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An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

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    An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

    Slaythefear;1373254 wrote: Smart man regarding the relationship thoughts. Sounds like you have a good handle on what can trigger and trip you up. I'm mentally putting mine into real awareness mode in this round AF because it is so important to identify them in real time and not just background noise or generalizations.
    Greetings SlayTF, and hello all,

    Yep, i know for me, i must maintain equilibrium, and not allow anything to ruffle my feathers even a little. Each day booze free i get stronger, and much more relaxed, settled within, which helps me keep stable. If i get a little upset, or notice i'm feeling negative, i try to 'unpack' where that feeling is coming from, and for me, it is a feeling. I'll acknowledge it, and try to let it be, and let it go. If the feeling/thought is sticking around for too long, i need to get myself mentally distracted immediately. I just try to stay cool and do the right thing according to my core values daily.

    On the other hand, if luuuurve were to walk into the room.......:nutso: :h

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

      Hiya all

      G.. I think that's a very wise attitude



        An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

        LillyE;1373252 wrote: FreeFly, now please stop beating yourself up sweetheart with all the 'thick' talk - you can do this, I know you can, but sometimes it's a process.
        Thank you Lilly :l Not much to say today, just want to be free.

        Hi G, yep, happy to live vicariously right now so go have us all some fun :H
        Slay - nice to see you.
        Hi Patrice, hope you're having a happy sober evening.
        SL - are you feeling better now :l
        You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



          An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

          Ungentlemanly indeed Molly......Great to see you.

          FF. Oh alright, i'll give you all the goss as it comes to hand, so to speak.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

            mollyka;1373370 wrote: Morning/afternoon/evening to all round here! Haven't been here for ages - dunno why - it's a great thread and was one of my 'go to' place's near the beginning when I was really struggling - thanks Gbloke:l
            Interesting about the extremes of emotions. As most of you know I had a stint in rehab last January. While I was down there my second son (with whom I have a somewhat distant but loving relationship with) visited me and brought his pregnant girlfriend with him (I had never met her) and I was just so excited and happy afterwards - really high and happy that he did that. One of the counsellors 'burst my bubble' a bit - she just told me to calm down and level out a bit. I thought she was a right heartless cow at the time - it was early days down there. By the time I got out - I really understood where she was coming from. Any extreme of emotion is very dangerous to me - happy or sad. Hence the recommendation from the rehab not to embark on any major life changes for up to 2 years into recovery. Makes a lot of sense to me! Mind you - MrG - if somebody was like begging you for a little bit of love and attention - 'twould be ungentlemanly to say no methinks:H
            Molly, this was really startling for me. I have been intentionally going down the path of "feeling the emotions fully" etc. Good timing for me to see this and recognize the potential pitfall for me personally. Not that I feel an extreme emotion is dangerous for me.......well maybe it is. I don't want it to be; but it was in a historical sense. I'll have to think on this. On the other hand. if somebody was like begging me for a little bit of love and attention, I'm quite certain I'd go for feeling the emotion fully.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

              Guitarista;1373388 wrote: Ungentlemanly indeed Molly......Great to see you.

              FF. Oh alright, i'll give you all the goss as it comes to hand, so to speak.
              goss? gossip? Crikey I even googled goss and didn't see it. :H
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                G, agree with your post. I have to control my emotional extremes, too. As others here have said even the highs can cause issues, especially if they cause a crash on the other side. I'm becoming much more cognizant of my thoughts and my emotional balance I HAVE to achieve. I'll be looking into some items to help my balance shortly such as meditation, etc. My avatar is in honor to that goal.

                "On the other hand, if luuuurve were to walk into the room....... "

                LOL and AWWWWW...

                Day 13 today. The beast has lost its hands. Heh, heh, heh...
                Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                  An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                  Hi everybody -

                  I had typed war and peace -including a good tease on Mr. G about being a gentleman per the above - but away the screen went - and all that time was lost...


                  So - my quickie replacement will be FF- hugs - you will figure it out. I know you will. I have faith in you.

                  And Patrice - I am so glad to be doing this walk with you old friend. We have fallen off the horse enough together - glad to be doing it right together. :l Day 15 and Day 14. And I'm so glad - truly glad - you are walking it at the same time.
                  That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                  Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                  AF - August 20, 2012


                    An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                    Very quick check in to say hi - have been so sick, and I never get sick! I have read a little each day, but not had energy to post, but am here....
                    Well done to those racking up the days, FF - feel for you, that's how I was feeling too..
                    Do like this thread - it does feel great, lots of encouragment, support, wise words - and peopel slipping, but getting back to business and those just getting along in their battle!!!
                    Back to sick bed, will be checking in...
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                      Quick check in from me too - thanks for kind words and belief that I'll figure this out. You know, I believe I will too.

                      SL - sorry you're feeling so poorly. Sending you some healing thoughts and one of these :l

                      Keep up the good work everyone, I'm right behind ya
                      You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                        An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                        Hi Everyone!

                        Had a nice 3 day weekend...and YES, I'm still off the fags!!! Day NINE...can you believe it? I hardly's getting so much easier.

                        I need to read back over all your posts, but G-Bloke, good luck with Spinach Lady. Please do keep us updated!

                        Be back later

                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                          greeneyes;1373392 wrote: goss? gossip? Crikey I even googled goss and didn't see it. :H
                          Greenie in the house! What an honour. :h

                          Yes, goss=gossip.

                          Thanks Niner. Great going on 9 days orf the fags. Glad it is getting easier for you. I stopped years ago, and found that it disappears from my daily thought process soon enough.

                          Slay, congratulations on 13 days AF! Great achievement. Follow through!

                          Great stuff Prairie and Patrice. :goodjob:

                          Keep it going FF.

                          Get well soon Lassie! Take care of yourself. :l

                          All spiffingly well here. A wild and windy morning, but spring has sprung. New beginnings.

                          We can create a new beginning ANYTIME we like. It's true you know.

                          Take care y'all. Yo!

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                            Guitarista;1373586 wrote: Greenie in the house! What an honour. :h

                            Yes, goss=gossip.

                            Thanks Niner. Great going on 9 days orf the fags. Glad it is getting easier for you. I stopped years ago, and found that it disappears from my daily thought process soon enough.

                            Slay, congratulations on 13 days AF! Great achievement. Follow through!

                            Great stuff Prairie and Patrice. :goodjob:

                            Keep it going FF.

                            Get well soon Lassie! Take care of yourself. :l

                            All spiffingly well here. A wild and windy morning, but spring has sprung. New beginnings.

                            We can create a new beginning ANYTIME we like. It's true you know.

                            Take care y'all. Yo!
                            GREAT post G. You could champion anything. You live it and do it :l
                            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                              An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                              techie;1373592 wrote: GREAT post G. You could champion anything. You live it and do it :l
                              Thanks Techie, but i'm just here for the chicks. :H

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                                PF - thanks for the encouragement, yes I think this time we can overcome those bumps in the road ! I'm giving it my best shot !
                                FF and SL - A big Hi
                                K9- I'm betting you are feeling great.. clear skin, fresh breath etc
                                G- I also like this thread because it's so open and inclusive. thanks for starting it.. " Chicks"?.... Don't worry I'll update you on modern vocab for women!! Haha ( I'm not sure how to put those yellow laughing faces in the post?)
                                Have a great day.
                                I am at the 2 week mark and it seems the more effort I put into remaining sober, the less I think about it. That seems a bit odd but that's whats happening.??

