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please help

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    please help

    my names brandon im 26 years old and have been drinking heavy for 4 years
    about 6mths ago i was diagnosed with alchoholic hepatitis by one doctor and fatty liver by the other i immediately quit for 2 mths and did healthy stuff but since then im back to my old ways as of last week ive been really worried about money etc and have decided to stop drinking the past 6 days ive probably only slept about 10 hrs
    im get on pretty big hypochondriac kicks every once in a while as im on one now
    i cant stop searching ilness on the internet and think i have cirrohsis.
    there is no way i can go to the doctor and just need some support,
    so please help thank you!!

    please help

    Hi Brandon and :welcome:

    This is a great place for support with drinking problems. Good for you looking to address the problem now rather than wasting more years and your health on alcohol!

    You might want to start by downloading the My Way Out book from the health store here. It's a great read and suggests ways to address the toll on our health that alcohol takes. I also recommend the thread as a source of great ideas.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      please help

      Brandon, you sound really panicky, and I'm wondering why you're so against going to the doctor. If you can't stop harming your body don't you think maybe you need some outside help? Could you talk to a counselor or go to AA? There's nothing wrong with needing help. And, I think there are groups forming for young people. I just read about a guy today who had been through rehab a bunch of times and finally "made it" and then set up a treatment center for young people. I hope you'll consider reaching out to someone. This site is great, but no one here is a medical professional.

      Whaddya think?

      Sending you support!

