Sl and K9- I have a 15 year old daughter as well- so can relate to that! Going on day 4 again- hope I can make this stick- last night I ran up to the mall to get a new computer -the other one just died- I swear they must put some self destructive devise in them right at the one year warranty mark... That got me home home around 7pm-past drinking hour- and was able to make dinner totally sober, watch Hell's Kitchen and Master Chef then off to bed.
Boozer- Sounds like you and I have the same witching hour- and distracting ourselves from that is a good idea- so this evening I plan on taking a walk at 5pm-push myself past that drinking hour.
Hey SL and Prairie- I've been having my fair share of disagreements with my husband as well-won't get into details because they are petty compared to yours- but, there definitely needs some better Karma flowing- it doesn't make me want to drink, though- I usually tend to drink if I am bored and have nothing to do- something I think I created just to drink- if that makes sense- 5 pm- turn on the tv and the gin....
Hello- to G, Patrice, and others...
Mr. G- We need more romance news on your end- have you found a woman that likes a good steak?
Off to wouldn't be so bad if they paid me more....