, just letting you know that we really do understand. Have you tried any medications? I'm not familiar with any other than Antabuse, which works for me...although there are ways around that too, as you'll see in another thread I posted. BUT...overall Antabuse has been what's given me so much sober time. It takes drinking completely off the that at 6pm there is NO inner battle going on, and that is such a relief. When drinking is not an option, it frees up our minds (and bodies) and we are able to focus on other more positive things. Please stay close to us, especially as witching hour closes in.
      Love & strength,
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        me again,feeling sheepish

        Hiya Twitch. Good to see you're back and wanting to fight the AL demon. Like K9 said - if it were easy, none of us would be here. We all need to know we're not alone in this fight and we all need the care and support from the people on this forum. K9 made a good suggestion - if you are open to medication. Perhaps you could talk to your doctor or, better still, a doctor who specializes in addictions, and see what's out there that could help you. If not, then the best thing, IMHO, is to stick by the forum, and use the tools available here. A lot of people take supplements to help them with the cravings but others don't. I guess when it gets down to it, you have to find what works best for you and stick to that. No experimenting with moderating since you know that it's not the route for you. You can do this and there are lots of people here willing to do what they can to help you.

        Wishing you the best of luck Twitch, and remember, you only fail when you stop trying. :huggy
        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


          me again,feeling sheepish

          Twitch, I would recommend reading Kick the Drink by Jason Vale. A lot of us are having success with it, and there's a thread where you can read more (under General titled "This Book Will Change Your Life").

          Every single one of us have been where you're at. You know the drill. But, obviously you have to want it. Maybe you weren't ready before and you are now. I think it's all a process and that you definitely shouldn't beat yourself up for your "slips" because they all add up to making you stronger about not drinking.

          Anyway, try the book - it can't hurt.

          Best to you!


            me again,feeling sheepish

            Hi Twitch,

            Welcome back to this amazing place!
            I attempted to quit many times on my own but couldn't make it stick. Once I found MWO I learned the importance of making a good plan & changing my thinking. These two things were missing inmy previous attempts to quit.

            What worked for me was using the Tool box ideas to make a good plan & using the Hypno CDs. Learning new coping methods, learning how to relax without AL on board were both critcal for me

            I hope you can arm yourself with a good plan & make some progress towards a sober life!
            Wishing you the best!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              me again,feeling sheepish

              Twitch;1195603 wrote: Hi again everyone, I really thought I had the modding under control this summer but lots of health issues and stress caused me to start drinking more than ever again, sick of being fat and unfit and hungover, but I really need help here I just do not seem to have the self control,it's fine in the morning but by 6 pm I am full of reasons why I need a drink in the evening,please help,love and hugs Twitch xxx
              Hi Twitch and welcome back!! No need to feel sheepish. If this were easy, there would be no need for MWO and none of us would be here!

              I bolded a part of your post that really stood out to me. In my own journey, I spent YEARS while my alcoholism progressed thinking that all kinds of stuff around me were causing me to drink. My stress, my job, my boss, my boyfriend, you name it. Before I could get a handle on my problem, I had for finally accept that none of those things caused me to drink. The MAIN reason I drank is because I'm addicted to alcohol, and my brain/body wanted a fix. That wasn't the case many years ago when I first started drinking, but at some point the addiction took over, and THAT is what was driving the drinking. Once I accepted the real problem, it was much easier to see the solution.

              This is a journey of discovery for sure. I hope you discover whatever is necessary for you to get AL out of the drivers seat of your life, and enjoy your life.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.

