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An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

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    An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

    :H:H @cow's arse

    Feeling great today, my head is in a good place and so is my poor wee body after AL kicking the sh*t out of it for so long. Slept for eight hours solid, got up and went to the gym. No more shakes! Ready to face a full day at work without worrying about who is going to notice.

    Glad you are feeling good too, and no matter how self deprecating you are, you really have helped me and others.

    Girl1973, how are you getting on? I hope things are getting better for you. :l Take heart, when I was at my lowest, reading here helped me, mainly because I realised I am not alone and others have been through this and come out the other side

    Enough blathering, off to enjoy my day. Hope you all do too!
    Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


      An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

      broken halo;1238496 wrote: :H:H @cow's arse

      Feeling great today, my head is in a good place and so is my poor wee body after AL kicking the sh*t out of it for so long. Slept for eight hours solid, got up and went to the gym. No more shakes! Ready to face a full day at work without worrying about who is going to notice.

      Glad you are feeling good too, and no matter how self deprecating you are, you really have helped me and others.

      Girl1973, how are you getting on? I hope things are getting better for you. Take heart, when I was at my lowest, reading here helped me, mainly because I realised I am not alone and others have been through this and come out the other side

      Enough blathering, off to enjoy my day. Hope you all do too!
      Take back your precious , beautiful life.

      Go for it buddy! :h

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

        Hi all,

        I'm back after a steady downhill slide since Thanksgiving. I decided I wanted blow it out last night just so I would be reminded how lousy AL makes me feel. However, I'm not going to be depressed or anxious, but simply get on with life.

        I can't moderate, so I must quit.

        I'm going to start journaling each evening, read the Vale book, and read the toolbox until I absorb something.

        G> Life is beautiful, and even more so w/o AL.
        "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


          An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

          Hi Juja

          Nice to see you back again. Hope you've been ok. Wishing you very happy AF 2012. :l
          You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



            An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

            I am not even sure what the first step is, I just to wake up and be done, or flip a switch in brain and simply not drink (I know, too good to be true and it obviously not that easy - quite the contrary). I go to counseling each week, I like my counselor but I feel like he should 'cure' me which I know he can't. I am financially strapped as I work part time cutting hair, although I have a B.S. in psychology and I am in grad school right now for a masters in counseling. I could work full time with my B.S, but in my condition I don't want to ruin my reputation by getting 'sniffed out' again. But soon i will have to complete some internships and I can't be like this during those. I hate that I am wasting my education and just cutting hair to barely get by because of the drink. And to boot my associate degree is in addiction counseling!!! HELP!


              An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

              Hi Girl1973

              I reckon you'll make a great addiction counsellor because you'll be able to empathise - how could you possibly completely understand addiction without experiencing it yourself? Maybe now you've found MWO it's time to say, done that now, know what it's like, time for next step. Just try and get one day down and you'll feel so much better. I know it's really hard - took me ages to get that one day. You can do it. If I can, you can
              You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                Hey Girl1973

                I've been where you are and I know it is truly awful. Your last post made me think of something-
                I've seen a lot of stuff at work in hospitals, including end stage alcoholism deaths. Not pretty. I had a friend who did not know her husband was downstairs drinking every night, like a bottle of vodka a night. He died at 45 after having his left arm amputated due to alcohol-related vascular issues. I saw it happen and it scared me but didn't make me stop.
                THEN oddly, another friend, a nurse, had a husband who was a big drinker-more overt than the other guy. He dies at 44 in our hospital from "bleeding out" where the esophageal varices simply blow and you die. All this is the last part of liver damage and it's consequences.
                I saw this too and did not stop. I'm not trying to be a "scared straight" kind of thing, since as I said these did not compel me to stop. I think now that something changes in your mind when you do finally decide to quit. I think my choice was stop drinking or accept the consequences. It got bad enough to scare me on a personal level which I guess is the difference.
                Stay strong,make a plan and treat yourself well. You deserve a good life. As for the niece/gossip-screw that=not important at ALL. Very minor compared to saving your own life


                  An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                  hello all, well i am nearly back but not quite. I have not been AF since i last posted. well i have had my days which is good but.......... its not enough. Definitely not drinking like before and lots of no hangover days. I will get my arse motivated after my mother leaves (finally after a month or more visiting) to start over again being AF. i really dont want to do the moderation, i really would like to stop. fingers crossed.

                  I hope everyone is well and Mr G thanks for the message. I have been stalking the site but not posted for awhile.
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                    I'm with you, available, and I hear you.

                    I keep waiting for the light to come on, but it doesn't. Who knows where the switch is? I sure as hell don't.

                    Someone's going to reply that the switch is inside me, but so far it's illusive.

                    Day 1, again.
                    "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                      An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                      I think i've blown a bulb lol. i am happy that i dont drink as much and get rolling blind drunk, but in saying that i would love to be AF.

                      i'm with you Juja!
                      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                        An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                        Hi Available, Juja, and all to come,

                        Good to see you AV!

                        I think the light comes on when we've finally had enough of the merry go round of madness. Of course, we are still doing damage while we drink, but as long as we don't give up trying.

                        Best wishes everyone, and wishing you all a safe, sober, happy and healthy week.

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                          I seem to have mislaid the trip switch let alone the light bulb, it seems to go at about 7 every evening, shines bright all day, everything seems so clear and simple, then evening comes on and so does the darkness...


                            An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                            Twitch;1241317 wrote: I seem to have mislaid the trip switch let alone the light bulb, it seems to go at about 7 every evening, shines bright all day, everything seems so clear and simple, then evening comes on and so does the darkness...
                            Hiya Twitch,

                            The darkness is a place i know well. Just remember, on this site, you are not alone. There are many stories like mine, and like yours. It's great to see you are communicating/posting here, and doing something to move forward. Never give up. Take back your life. Keep us posted as to where you are in your journey.

                            Best wishes, G-bloke.

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?


                              You make it through the day, right? That's more than some do. Don't give up.

                              I think a number of us have blown fuses, or breakers have been thrown. Anyone want to make a trip to the creepy basement to find out?


                              "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                                An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                                Hi everyone.

                                Iam on day 7, G. DAY 7!!! Can you believe it? I stayed strong and busy over the weekend and I can't actually believe it myself. Those withdrawals were so horrible and scared the life out of me, the memories are so powerful and I drag them up everytime I think about drinking.

                                Thank you for being there, posting encouragement in my darkest hours.

                                Juja, Available, Switch, hang in there. Keep trying to find that switch, the difference between last Monday and this Monday is like night and day. Going for week 2, wish me luck!
                                Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe

