the reality is that I mess something up with the meal because I've had just a little (or alot!) too much...most of my family/guests end up cleaning up, because I'm too scattered...I fall asleep on the couch at the end of the day - claiming "exhaustion"....while my boy fends for himself and the house is still a mess...I feel like crap the next day and start all over because it's still holiday season...I can't wait to get all the wonderful decorations put away at the end of the season because I'm just annoyed with it all and overwhelmed by absolutely everything.
The past couple years my drinking had escalated so that I wasn't even that well prepared with gifts for the people I love...and last year I truly spent most of my son's Christmas vacation - drinking from morning til night.
So with this reality - I hate that the alcohol has everything blurred into some kind of nice feeling in my memory...I'm having trouble with the words, but I know you get it...the same thing that makes you think all those great drunk vacations and warm summer nights drinking wine were great times too....we only remember the short period of warm fuzzies I guess...
What are the "realities" of your holidays? And how are you planning to keep alcohol out of the equation?...I want to stay on top of this so I won't be lured by that lying voice....