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An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

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    An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

    Yeah, I can reply on this thread, but not on the underoos.

    I'm fine, have been, except for not being perfect....... No out-of-control drinking.

    Hang tight, everyone, and have an AF Sunday. I will.
    "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


      An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

      Juja;1223446 wrote: Sapph,

      Moderation would be nice, but mine isn't controlled either. I eventually end up drinking 4-5 glasses of wine a night for a couple of weeks, and experience the same feelings in the a.m. as everyone else, and stop for awhile. So I guess they're binges, too. I've got to find it in myself to give it up. I want to.

      My life isn't my own right now, so I reward and medicate. Bad Juja.

      One day I'll be perfect. (tongue in cheek)

      Ditto! I stop, I start - just can't seem to lock down that 7 days - or even a couple at the moment! Stopped posting because I feel like a phoney! Guess it's bad Freefly too!

      Sending happy thoughts though to all you lovely folk - you all seem to do so well - wish I could say the same :h
      You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



        An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

        We'll find our way, Freefly; somehow or other we'll find it in ourselves to stop drinking.

        I usually go MIA from the boards in shame, too, but then I feel empty, like I've lost my friends. So, I'll be here, red-faced and all. I don't want to lose everyone. Plus, if I keep reading maybe something will click. So, stick around, okay?

        Have a good week all you good people!
        "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


          An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

          FreeFly;1224105 wrote: Ditto! I stop, I start - just can't seem to lock down that 7 days - or even a couple at the moment! Stopped posting because I feel like a phoney! Guess it's bad Freefly too!

          Sending happy thoughts though to all you lovely folk - you all seem to do so well - wish I could say the same :h
          Juja;1224111 wrote:
          We'll find our way, Freefly; somehow or other we'll find it in ourselves to stop drinking.

          I usually go MIA from the boards in shame, too, but then I feel empty, like I've lost my friends. So, I'll be here, red-faced and all. I don't want to lose everyone. Plus, if I keep reading maybe something will click. So, stick around, okay?

          Have a good week all you good people!
          Hey! You are not a phoney Freefly. You are an honest, decent person, and a real fighter. How do i know this? Because you keep getting back up and fighting. There is no shame around here. Geez, we've all been there. Stick around and do what you have to do. Keep reading the wealth of info and inspiration on this site. The people here are amazing too, including you and Juja. :goodjob:

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

            Hello, Juja and FF,

            I am one of the older members who still struggles. :-(

            I will not give up. Never.

            Sober for over a week now. :-)

            Hi, G!! :l

            Juja, I was able to post to Underoos just fine.

            AF April 9, 2016


              An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

              Juja;1224111 wrote: We'll find our way, Freefly; somehow or other we'll find it in ourselves to stop drinking.

              I usually go MIA from the boards in shame, too, but then I feel empty, like I've lost my friends. So, I'll be here, red-faced and all. I don't want to lose everyone. Plus, if I keep reading maybe something will click. So, stick around, okay?

              Have a good week all you good people!
              Aaah Juja, I know just how you feel. I keep coming back because, although not been around here long, I feel the beginnings of friendships and such lovely support from some beautiful folk. Yes, we will find our way, won't we. I'm like a flippin yoyo - lol! And it really doesn't take me anytime at all to feel good. That's what's so flippin bonkers! I feel great and then I go and shove my head firmly down that rabbit hole again. Then I come up again. All I can say, is that my head stuck up my arse is less than it was before I found this site. Progress! I'll be looking out for you Juja xx :l
              You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                Guitarista;1224128 wrote: Hey! You are not a phoney Freefly. You are an honest, decent person, and a real fighter. How do i know this? Because you keep getting back up and fighting. There is no shame around here. Geez, we've all been there. Stick around and do what you have to do. Keep reading the wealth of info and inspiration on this site. The people here are amazing too, including you and Juja. :goodjob:
                Hey Mr G - you're a little angel aren't you. Such kind words - the like of which I keep coming back. Thank you! So tell me, how do you do that double quote thing? Never can work it out! Hope you're now well on the way to your 7/30/100 day thing. I'll be watching and following your inspiration :l
                You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                  An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                  Cinders;1224138 wrote: Hello, Juja and FF,

                  I am one of the older members who still struggles. :-(

                  I will not give up. Never.

                  Sober for over a week now. :-)

                  Hi, G!! :l

                  Juja, I was able to post to Underoos just fine.

                  Hi Cindi, thanks for checking in and the support. Way to go on your week. I SO want to post the same. I've not managed the magic 7 days yet - bit sad really! But I keep coming back here because I know my yellow brick road lies somewhere around here :h
                  You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                    An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                    Gday Ratbags,

                    Just wanted to wizz by and put my ten cents worth in. I am following this threade mainly because my friend Mr. G. is behind it. I wish you all the very best that life can give you. I just want to affirm that living sober is a fantastic journey. Sure you haveto deal with the challenges/heartaches etc. that come up to bit us on the arse from time to time. But to deal with them with a clear head is so much less stressful than being pissed and lying in bed. The problems dont go away as if my magic, they are still there and magnify when we finally wake up out of our stupor and really have to look at them.

                    Folk might say, well how do you know? Well judst a short abridged version of my descent into the. hell of alcolholism: Lost me driving licence fopr 4.5 years..almost spent time in jail; lost me business x 2 (drunk at work most of the time); lost my home, my marriage, and more than once, almost my life. Now I am humbly and gratefully trying to rebuild mylife and my sense of who I am in the world. I have chosen a career path that is a helping role. I am so grateful that after the long dark night, I am finally seeing the light. I want you all to examine where you are in the world, are you a helper, a taker or a victim. It is only with enlightment that we wil ever succeed and that means to p0ut yourself and your challenges way behind those who struggle more. I Have a tatoo on my arm in sanscrit text it says " compassion conquers fear" I look at this daily amd it takes me away nfrom my own suffering and reminds me of the intense suffering of others. What a great leveller..Saff xx
                    I am part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. - Rev. Ted Noffs


                      An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                      sapphire60;1224160 wrote: Gday Ratbags,

                      Just wanted to wizz by and put my ten cents worth in. I am following this threade mainly because my friend Mr. G. is behind it. I wish you all the very best that life can give you. I just want to affirm that living sober is a fantastic journey. Sure you haveto deal with the challenges/heartaches etc. that come up to bit us on the arse from time to time. But to deal with them with a clear head is so much less stressful than being pissed and lying in bed. The problems dont go away as if my magic, they are still there and magnify when we finally wake up out of our stupor and really have to look at them.

                      Folk might say, well how do you know? Well judst a short abridged version of my descent into the. hell of alcolholism: Lost me driving licence fopr 4.5 years..almost spent time in jail; lost me business x 2 (drunk at work most of the time); lost my home, my marriage, and more than once, almost my life. Now I am humbly and gratefully trying to rebuild mylife and my sense of who I am in the world. I have chosen a career path that is a helping role. I am so grateful that after the long dark night, I am finally seeing the light. I want you all to examine where you are in the world, are you a helper, a taker or a victim. It is only with enlightment that we wil ever succeed and that means to p0ut yourself and your challenges way behind those who struggle more. I Have a tatoo on my arm in sanscrit text it says " compassion conquers fear" I look at this daily amd it takes me away nfrom my own suffering and reminds me of the intense suffering of others. What a great leveller..Saff xx

                      are you a helper, a taker or a victim
                      I love that. Good thought to consider.

                      and of course "compassion conquers fear"

                      Thank you, Saff.

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                        Cinders;1224163 wrote: Saff,

                        I love that. Good thought to consider.

                        and of course "compassion conquers fear"

                        Thank you, Saff.

                        Luv you to the moon and back Cindi, we are part ofther grand plan, the universal comsciuosumess that afffects us all. really beleive that and therefore I send you light ah love ..Saff
                        I am part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. - Rev. Ted Noffs


                          An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                          A day for me

                          I am, therefore I splurge.

                          This sober, stressed out 58-yr-old is going to have her first facial today. I truly deserve it, and will use my secret stash of cash that I squirrel away religiously. An hour and a half spent with someone pampering my badly neglected skin, plus a head, neck, and shoulder massage. I will be in heaven.

                          I'd send before and after pics if I knew how to do it. G-man would fall in love with me immediately, I know.:H

                          Happiness and love to all.:lipstick:
                          "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                            An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                            Ah, you are beautiful to be sure Juja.

                            Enjoy the pampering!

                            Great to see you Cindi.

                            Saph, you are a marvel!

                            Working today, so off to save the universe.

                            Have a safe, sober, and magical week all.

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                              Back on day one and feeling really good about it. I know it's not much but to me right now it is. Going to take things nice and slowly this time and rack up some days. ray:
                              You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                                An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                                Guitarista;1224686 wrote:

                                Ah, you are beautiful to be sure Juja.

                                Enjoy the pampering
                                Ha! You should see my chook neck.

                                BTW, I was so stressed during the whole procedure, I couldn't relax. I felt something was up. Sure enough, after my pampering, I had 4 phone calls regarding my father who apparently had a TIA. He lives alone, and won't sell the 2400 sq ft house.

                                Then I had to find clothes for my mother who's in assisted living. Wednesday I take her to a doctor--new address for him, wheelchair for her, plus she's deaf, can hardly speak, and is practically blind. My brother's getting her a pinball machine for Christmas. Anybody get it? (He's a smartass.)

                                Oh, yes, you can bet your sweet ass I'm eating well, exercising, meditating, and remaining AF.

                                Thanks for letting me be angry. My DH couldn't take my frenetic behavior, and has gone to bed. Don't blame him. I can hardly stand myself. Breathe....


                                :finger:[my life
                                "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey

