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Inspired, but panicky...

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    Inspired, but panicky...

    Hello to all of you. Been lurking on this forum for a couple of days, have ordered naltrexone and friday will ask my shrink if he will help me with this new program.

    Little bit about me: female, Dutch, single mother (by choice), alcoholic and 4 years ago I entered the rooms of AA. Needless to say its been a rocky ride, the more because I am now joining your wonderful forum. I've been so relieved finding you!

    It seems I cant stay of the drink. Although I've had a rough year (too rough for an alcoholic anyway) which contributed to my recent relapsing, we all know it won't help. But I am really starting to get afraid. What if I can't beat this?

    I'm more than willing to give this a try, and I am grateful for all the information I already found here. I hope I can contribute in the future about my findings. I know I can't do it alone!

    PS I need a java plug for the live chat, does anyone know which one?
    PS2 Since Im dutch, my words might sound a bit unatural. I hope you will be able to read through that

    Inspired, but panicky...

    :welcome: Joan B!

    I'm glad you are not giving up and that you are trying new things. Naltrexone is working for a lot of people that I know - a few here and some outside of here too. I think there is a way out for all of us - we just have to keep trying.

    I too go to AA. I have found it beneficial along with the support I get here at MWO. Just tossing that in there so you don't feel funny if you decide you want to go to AA and come here. There are people doing all kinds of combinations of things around here.

    Good luck!


    (I dont' really use chat so can't help you there!)

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Inspired, but panicky...

      Thank you Doggygirl! I really hoped someone would see my message and reply! I think I already discovered the problem with the plug-in.

      Looking forward to my journey! And yes, I know some of you go to AA as well, I don't know for how long I keep doing it since Im not comfortable with the HP thing, but Thanks for mentioning it anyway! :l


        Inspired, but panicky...

        Hi Joan,

        Just wanted to say :welcome: and glad you found us!

        MWO is a good program, it's worked for me!
        Have you read the MWO book yet? If not you can download it from the Health store here on the site.

        My sister-in-law is Dutch so whatever you say I am sure to understand you

        Please feel free to join us on the Newboes Nest thread for more support!
        Wishing you the best!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Inspired, but panicky...

          @Joan, this is a very international site, so I'm sure you'll find all kinds of friendly support here! I think a lot of people here have a hard time getting started -- everyone is different and finds their own way, with conversation and help. So don't feel guilty about ANYTHING! We've all been there and want to help.

          There are a few other organizations you could check out -- SMART Recovery, Women for Sobriety, Moderation Management (they have abstainers too), SOS Recovery, the list goes on. Welcome and enjoy the journey.


            Inspired, but panicky...

            Welcome Joan...

            Quite a few of us meet in chat on a regular basis..."last night" we had someone from Australia...South America, Canada and of course the U.S. all having a great time.

            You can see who is in chat by scrolling down toward the bottom of the main forum page. I've noticed that those of you who want to chat with those of us on this side of the pond are doing so in the morning....

            Glad you are here. It's clear you want to get your life back. You can do this!
            Sober for the Revolution!
            AF & NF July 23, 2011


              Inspired, but panicky...

              Welcome Joan, so glad you found us. Have you checked out there are lots of great tips in there. I understand what you say about HP but there are lots of ways of looking at this. For me my HP was the highest place within myself. Join in a regular thread, there are wonderful people here to give you support.
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                Inspired, but panicky...

                Thanks everyone for your welcoming words, and good tips. It sure is a bit of a jungle, these forums! Easily overwhelmed by all the information, im having trouble to find the right place. You suggest a regular thread, or the newbies nest? Well ok, I'll give it a try. Still its difficult for me not to loose the overview (who said this, where did i read that etc)

                I've been very panicky the last few days, I think its a combination of relapsing several times (alcohol) over the last few weeks and tranquillizer tolerance. Also my relationship ended very abruptly about 2 months ago and its still very unreal, although I don't want him back. A lot of anger is involved, and all kinds of extreme moodswings.

                I hope I can get my shrink to help me with medication tomorrow. I want to taper off the tranquillizers slowly (I found a schedule), but can start on Naltrexone and/or Baclofen while doing this and still be on antidepressants? Does anybody know?



                  Inspired, but panicky...

                  Joan B;1198773 wrote: I hope I can get my shrink to help me with medication tomorrow. I want to taper off the tranquillizers slowly (I found a schedule), but can start on Naltrexone and/or Baclofen while doing this and still be on antidepressants? Does anybody know?

                  Hi Joan. Have you found the Meds section of the forum? You might want to start a new thread there and pose your question to see if other people have had experience with your same combination.

                  Of course nobody here is a doctor. Especially when combining different medications, I think getting input from your own doctor is important. (just my own 2 cents on it)

                  Good luck!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Inspired, but panicky...

                    Hi Joan :welcome: this forum is great for support and advice and full of useful info on stopping/moderating AL, I am just starting out (again) and on day 4 today
                    Taking it ODAT


                      Inspired, but panicky...


                      Hi Joan,

                      So happy to hear you positive, Im not so new but haven't posted in a while but I am AF 11 months!

                      Good luck- its wonderful you have a good plan in place to get sober, I also found writing a list of things that I needed to do and try to do one each day helps - as the initial AF days can be tough and seeing a productive gain to your life helps greatly.

                      I'm a single mum too so I understand what having no time to do anything proper for myself feels but also having alot of time to fill! What age is your little one?

                      The longer I have found being sober though, the easier it becomes, on day 10 I thought about AL for 22hours of the day, but on day 100, it was more like 2 hours! So the future is bright!

                      I'm sorry to hear about your relationship ending - It makes the task of going sober so much harder as you have lost an emotional support or time filler at the very least.
                      You didn't give details but as you mensioned feeling anger, I guess this person has hurt you - If you'd like to share this it might help? Never forget you deserve to be happy and if that person couldn't give you that you are better off without them.

                      Be proud of yourself that you see a problem that needs addressed and are working on making a happier future for yourself Keep posting and good luck xoxo
                      To see a world in a grain of sand
                      And a heaven in a wildflower.
                      Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
                      And eternity in an hour.


                        Inspired, but panicky...

                        Thank you lost soul ans everyone, i have not posted for a while, couldnt find my thread back and having difficulties focussing.

                        I have asked mu psychiatrist for bac but he refused. i have approached several dutch scientists working on a trial with bac, but I'd have to be admitted for a whole month. I don't want to do that since my girl (she's 15, Soul, how old is/are yours?) doesn't know about my current problems, and it would upset het so much if she did!!! I want to protect her.

                        I turned to an addiction organization, but they go slow. Next week I have an appointment with their doctor, who will decide if he will give me bac or not. Since it all takes so much time, I surfed the internet and found two pharmacies with affordable (and REAL) baclofen, one is sold out and the other only takes Visa, which I don't have, nor anyone of my friends. So, I applied for a visa card, but it also takes a week for them to decide if I can get one, and Im not sure.

                        In the meantime, I haven't been able to stay sober, not in the weeks that my daughter is at her dads. When shes with me I stay sober but with help from tranquilizers.

                        I'll keep fighting!!!
                        Thank you so much for the support!!


                          Inspired, but panicky...

                          Wecome aboard Joan!!! Thanks for posting, it's great to have you with us! A good place to start out is at the Newbie's is chock full of Newbies and some Seniorbies as well! Hope you'll stick with us, sobriety is the best gift you can give yourself.
                          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                          BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                            Inspired, but panicky...

                            Joan, welcome back. Here is a link to the meds thread - the people who post there might be able to help you with Balcofen questions:

                            Topamax, Campral, Naltrexone, Baclofen, other meds - My Way Out Forums

                            Sending you peace and strength.

