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I need advice

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    I need advice

    I'm really happy for you mightymite and Shue...You are both very strong. Jackie is so right about this thread providing the confidence. You have both taken solid steps in succeeding. :-)

    I still don't think mine understands the depths that I had gone to many times have I gotten up in the middle of the night after drinking to be sure I turned the oven off or run outside to check the pool heater and even though I didn't remember doing the things that needed to be done, I never ever found them on. scary.

    Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

    Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


      I need advice

      Follow up:

      I made a plan and communicated it to hubby for his support:

      Goal #1 - AF until 11.11.2011 (our 11th wedding anniversary)
      The next day ? set goal #2
      This is what I asked of him:
      a. Please do not offer or volunteer any jungle juice
      b. Before going out to a social engagement discuss with me the ?action plan?
      c. Think up yummy juices / teas etc
      d. Kick my bum outdoor to exercise

      Last night I had my first outing with DH - he said he would not drink either, in support, It is amazing the amount of probing and abuse he's got from his ex colleagues over drinking coke olny. Me? nobody questioned. He told me after that he fully understands that "AL is the only drug you have to justify not taking".

      Had I not told hubby about my problem, last night I would have surely had 2 glasses, drove home, had 1 night cap (or more) - then would sleep badly from 3 AM.

      In some ways I wish I'd done this sooner, but I was just not ready for it, coming clean with all my mistakes to the person that has me up on a pedestal;

      Despite falling off the wagon several times since I started in July, I have come a long way in understanding how AL works and screws with your thinking. Once I read about the health implications (and felt a few on my own skin) it dumbfounded me why people would drink at all, why do I go back to drinking , knowing all this now. Then there were posts here from a guy who is a doctor - well, if doctors keep drinking despite knowing the risks better than the rest of us - then it must truly be a drug.

      Big hug from me to you all
      workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


        I need advice

        Morning everyone. I hope the start of this new day will be full of strength and hope for all.

        Shue, I think you were reading my mind. Our stories are so similar. My hubby, too, has me on a pedestal. What a heavy load to bear. But I could not see what I was doing because I was in the fog. Well, I knew, but I kept telling myself things would be ok and I can handle this. But once you come out of the fog, you see it for what it really is. It's all BS. After reading Jason Vale's book, I really didn't know how horrible al was for the body. I knew it was bad, but not that bad. Why would I ever do that to myself and why, like you, figure this out sooner. Because I was in the fog. Because of a genetic predisposition I have, I should never, ever been drinking. And I knew it upped my cancer risks but I kept on doing it. It's a miracle I did not get breast cancer. If we can all just climb out of the fog for an instant and see the truth, we would never touch al again. I count my lucky stars daily for the man I married and I am sure you do the same. I hope everyone can find their support system too.

        Have a beautiful day everyone.
        "What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding." Elvis Costello

