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An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

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    An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

    Guitarista;1377747 wrote: Hiya Lilly!

    Was wondering how you were. Wow 75 days! Bravo buddy!

    SBM lady update for you, Niner, and anyone else not getting any action :H (Just JOKING!)
    Thanks G! And it's true - I'm totally NOT getting any action. This is why I'm reliant on you to go forth, seduce with spinach, and come back with juicy details...

    But, you know, no pressure

    I hope Spinach lady shows and is properly appreciative of both your musical talents and her cruciferous vegetables. Have you checked if broccoli is on the menu tonight?


      An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

      Hi everybody -

      Seem to be coming out of PAWS - thank goodness. That shite's a drag.

      Wow - goody - cycle after cycle of that eh? Fabulous. I can't wait.

      It got added to PMS this month - and the man is offering to move to Antartica for next month's cycle for a week and live in a pup tent with no food or water and totally off the grid if he can miss the experience again.

      It seems I was a peach.

      Yay me.

      Well you know what - I'm doing the best I can. Screw it. It still has to be better that when I was blacked out pickled. Day 25 and I am not going back. Not reseting the PAWS clock to zero. No way. No how.

      On this path. And it's going one way - forward.

      Morning all -

      And Free - YOU are going no where. They gave you all the positive happy affirmational reasons. I'm cranky. I haven't had my coffee. I will just find you and pull a Red Foreman and put a foot you virtual bohooky as the kids call it. If I can do this as many times as I have teetered of the old horse, you can.

      We've been together on how many quits? You can't quit our quits NOW. I refuse. I veto. I have a virtual tantrum in the corner. I am now sucking my thumb and kicking my heels and as my british friends would say - tossing all my toys out the pram.

      So there.

      Are you done yet. Because really - I can do this all day. I've had children. I've even taken them to Walmart when they were hungry. I know what a full fledge tantrum is. Wanna see one?

      taps feet.....taps again.....

      Going to get more coffee, it appears I now need Naproxen too....

      Will anxiously away Free's reply...
      That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
      Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
      AF - August 20, 2012


        An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

        Guitarista;1377747 wrote: SBM lady update for you, Niner, and anyone else not getting any action :H (Just JOKING!)
        I WISH you were only joking, the sad fact is, it's TRUE please don't be stingy with the details when the real action with SBM Lady starts ok? Some of us NEED to live through you! I have my fingers, toes, and eyes crossed that she shows up tonight! Get your brocolli ready, I have a feeling you're going to sweep her off her feet!

        Freefly - I hope you are at least reading. You CANNOT leave us...seriously, you just can't! I will personally be hurt if you do, because I like you and want you please come back ok?

        PF - You cracked me took hungry kids to Walmart? You are my new HERO! I almost got in a fight with a fat woman in the frozen food aisle at Walmart, but that's a story for another day. LOL

        DAY NINETEEN, COUNT 'EM, NINETEEN OF NO SMOKES!!! Sunday morning will be 3 weeks! I am treating myself to a trip to the Thrift Store tomorrow. I love, love, love taking 2-3 hours and digging through everything...I have found some serious treasures there. My idea of a fun day is thrift store then a nice long nap. Yes, I know I am wild and guys could NOT even keep up with me! LOL

        Ok peeps, lets make it a GREEN day and weekend!

        We'll all be thinking of you G-Man...go get yer woman!

        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

          Flippin ek! Taken me all day to check in and skulk back in and when I do there lots of lovely messages. In the cold light of day I know I don?t want to go anywhere because that gets me absolutely nowhere . You?ve all offered so many words of wisdom, I want to reflect on them before writing more. Just wanted to say my butt is humbled and back where it knows what?s good for it and I?m ever grateful for the support. There is no danger of repeat performance this evening. I have absolutely no desire as seriously unhappy with self right now. Just wanted to say thank you (and thanks for making me laugh too!) Day one again.
          You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



            An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

            Yay Freefly!!! :l:l
            I'm so darn happy you're here!! :happy:
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

              Yeah Fly! Happy to see you - truly!!:l:l
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                YAY FREE!
                That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                AF - August 20, 2012


                  An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                  FF - see Tipps new thread - started today, there are a good few like us, I think it will be a good place to go if needed in the future to keep in the MWO home! Called something like tail between legs...
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                    Prairie Fairy;1377914 wrote:
                    And Free - YOU are going no where. They gave you all the positive happy affirmational reasons. I'm cranky. I haven't had my coffee. I will just find you and pull a Red Foreman and put a foot you virtual bohooky as the kids call it. If I can do this as many times as I have teetered of the old horse, you can.

                    taps feet.....taps again.....
                    Is it safe to come out yet? :sofa:

                    Yay Freefly. Good to see ya.

                    Congrat's on 25 days PF. Great to see you are still determined to follow through. Your time is now.

                    Hiya SL. :hallo:

                    It is sat. morning here in downtown downunder, and a work weekend for me, but that's ok.

                    Well, no news on the SBM front. She was nowhere to be seen. I could chase her, but i'm not really THAT interested. She does have a weekly music radio show on a community station here, and has invited us to come in and play, so that's the next move and next time we'll meet i'm guessing. I also have a feeling she may have a boyfriend of sorts.......Now, i know some of you are absolutely frothing at the bit for some kind of action, :H so i apologise for the non event. Youse might just have to really go wild, and spend an extra hour or 2 in yer local thrift store. You never know who you'll meet.

                    On a personal note, i am feeling in tip top shape, feeling settled and committed for the long haul. A lean, mean, green, AF machine.

                    I've been on this site for awhile now, and i find it is STILL really inspiring and full of gold, and full of great folk like everyone who posts here. Thanks for being around y'all. Freefly
                    mentioned feeling humbled. I see peoples struggles and personal situations, and yet seemingly against all odds, folk are stopping the madness, saying NO, and racking up the AF days. This is just heroic. For me, i am humbled whenever i come here. I sure have nothing to whinge about. There are no excuses. The buck stops with me.

                    Eat yer greens.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                      Hiya all,

                      There is such a lot of new information and shared experiences on this site.. and yes humbled is a great word...the learning curve is huge and I'm grateful to be able to access this kind of information.
                      Everyone sounds good, back on, staying on etc.. Great!!
                      Its the weekend here yay!

                      Take care


                        An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                        Hello all. Been thinking a LOT about MWO today and wondering where on earth I'd be without having found this site. I do still want to address things people said yesterday because many things struck chords and bounced me out of any potential pity party. But right now, I just want to thank you all again. Patient, virtual friends with so much love to give. I feel honoured to be part of this community and truly grateful to be accepted and welcomed to give this thing another go. THANK YOU!

                        ps. Thanks Lassie for the Tipps tip off - will no doubt post over the weekend. Off to sleep now. Night all
                        You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                          An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                          Hi FF, Soooooooooo glad to see you.

                          So good that you are getting straight back on the horse!

                          KY :l:l:l:l


                            An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                            I've just called AA. Only called once before and that was having learned so much from this site. Never even crossed the radar before then. Was thinking that perhaps some face-to-face stuff would help. My last call resulted in me travelling an hour to a meeting as absolutely no way did I think I could do it locally. Anyway, having given a false name this time (WTF) I realised I was speaking to exactly the same guy as last time. Couldn't keep up the pretence for more than a minute which is just as well as he recognised my voice (ouch). He was a gent and didn't tell me my voice gave me away until I fessed up. So, am thinking to travel that hour again tomorrow evening and take in some others' stories face to face. I'm not sure AA is for me but I found myself on that call. Who knows. And yes, sleep disturbed and in the wide awake club again - how I love sober times and 8-10 hours sleep!
                            You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                              An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                              FreeFly;1378315 wrote: I've just called AA. Only called once before and that was having learned so much from this site. Never even crossed the radar before then. Was thinking that perhaps some face-to-face stuff would help. My last call resulted in me travelling an hour to a meeting as absolutely no way did I think I could do it locally. Anyway, having given a false name this time (WTF) I realised I was speaking to exactly the same guy as last time. Couldn't keep up the pretence for more than a minute which is just as well as he recognised my voice (ouch). He was a gent and didn't tell me my voice gave me away until I fessed up. So, am thinking to travel that hour again tomorrow evening and take in some others' stories face to face. I'm not sure AA is for me but I found myself on that call. Who knows. And yes, sleep disturbed and in the wide awake club again - how I love sober times and 8-10 hours sleep!
                              Hi FF,
                              I go to AA sometimes (i'm not a hardcore regular), and i find the face to face contact and just being in the same room as people like us, and hearing stories i relate to, very special, and very empowering. Take what you need and leave the rest. I hope you get something positive from it, and i think you will, if only to understand that you are not alone, and you don't have to do this alone. A real life support group of recovering alkies may sound horrific, but such a group of folk can be gold, if we at least try it. But each to their own of course. I come away from an AA meeting inspired and humbled. There is always a warm greeting and no one judges.

                              There aren't many other places where you can just walk in off the street without booking, without knocking, and get a warm welcome and be heard, or just listen.

                              Let us know how you go will you?

                              Right, into shower and off to another gig. Tonight we're at the Thornbury theatre here in Melbourne. Looking forward to it. SBM will have plenty of competition as i reckon it'll be busy.

                              Have a great day/evening y'all.

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                                Thanks G - your approach to AA makes a lot of sense to me. Tonight however I'm not going - I'm not ready to try locally and driving an hour there and back for an hour's meeting just doesn't take my fancy tonight, and besides, Strictly Come Dancing starts tonight! Sad, but true, but this will be my Saturday night action for a while. Have a great gig and we all look forward to hearing the next installment of your action
                                You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi


