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An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

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    An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

    Hi FF and all to come,

    Grand gig had here, no SBM woman, but as Jimi Hendrix said........'I've still got my guitar' :goodjob:

    Have a nice evening FF.

    Take care all. L8tr, Yo!

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

      Good Monday everyone!

      Looking forward to a week on the sober train, then 2, then 3 and on....

      Got VERY depressed on last descent. So let that please be final check for me - I don't mix well with alcohol. So, my head is firmly in gear today. Going to force myself out for a bike ride later to get all those lovely brain chemicals going. I'd also stopped doing Kryia yoga and that made a massive difference so will be daily practice from now on. I'm beginning to see where I go wrong. I start with great momentum and firmly put plan in place - healthy diet, supplements, regular exercise, Kryia meditation, early nights, reading, nature, flower remedies - and then I let it slip slightly. Soon my resolve is compromised and alkie brain has a chance to kick in. It's going to take consistent effort for me to kick this thing. I cannot stray from my plan. I need to check in here daily too. Bit of a ramble -thanks for listening.

      Have a great day/evening all
      You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



        An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

        Hey Free -

        One thing I'm doing different this time that is doing me a world of good - besides the AB - is Celebrate Recovery. It's a bit like AA - but it covers other Additions - in addition to just general emotional hurts and hang-ups (we have shoppers, anger management, etc) and it is Christian - so it's not for everyone that's for certain. I think there's Rational Recovery as another alternative - in larger metro centers they have meetings but they have online ones too I thought...

        My point is - I really think one of the elements I was missing - is the in person element. This place - MWO - has save me so many times. And you are all in so many ways like family...when Patrice started back in the saddle with me - after all the times we have tried - it was great.

        But having someone I can look in the eye once a week and say - it's been 23 days and have them cheer - well - you can't quite replace that. They know. And it helps to have someone HERE.

        They have to agree to confidentiality. And I already think of my women's small group? As people I love as much as anyone I can love after 4 weeks. I can't imagine how I will feel in a year. They are crazy. They are funny. They have had hard lives. They get up every day - smile through the tears and start over. I am blessed by them.

        It was hard to go. It was hard to trust. But without doing that - I wouldn't have them. And life without them - already - would seem smaller.

        I hope you find a place Free - that with research - if it's not AA - that you can go and feel comfortable with. I couldn't make peace with AA. Which I why I researched every other program with meetings out there until I found one I could.

        Much love -
        That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
        Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
        AF - August 20, 2012


          An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

          FreeFly;1379246 wrote: Good Monday everyone!

          Looking forward to a week on the sober train, then 2, then 3 and on....

          Got VERY depressed on last descent. So let that please be final check for me - I don't mix well with alcohol. So, my head is firmly in gear today. Going to force myself out for a bike ride later to get all those lovely brain chemicals going. I'd also stopped doing Kryia yoga and that made a massive difference so will be daily practice from now on. I'm beginning to see where I go wrong. I start with great momentum and firmly put plan in place - healthy diet, supplements, regular exercise, Kryia meditation, early nights, reading, nature, flower remedies - and then I let it slip slightly. Soon my resolve is compromised and alkie brain has a chance to kick in. It's going to take consistent effort for me to kick this thing. I cannot stray from my plan. I need to check in here daily too. Bit of a ramble -thanks for listening.

          Have a great day/evening all
          FF, I think the ramblings are good because not only do you get to vent things out to clear your mind, but others get to relate and feel they are not alone. Ramble away! That's part of what these support boards are for. We come and go as we need to.

          With that said, I think Kuyo may need some time out. I needed that as well in my third week. Maybe there will be a stumble and maybe not. I'm doing well, and I needed that time off. It can be healthy. I think we know what we need. When she needs the board, it is here. When she needs a break, she needs to take it. That's jmo, anyway.

          A happy and successful day to all in one way or another.
          Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


            An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

            Awww G-Man, sorry SBM woman was a no-show....don't worry, I'm sure there are many, many other women vying for your attention. You simply need to pick one and then make your move. We're always here to you've seen, we have wonderful advice to offer! LOL

            I had a good weekend. I shopped and treated myself to some new stuff, although my plan was to wait until I hit 30 days of no smoking, I jumped the gun and treated myself at day 20 instead. Oh well...I guess my next treat will be at day 60

            Let's have a GREEN DAY honor of spinach/brocolli lady...ok? LOL


            Fag Free Update: 22 days, 1 hour and 58 minutes!!
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

              Prairie I hear ya, thanks. I know driving two hours for AA isn't the best. I need somewhere a bit more local, so either need to pluck up the courage for a nearer AA group or find something different. I did check out Women for Sobriety as I do fancy a women's group but nothing in the UK. I shall do a bit of research. I don't think we have the one you mentioned but will have a look. Still a bit unsure of the local thing because it's a small place and I really don't want to meet anyone I know. This may sound like excuses but how I feel right now. Great job though Prairie - you're rockin it!

              Hiya Molly - yep, this is definitely what I do and then I'm in BIG trouble. Been on 11k bike ride this evening and grilled aubergine/courgette & goats chesse quiche is cooking away as I write. Shall meditate this evening as didn't this morning and take an early night. Just gotta keep it up. I love it when I do it so shouldn't be a problem - just got to watch the old lazy gene

              Hi Slay, yes ramblings are good. Didn't know what I was going to type until I started so may do it more often - gives myself some insight into what's actually going on for me You're doing great btw - good job!

              And K9 - WTG on the cigs.

              Anyhoo feeling sooo much better tonight. Be well all and big hello to all to come xxx
              You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                ps. G, what does SBM stand for exactly?? Spinach Brocolli ?

                Enjoying the suspense this end!
                You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                  An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                  Not the weekend I wished for, or led myself to think I would have - BUT, it wasn't as bad as the previous one either!
                  Last weekend I bought two bottles of wine, drank them both, bought a third and drank it
                  This weekend I bought two bottles of wine, drank one and woke up and poured the second away - I am proud of myself, but let down that I did not do better.
                  I have so much going on in my life just now, that I am really struggling and catch myself at weak moments - I will just keep swimming, just keep swimming and achieve what I want and need in little steps - eating the elehant one bite at a time.
                  Just signing in to fess up and will be back later...
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                    Hey Lassie, was thinking about you. I carried on after my relapse but back on track today. Want to join me? We can do this hun. I know it's a really difficult time for you right now but will feel easier sober (you know there's no judgement!). Stick close if you can
                    You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                      An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                      Meant to give you one of these too :l
                      You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                        An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                        FreeFly;1379405 wrote: ps. G, what does SBM stand for exactly?? Spinach Brocolli ?

                        Enjoying the suspense this end!
                        Spinach Brocolli Meat (we were wondering if she eats meat so we just threw it in there!) :H
                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                          Hiya everyone,

                          Thanks Niner for sorting my love life into bite size chunks/acronyms for everyone to digest easily. :H Mind you, there aint much detail or gossip as yet anyway. Congratulations on 22 days NF. What did you treat yourself to on day 20?

                          PF, Celebrate recovery group sounds fantastic. Not sure if we have such a group here. I must find out. And the face to face thing is what i love about AA. The sharing and understanding, and being with people who are all different, but have the battle of addiction in common.

                          I was thinking yesterday, that here in Melbourne, there isn't anywhere else to go for face to face support unless you book in to a rehab (3 months or more waiting list), Drug and AL counsellor (a few weeks wait list, and hope you get one who has experience). There are SMART recovery groups here, (only a couple) so there's an AA alternative, but nothing really other than AA, so i use that from time to time when i feel in need of a 'recharge' and some humbling. I was at a meeeting yesterday and a fella turned up outside at the end asking when meeting was, but it'd finished. Anyway, this bloke was homeless, had been sleeping in a car park for last few months, hadn't washed or eaten in days, so me and another bloke took him to a homeless shelter/drop in place for a shower and a bed. No beds at such short notice, so we got him a burger, and took him to a couple of support services, but it was late in the day, and he said he was ok sleeping rough again that night, but would check in for breakfast and accomodation support in the morning, and would attend AA meeting we met him at, at lunchtime in the city. It was a reminder to me and the other bloke assisting, of where AL can and will take us. This guy said he'd lost everything. He was asking me how he could get his family back, apologised for being smelly and to us for driving him around. I thought geez, this guy has a long road from getting a roof, getting AL out of his life, and getting himself together. He was overwhelmed, and very negative/not hopeful at all. The positives here though, are that he sought out an AA meet (some kind of support), and got there, and apparently had attended last week too. He told me he's been to detoxes heaps of times, but i know, and we all know that you have to be ready and want to stop, AND, have some kind of support plan to work with after detox. He will get good support today if he goes into homeless shelter we went to and takes that support. Hoping he's at their door now for breakfast and a shower.

                          FF, yep, i value my morning/daily rituals too. They are like an anchor.

                          Hi SL.

                          Hi Molly.

                          Have a great week y'all, and kick some arse out there. Life is bloody amazing.

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                            There but for the grace of God, eh G. How kind of you and other bloke for giving him a helping hand. Going to send a little prayer out to him. Off to bed - early nights part of the plan. Night all
                            You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                              An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                              What about cheese? Does SBM eat cheese? She could be SBMC woman? And if she's al free, SBMCAF woman. We could just keep going and going...

                              Just popping in to say hello. I've been swamped and also struggling a little bit myself (emotionally - not drinking though!) so sorry all I've been so absent. As I posted in Monthly Abs just now, on Sunday I got hit by a wave of depression the likes of which I have not had since I quit drinking. I'd gone to help out at the NFP I've been volunteering at, which usually takes me totally out of myself and any of my own issues, and for some reason just suddenly felt really blue, like what's the point of it all?

                              BUT, ultimately I was proud of myself, because instead of self medicating with wine I looked after myself. I didn't go to a social event I knew I would find challenging in that frame of mind (everyone drinking wine - lots of happy couples and new babies - something that can be challenging emotionally as a single woman even when you adore all the said couples/babies involved). Instead I went to the gym and worked up a good sweat, ate a healthy dinner, then lay on the couch in the end of day sun and finished a novel. And, you know what, by nightfall I felt fine. This is HUGE progress from dealing with depression while drinking and for that I am grateful. I also need to keep that stuff more front of mind, as I've been worried for awhile now that some dangerous complacency is creeping in. I need to check in here more with all you lovely people despite the work load.

                              Nice to check in and read everyone's news though. And Free, I'm so happy you're still here and posting. Keep it going.

                              Will post more intelligibly when I can.

                              L x


                                An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                                Maybe she eats Quiche and Lobster? SBMCAFQL.

                                Pronounce that for us G-Man! :H
                                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

