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An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

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    An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

    Lily, thank you for putting a smile on my face, that was an awesomely funny story. You have a gift for writing.

    G, thanks for the reminder about the pitfalls of stagnation. I think that is something I definitely need to work on.

    Greetings to everyone else, hope your day/evening is a happy one.
    AF since 6JUN2012


      An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

      pixie;1380006 wrote: Lily, thank you for putting a smile on my face, that was an awesomely funny story. You have a gift for writing..

      Thanks Pixie, then my work here is done

      Scottish Lass, I missed your post about your separation - I've been flitting in and out - but I'm sorry to read it second hand. I went through a nasty divorce six years ago and it definitely sent me spiraling in the bottle. It didn't help, it really, really didn't. So if you can go through that and work on becoming/remaining AF you are not only brave but very, very wise. With the benefit of hindsight that would have been the BEST thing I could have done for myself at the time as drinking, while it seemed essential then, was the very worst. :l

      Merlot, mate, I really wish you would get yourself to rehab. While people here can try and support you I think you need more than what this forum can offer - and there's no shame in that. You seem to be spiraling each time you come back and I don't see you getting any better, only worse, without more help. I've asked you this before but is rehab an option for you
      ? I really think you need medical supervision to detox and get help for your anxiety. You are young. You CAN get better.
      But I think you may need professional help - not just a support forum. Many here have been to rehab. Can you go get help now?


        An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

        LillyE;1379978 wrote: Oh hells no. Now I want to hear the real life tales of a drunk and frolicking muso. :H Or DO I?

        Ok, so SBMCAFQL+OCC (+ occasional chocolate cake - a girl's gotta live, right?) turns up at your door one bright and sparkling sunny day. She's tracked you down using the super powers afforded to her by her excessive vitamin intake.

        In her arms she is holding aloft a giant organic veggie box, packed full of leafy green cruciferous vegetables. She throws them to one side when she sees you, however, exclaiming, "Guitarista, it is only you I crave, not this stupid broccoli. My mouth is hungry for so much more than the taste of spinach. Even the odd bit of cheese or steak can't slay the hungry beast inside me. It is you I need!"

        She grabs you into a passionate embrace and kisses you long and deeply. Her mouth tastes ever so slightly like iron. Or perhaps it is the lingering scent of oxalic acid? No mind. To you it tastes like the sweet, sweet perfume of ripe tomatoes mingling with pungent basil. For now you are both high on so much more than mere vegetables alone.

        "Run away with me G!," she cries. "Let's make songs about spinach! Music about mashed potatoes!Let's make lots of tiny baby brussel sprouts together!"

        "Yes, yes", you cry. "For you, SBMCAFQL+OCC Lady, I will never eat cauliflower again! For you are my one true vegetable love."

        And then they road off into the sunset and lived happily ever after - never forgetting to eat their five serves a day.

        THE END

        Brilliant Lilly. You would successfully carve an offbeat niche in the teen romance book area with this stuff i reckon.

        You're welcome Daisy! Hope you're well there.

        Hi Kradle!

        Lass, great going on day 4. I recall a little of your situation from your previous posts, and remaing AF is real hard when we are emotionally very fragile. I would be struggling. Just do your best mate. I'm glad you are here and sticking around. Keep safe and look after yourself as best you can :l

        Hi Pixie!

        Hi Merlot!

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

          LMAO! Lills, you're a scream. Loved it. Write us more please

          Sorry to hear all those suffering the blues - Patrice, Lilly, Prairie. Let's hope we all have a touch of the Gster and don't have to do the 2.5 years, WTF!!! I'm so glad you offered your experience there G as 2.5 years of depression having quit drinking is not a happy prospect. I know mine is directly linked to alcohol and I always feel so much better without but only time will tell on the long term thing.

          Lilly - I totally relate to the single woman/happy family thing. It's one of my big triggers. I think I have a few years on you though so well done on kicking this thing now while it's still a possibility for you. I'm blessed with a sober friend and her family and am very close to them. Her daughter's 2 1/2 with another on the way. When I came out of my last relationship I swore I wouldn't enter into another until I kicked this thing. Didn't want to attract from that unhealthy place again. Hence why no action for moi! I do feel I'm getting there.

          Hello Pixie, Slay, Daisy, nice to see you. Hope things are going well for you all.

          Merlot great to see you joining this thread but perhaps listen to the wise Lilly and check out a rehab too? It breaks my heart when I see you coming back time and again in such despair. You're so young with a real chance of long term happiness. You can do it

          And Lassie of course - right then Mrs, you and me on the way to 30 ok. We're going to come in on this together this time, well you a day ahead of me but I'm sticking close to your tails. Just think how great we're going to feel. If, sorry when, we do it this time it will be a year for me since finding this wonderful site. Seems like a good time to get my 30 in then, don't you think.

          K9 - looking forward to your stories now

          Hope I haven't missed anyone today. Going off on a course for a couple of days so may not be checking in and may stay away for weekend, but just want you to know I'm busy and not AWOL down a bottle!

          Be well and sober all :l
          You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



            An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

            Lilly! OMG you had me rolling! :H:H:H

            Chapter 2:

            Opening Scene: 10 years and 4 Brussel Sprout children later:

            SBMCAFQL+OCC is in the kitchen whipping up a delicious dinner of Top Ramen noodles after a day of doing laundry, cleaning and dealing with four cranky, screaming brussel brats when her beloved G-Man walks in after a day of work at the All-Male Strip Club (where his job is rubbing oil on the "talent"). Upon seeing his beautiful wife, he cannot help but be overcome with passion, her plaid pajama bottoms and a stained T-Shirt send him into a frenzy. He cries "I must have you now! Use your body as the instrument of pleasure it was created to be, bow to my needs and desires, for it is your duty!"

            As enticing as this offer is, SBMCAFQL+OCC calmly turns to her beloved husband and tells him....

            Well, never mind what she tells him. Let's just say he didn't come out of his coma for 3 whole days.

            THE END
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

              K9Lover;1380252 wrote: Lilly! OMG you had me rolling! :H:H:H

              Chapter 2:

              Opening Scene: 10 years and 4 Brussel Sprout children later:

              SBMCAFQL+OCC is in the kitchen whipping up a delicious dinner of Top Ramen noodles

              THE END
              What...No cornbread? :H
              On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
              *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
     tool box
     newbie nest


                An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                Are you kdding, he doesn't deserve cornbread!!! That is a meal for Kings! LOL
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                  Doing an illict check in when at work.
                  Thanks for all the support - I will respond more later, just needed to say how much your notes mean to me, more than you will very realise!
                  and....thanks for the laughs, we have budding authors here - now I know I will not need to get the fifty shades of grey to make up for my lack of action, I have the tales of MR G and SBMCAFQL+OCC to keep me going!
                  Signing off as I am planning for teh 5th evening and determined to get to a week this time, wil check back in later - and hope to read the next installment, or is it a daily dose???
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                    K9Lover;1380252 wrote:

                    SBMCAFQL+OCC is in the kitchen whipping up a delicious dinner of Top Ramen noodles after a day of doing laundry, cleaning and dealing with four cranky, screaming brussel brats when her beloved G-Man walks in after a day of work at the All-Male Strip Club (where his job is rubbing oil on the "talent").
                    Look, you try rubbing oil on 6 fella's freshly waxed buttocks 6 nights a week for a living. I work hard for my family. The things i do to bring home the mock bacon and veggies. No-one understands! :upset:

                    Lassie and y'all....... Have a great night/day.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                      Well here I am and winding down - 8pm, so witching hour on its way out!
                      Slay, thank you - it will be for the best, I truly see that, but the process and the sense of failure is huge, and the scary feeling of being alone in as I grow older. Tyring to keep my girls whole keeps me trucking, but at night when it gets quiet it gets really hard - conking out with a bottle of wine helped with that lonely time, but did not make it better thats for sure! We seperated after 17 years marriage and 24 years together - such a long time. That was almost two years ago (wow - time flies - I had not realised that until writing) and just trying to get all the mess straightened out - I have been dealing with finances and the divorce has taken back seat - need to get it done thou!
                      Kradle - thanks for the hugs, and the doggy one - my husband got the dog, I got the girls cats - and I am a doggy person, so went and got myself a pound dog end of May, and trying to get him settled, he came with a pile of problems, not suprisingly as he had been in the pound twice, and he is not that old!
                      Lilly - yup, have so much to deal with - if I was drinking as much as I used to I hate to think what a mess I would have made. It was a gift to myself, and I was also a little scared that if I did not shape up, he may use it against me to get the girls..thanks for cementing that point for me!
                      G - thanks - this thread really is one of the big things that keeps me going, it is fun, non-judgmental, supportive and fun (think I said that already, but you get the point!!!). Thank you for starting it, and being here consistently to cheer us along...
                      FF - yeah! Let's do it - let's get you to 30days at your year anniversary! That would be very cool! I am on for the challenge. Day 5 is slowing down now - with time changes we are probably really close. So happy to be on the road to feeling great with you.

                      so....sorry for the long post, but all your messages really made me feel so good today, and feeling good is totally wonderful!! K9 - thanks for the is lovely to smile...

                      goodnight all - and thanks for everything!:l:l:l
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                        K9Lover;1380264 wrote: Are you kdding, he doesn't deserve cornbread!!! That is a meal for Kings! LOL
                        Yeah, especially the way you make it! :H

                        Well done on day 5 Lassie! :goodjob:

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                          Guitarista;1380316 wrote: Look, you try rubbing oil on 6 fella's freshly waxed buttocks 6 nights a week for a living. I work hard for my family. The things i do to bring home the mock bacon and veggies. No-one understands! :upset:

                          Lassie and y'all....... Have a great night/day.
                          Oh fine, I guess you deserve ONE PIECE of my special cornbread. All that rubbing deserves a treat I suppose!

                          Lassie - Glad to see you're doing good, keep it up and keep checking in! Next time you feel down, imagine G-Man rubbing oil on those waxed butt cheeks...that will cheer you right up!

                          Day 25 smoke free for me!!! Yipee! Never thought I'd make it this far...but hell, here I am!

                          Let's make it a GREEN DAY everyone :h
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                            Guitarista;1380316 wrote: Look, you try rubbing oil on 6 fella's freshly waxed buttocks 6 nights a week for a living. I work hard for my family. The things i do to bring home the mock bacon and veggies. No-one understands! :upset:

                            Lassie and y'all....... Have a great night/day.
                            Spit my Diet Pepsi on that note.


                            That was a visual. And a half....Well really 6 - perhaps 7 visuals. It really depends on how one's brain works.

                            Scratches head. Nope - really - first - you have to do the waxing - then the oiling.

                            That's really more like a solid 12 visuals plus 2 standing - because that would the look on your face steady on....


                            Wowzers. Really - with all the AL brain damage I *probably* already have - it's darn cruel that left me with such a series of images. It's a good thing you are an Aussie because we have the American's with Disabilities Act which prohibits doing anything that inhibits a major life function - I have to believe - THINKING counts as a major life function.

                            I'm going to post a link to a Brit sitcom clip that made me think of. WARNING -- DO NOT click if easily offended. Also - do not click with a beverage in your mouth.

                  [/video]]Mrs. Brown's Bikini Wax. (*_*) - YouTube
                            That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                            Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                            AF - August 20, 2012


                              An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                              PF - had seen that clip before - it is hilarious!!!
                              K9 - not sure if that would be the right image next time I am feeling down, enough to make you run to the mountains screaming! 25 days - well done!! So seem to be taking this so much in stride...
                              Happy Thursday all...
                              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                                An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                                I can very much relate to what you are going through, Scottish lass. I started drinking when I left my first husband for the second time. I was with him for almost 18 years, so it is a big adjustment. Remember all the reasons why it didn't work and how much you won't miss those things. Also, you don't know what is on the other side of this hill, so don't think about being alone. In some ways, I wanted to be alone...actually in a lot of ways, but there is an emptiness that seems penetrating in a different way then one you may have even had in a bad marriage. When you aren't looking, love can sneak up on you where you don't expect it. Who knows what your future holds. On the journey, try to think of the freedoms you gain and the time you can have to be WHO YOU WANT TO BE!! Do what YOU want to do.

                                In regards to your girls. It was rough on my daughter and boy did I go through a lot of hell in the process of getting her to 21, but she is healing quite well and she has learned a lot through the process. Time has a way of surprising us, so keep a light on in the tunnel. The future you may envision is most likely not quite as dark as it may seem right now.

                                Another hug. Tomorrow makes its way to us through all the difficulties.
                                Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat

