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An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

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    An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

    Hi Nora:

    Your attitude and all your work is so wonderful. We really are all working together to find our individual Way Out. :h

    Mr. G. How right you are! Drama Mama reporting for duty! :

    H Ronnie and :welcome: I only get tacit support here at home. . This is my real bricks and mortor place to rebuild.

    Bought the bikes for the wins. They are completely thrilled!!!

    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


      An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

      Well for some strnage reason afte rposting yesterday, I went to pick up an order that was ready - a lovely photo that my parents gave me that needed reframing, and I picked up a bottle of wine. Augsut will still work out to be a strong month for me, but not completely green. The girls go back to school on Wednesday, and I started to think of sumer finishing and many other things, and just did it.
      I don't feel terrible today, no hangover - little dissapointed as I thought I was a bit stronger, but happy with mysekf today and will be putting a green dot on the calendar tonight. Will just keep plodding forward.
      I do admit to feeling a bit of a farce after my posts yesterday afternoon...but will have to get over that.
      Happy Sunday all - lots of good strnong movers forward - Hi Ronnie! Wow new bikes for teh twins Kradle - lucky girls. Good strong posts Marhall and Nora. Have a great week G!
      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


        An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

        Hi SL

        I don't think your yesterday posts are disappointing at all. I think they're right on...

        You said we are all doing what works for us individually. Your journey, your history are personal and you know what drives you better an anyone. To me how you choose to accomplish your goals is always the right way, the best for you because as I read your Past posts it's clear you're committed, clear you know what your up against.

        So anyway, just my 2 :cents:cents

        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


          An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

          Thx Kradle - I really did not wnat to psot that I had had soem drinks, and looking back, the number of spelling mistakes showed how uptight I had become.
          I do know that if I was counting daily and had planned to be back on day one instead of concentrating on the overall picture, I would have absolutely got another bottle tonight - as I was having the internal battle, I was fighting just drinking as if I had to start all over again, I may as well finish off the weekend vs the number of green dots on the calendar - and I really want more green dots - it is 8:45 so I know I have made it!
          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


            An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

            SL - I put my green happy face sticker on my calendar too.:goodjob:
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

              Hi Ronnie, welcome and if you need anything we are here.
              How are you today Freefly. I am more relaxed today. Mire positive. Have a good sober day to all.


                An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                Thanks for the welcome
                Its been a good day for me today, i find keeping busy really helps and i also feel as if i have achieved something in a day instead of flopping around with a sore head and feeling sorry for myself.
                Hope you are all having a good day/night
                :dancin: enguin:
                starting over


                  An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                  Hi guys,

                  I've been absent here - things have been busy so I've just been flying in and out of MWO to post over in Monthly Abs (a terrific place and a fab group of people for those committed to being completely AF).

                  But so much going on... Free, I'm about to PM you but just ...:l

                  And Guitarista, ooh, exciting about the :h gossip. A woman with a community radio station show... well, that sounds like a connection right there for a start. As do the nice smiles. And the spinach line... :H We shall expect updates!

                  what is this cornbread business about, huh? Do tell?

                  Ok, I will be back more when things calm down a little but meanwhile, go well all. I'm on Day 50 today (!!) and I tell you it does keep getting better and easier! Honest.



                    An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                    G-Bloke: So you used the old "Spinach pick up line" eh? You must keep us updated on how things progress. I've heard that nobody can resist the spinach line...of course I've never had it used on me. *sigh*

                    Lilly - My cornbread fiasco was interesting the other night. I guess I'll give out my secret. What you do is wait until the cornbread is almost finished, then you proceed to drop it inside the oven so that it crumbles all over, then you shrug your shoulders, say "screw it", scoop the corbread back into the dish and serve. Viola! Cornbread you have to eat with a spoon! Ah well, we still polished it off. LOL

                    Alright kids...lets get those green X's and smiley faces on the calendar today, shall we? Come on....we can do it! :l

                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                      Good morning to all! I have been absent because I spilled wine on my laptop keyboard and my laptop is now toast. Luckily it is under warrenty so gets shipped off tomorrow So needless to say I have not been perfect but I love what SL posted. I think I too will use the green dot approach. July and August have been better than June so can't beat myself up on that. I begin work next week again so am hoping that days filled with work and not so much free time on my hands will lead me to more af days. I am going to set up my classroom this morning.

                      FF- You have been doing so well! Don't beat yourself up. We all started on day 1 together and you made it much further than the rest of us.

                      Mr. G. You're adding some spiced to this thread. I like it!

                      Welcome to everyone else. This thread is growing!! Well off to buy my supplies and then to work.


                        An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                        Morning all - well I do like starting Monday with a clear head!! It seems that Monday is often the day after a slip and it is a struggle to start the week, but as my slip was Friday - I feel as if I am on a head start this week!
                        CE - funny to think of you getting your classroom ready, we went off to buy school supplies yesterday and starting to get the girls ready - they first day back outfits ready, one has her supply list with it all checked off...count down is well on its way. They found out their teachers on Friday and they are both really excited and love their assignments!
                        I also have not had the spinach line, maybe I shoudl start ordering spinach when I am out and see if I get any luck with it:H It will be my luck that it will be from a guy with more than enough spinach in his teeth to not need mine
                        Lets go for green dots, X's and stickers today all - well done Nora and Marhall. Hope you are hanging in too Ronnie!
                        Thanks for the 2c Kradle, I appreciate them - just felt weird trying to let Nora and Marhall know all was ok, then I go and jump in too - really strange...
                        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                          An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                          Hi dear friends, really appreciate all the support. Happy to report back on track. I know this because I can feel it inside. OMG! I can't believe how quickly I sunk into anxiety and despair. In a way I'm glad because I seriously don't want to feel like that again. So disconnected from my truth and the powers that be. It's really that simple - drinking takes me away from all that is good and directly into hell.

                          So, I began to journal today (thanks Lilly) as I never want to forget how that felt. I'm up and ready with my chart - I think the visual will help and have made some new commitments to my exercise & meditation programme. I realise that I have to make a daily commitment to a lifetime of sobriety (while taking it ODAT), changing my mindset to alcohol, ie, I hate it and I don't drink, until it becomes second nature.

                          I'm very happy that today I feel connected again and am ready to commit. And I'm so very grateful to have you dear folks helping me along the way. Thank you all :h Sorry for the long post but the last 2 days freaked me out! I like being sober
                          You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                            An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                            ps. Got sidetracked for a couple of days and forgot to say, G, you're a real smooooth operator with that spinach line :H You will keep us posted won't you :h
                            You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                              An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                              Hi Guitarista, I'll do the 30 days with you! my situation is similiar, I didn't have alcohol for nearly 2 years and then I thought I'd try to moderate, I managed to have just a couple of glasses once a week or so and now its crept right back up on me. I can only manage a couple of days now and I can't stop at just a couple, I've just got an over indulgence nature I quess. Well if I don't stop altogether again I'll be right back to square one.
                              I can still remember how good I felt without it, its just hard to get over the first few weeks and out of the habit, but I know when I have 30 day's behind me it will be much easier. Good luck to you!


                                An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                                springclean;1366746 wrote: Hi Guitarista, I'll do the 30 days with you! my situation is similiar, I didn't have alcohol for nearly 2 years and then I thought I'd try to moderate, I managed to have just a couple of glasses once a week or so and now its crept right back up on me. I can only manage a couple of days now and I can't stop at just a couple, I've just got an over indulgence nature I quess. Well if I don't stop altogether again I'll be right back to square one.
                                I can still remember how good I felt without it, its just hard to get over the first few weeks and out of the habit, but I know when I have 30 day's behind me it will be much easier. Good luck to you!
                                Hiya Springclean, and a huge :welcome: to you friend.

                                Yep, i can relate with what you say, as can everyone here. Once we open the floodgates, it can be difficult to get ourselves back on track, but you can with a decision, strong committment, and a simple, daily plan that you can handle. Have you read our toolbox? Click on the link below. It is essential reading i think. Let us know how you are going ok?


                                Niner, did you know crumbled cornbread is a delicacy in Australia? Very difficult to find.

                                Go Lilly on 50 days! That is so good to hear. Keep it going. We don't need AL and all it's illusions. I relax with a workout and/or meditation-mindfulness daily, not drinking. All a big lie. Why? Because of where AL always takes us.

                                Will keep the spicey gossip flowing as best i can. :H Next update will possibly be after my next gig which isn't until september 9th i think.

                                'Tis a beautiful sunny, crisp tuesday morning here. Off to kick some arse in my own way today.

                                Take care everyone.

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

