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An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

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    An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

    Welcome UNGirl!

    Hiya Sooty, Freefly, Juja and all to follow.

    Think positive, hatch a plan, and do ya best.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

      Hi, peeps,

      Woke up depressed for some reason... I live on a blues rollercoaster (for real), but luckily it hasn't been too harrowing a ride of late. Another reason to stay away from AL.

      Caught up on everything--laundry, cleaning, shopping, etc. Was going to start cooking/baking, but it can wait another day.

      I think I'm going to stay in bed and read a fab book I'm into. That will take me out of my head. I've been threatening to do that for ages--stay in bed and read---my favorite thing, so today's the day.

      Dreary day here in VA--rain comin'.

      Worried about my peeps in Aussie land--cyclone coming.

      Tell me what's going on in your day....Free, sooty, upnorth, molly, G-man, beagle (what's happenin' on the farms?).
      "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


        An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

        Hiya Juja,

        Booze is a depressant as i'm sure you know. If i'm feeling down, the very last thing i need is booze. It's the chemical reaction that takes place within our brain. Antidote? No drinking. And exercise.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

          Guitarista;1230834 wrote: Hiya Juja,

          Booze is a depressant as i'm sure you know. If i'm feeling down, the very last thing i need is booze. It's the chemical reaction that takes place within our brain. Antidote? No drinking. And exercise.
          Very aware of that, my dear friend. I never drank/drink when depressed.

          Yep, I know I should go for a walk, but I really, really want this day of reading that I've been yearning for....maybe when I need a stretch, I'll go for the walk.

          Oh, my Dh knows I'm in trouble when I start listening to Neil Young.... "Man, you must really be depressed.... you're listening to "Old Laughing Lady?!" :H
          "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


            An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

            Hi Juja,

            Sorry to hear you're feeling a little low. Book and bed sound great to me - one of my great antidotes to depression. Had a relapse yesterday but luckily didn't go too mad, so although felt bit grotty this morning, no hangover. Worked this morning. Pressie wrapping for me now. Sunny here which is lifting my mood. Determined to make this xmas my first sober one since my teenage years Feeling quite inspired. I too love this thread. Hi Mr G, Molly, Sooty & UNGirl - hope you're having a strong, happy AF day
            You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



              An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

              Working on the no-thank-you's-I'm-fine at Christmas dinner--saying it over and over in my head. MIL will be the only one pushing. I want to wake up the day after Christmas feeling alert and happy, and ready to move on and away from all unnecessary expectations.

              My book is great; I'm enjoying my day of reading.
              "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                mollyka;1230978 wrote: Sod her Juja -- people like that make me really mad, after all there'll be more left for her yeah!
                What's the book Juja? Just getting to the end of a really good one, and am trying to make it last over christmas, hate starting a new one
                The book I just finished is a novel called The Whiskey Rebels by David Liss. It's historical fiction that takes place in American right after the revolution. I learned a great deal about our early banking system, and the Whiskey Rebels, not that I could repeat any of it. However, in the back it says most of his works are European historical fiction. I like his style, and he shows cleverness and intelligence, so you might want to check him out on Amazon.

                I can never make a book last! How do you do that? That's torture to me. If it's there, and I like it, I have to read it. Luckily, I buy almost all of my books at thrift stores, so it's not an expensive hobby.

                Have you read The Deafening by somebody Itani or The Book Thief by I don't know who ? Fabulous reads. So is Keith Richard's biograpy Life
                . Those three come to mind, for some reason, but I could go on and on.

                What are you reading?
                "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                  An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                  You work in a library?! Aren't they great places? I was a public high school librarian for 30 years, and enjoyed my job. Retired in '05.

                  I would like to have a Kindle or Nook one day, but I want keepers of the ones I love, and don't want to buy them twice. If they're on my bookshelves they say: this is what I'm interested in, this is what I've learned, this is who I am.

                  I've never read Lionel Shriver. Will be on the lookout.
                  "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                    An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                    Librarians! One of my secret fantasy's! :H (it's true)

                    Hi y'all,

                    I'm sure your MIL will give up pushing once she realises you're not drinking Juja. You might just have to be firm and tell her your getting healthy from now on, so you're giving booze a break, or something......

                    I'm working christmas day, but going to my mums in the evening. Plenty of tucker and luuurve. No drinking for this young fella, and fortunately there are no 'pushers' in the family or amongst my friends to sort out. They respect and understand my decision to not drink. Geez, i suppose i'd better do some bloody christmas shopping. Right, where's me Ned Kelly body armour?

                    Take care everyone. :h

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                      Hello everyone!

                      Well, it's saturday morning here, christmas eve. I hope everyone is okay and making positive choices.

                      Take care folk's.

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                        Elf G,

                        Ah, yes, we librarians have everyone fooled---in the stacks, glasses off, hair tumbling down, and all that. Most librarians I know are extremely intelligent and interesting, which makes for very sexy.

                        YOU HAVEN'T DONE YOUR SHOPPING YET???? Are you mad? Maybe you can get Bridge to do it for you, after she cleans and does your ironing.:H Perhaps Frog will wrap the pressies for you.

                        Sounds like you have a nice holiday ahead of you. Enjoy, and give your mum a kiss from me.:lipstick:

                        Cranberry salad-done
                        Cucumber salad- tomorrow
                        Visit Mom, and get her clothes/accessories ready for Xmas day-tomorrow
                        Change cartridges in my father's printer--tomorrow
                        Oysters dipped and breaded--tomorrow night

                        Oh, and I plan to make wise choices. I know some consider it a no-no, but I'm taking NA beer to Christmas dinner.

                        Love and cheers to all,
                        "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                          An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                          mollyka;1231740 wrote: Hey Juja and MrG --- yep, us librarians can be a right saucy lot alright
                          Actually, tbh, I have met more eccentric people working in libraries than any other walk of life ---- ever ------ by a long way - mad half of them
                          I love eccentrics!
                          "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                            An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                            It's 6.30 a.m. Christmas day here, so Merry christmas everyone from downunder!

                            I'm working today from 8-4p.m. then off to mums for the evening where there'll be some bro's and extended family. I'm tipping within the next few years i'll have my own family to wake up to.

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                              It's 6.30 a.m. Christmas day here, so Merry christmas everyone from downunder!

                              I'm working today from 8-4p.m. then off to mums for the evening where there'll be some bro's and extended family. I'm tipping within the next few years i'll have my own family to wake up to. Stranger things have happened. :h

                              Wishing everyone a relaxed and joyous day. I know it's a very hard time for many folk, but i wish for you to find that little bit of joy, peace, and good in the people around you.

                              Merry christmas everyone!

                              G-bloke. :l xx

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                                It's 6 a.m. here on Christmas day. I'm alone with the darkness, coffee, laptop and peacefulness.

                                Everything's ready for family dinner at my sister's, but my mother and MIL aren't feeling well. I hope they'll be well enough to want to attend. My sister and I have food and presents for everyone, and are looking forward to a happy day.

                                Visited my mother yesterday in assisted living. At 11:30 she wanted me to go Walmart for some last minute Christmas shopping. I was aghast. Walmart on Christmas Eve? I said, Mom, I'm going to kill you! We both had a good laugh. Did her shopping--everyone was pleasant, btw-- got her lunch, and all in all it was good visit. Hopefully, my father will remember her hearing aids when he picks her up.

                                MIL told me about all the wine she had for the day. I MUST try the sparkling she bought! It's a good thing she doesn't do heroin, which I've alluded to on occasion. "Goddamn the pusher man." (Steppenwolf)

                                Regardless of my worries about the elderly peeps, I'm happy.

                                I hope I'm hungry by 2 p.m.--oysters, ham, turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry salad, black walnut cake, fruitcake, etc. Oh, and we always have saurekraut. Aussies and Irish have any idea what that is? We're of German descent, as are most people in my area, and it's a staple here along "the great wagon road."

                                Merry Christmas, my dear friends,

                                "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey

