Little bit about me: female, Dutch, single mother (by choice), alcoholic and 4 years ago I entered the rooms of AA. Needless to say its been a rocky ride, the more because I am now joining your wonderful forum. I've been so relieved finding you!
It seems I cant stay of the drink. Although I've had a rough year (too rough for an alcoholic anyway) which contributed to my recent relapsing, we all know it won't help. But I am really starting to get afraid. What if I can't beat this?
I'm more than willing to give this a try, and I am grateful for all the information I already found here. I hope I can contribute in the future about my findings. I know I can't do it alone!
PS I need a java plug for the live chat, does anyone know which one?
PS2 Since Im dutch, my words might sound a bit unatural. I hope you will be able to read through that
