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An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

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    An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

    Thanks for keeping this thread going - I have so much going on in life, I am sorry I am not a contributor just now, but I do read daily and take lessons from everything each one post each one of you makes. I am hanging in and doing well with this goal, just struggling with everything else - and desiring to drown my sorrows, but reading here helps me so very much, I will be back one day soon....
    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


      An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

      clear eyes;1421937 wrote: Hi everyone. I am back on day one. Please sit on me and don't let me go away from here. I said some pretty bad things to HB last night and daughter. Feel like SHIT today emotionally. It is funny how in the last 6 weeks it just kept getting more and more. I loved my AF time this year. Why do I go back and then drink more and more? I really hate myself today. Don't know if I can make things right. Well I guess I will just start helping myself today. Threw out all the wine this morning and even most of the wine glasses. My eyes will probably be still swollen tomorrow from all the crying.
      :soothe: Aw Clear Eyes, I can feel your sadness today. Right then, time to let those horrid feelings go. What's done is done. Absolutely no good dwelling on them and beating yourself up. As you said you loved your AF time this year so time for some more. In a few days things will just feel right again and any 'making good' will come naturally with a clear head. Well done on throwing the wine out. Now give yourself one of these :l Can you do something nice for yourself now. Just a couple of days and you'll feel so much better. Big :l:l from me.

      Hi Audrey, Ally, Mby & SL - hope all's well. Thanks for the support too. Yes I used to binge every night so I do see the progress. Love being hungover free and love that's becoming the norm - just got to cut out the odd day I do still indulge in so I can get those pesky, and very elusive for me, 30 days!
      You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



        An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

        Thanks FF and AL. Today is already better. Can't wait for after day 3 to have all the poison out of me. Family is speaking to me, but I really want to keep that one with me to remind how AL can turn me into someone who I don't like to be.

        Sweet dreams everyone!


          An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

          Glad to hear you feeling better CE :l
          You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



            An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

            clear eyes;1422654 wrote: Thanks FF and AL. Today is already better. Can't wait for after day 3 to have all the poison out of me. Family is speaking to me, but I really want to keep that one with me to remind how AL can turn me into someone who I don't like to be.

            Sweet dreams everyone!
            Hi Y'all!

            Good stuff CE. Take back your precious life friend.

            Hiya FF! How are you going there?

            Have a great friday everyone. It's also know as POETS day you know.

            Piss Off Early Tomorrows Saturday!

            L8tr, Yo! :h

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

              Hey G, nice to see you. Slowly but surely taking my life back over here. Feeling positive and looking forward to sober weekend.

              Any news on the spinach front for us?

              Where is everyone???
              You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                Thanks G. First AF Friday night in a long time. Heading to bed. Need to be up early. Have a great week-end everyone.


                  An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                  Well done CE!! Feels good doesn't it.
                  Hi G and FF - quick check in to stay in touch, reading daily buit struggling to find time to post much, so looking for things to settle and get some quiet time...
                  Hi to everyone else dropping by - stay strong...
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                    Nice to see you Lassie and yes, well done Clear Eyes

                    Now where are all the other lovely peeps who sometimes frequent this thread? I miss you!
                    You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                      An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                      Happy Monday G, FF, SL, Ally, & DB! Wow what a difference a week makes. Things are going good for me. Feeling so much better. Still a little tired. One week AF today!!!! Longest since October. Hope all are doing ok. Little worried with it being so quiet.


                        An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                        Hi Clear Eyes, yeah I was getting a little lonely around here :-( Anyways, fantastic job - well done you. You sound sooo different. Keep it up now you're on a roll

                        Good my end - got loads done today including my tax return, ton of paperwork, cleaning my flat, washing, cleaning out my fridge, food shopping, wrapping presents, making food for friends tomorrow. What a difference not drinking makes!

                        Happy week everyone dropping by
                        You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                          An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                          I am not the sort of person who wants alot of things. I am completely good with making the bills and going to a movie every now and then. When my Hb lost his job it took some creative planning to make sure the bills in our home would be paid for 2 months while he looked for a new job. This was very stressful but I was determined to get through this period AF. I was making it just fine until late Thursday night when I found out he had given his ex-wife money from our household account to pay her rent. I felt completely defeated. I didn't see any reason to stay sober. I felt totally out of control so I checked out mentally for 2 days. Yesterday I woke up sick and depressed. Maybe I was foolish to believe that getting sober would make my life better. I feel like ever since I started to change there is only one problem after another. Every day is a physical battle to stay AF and it is exhausting. I am trying so hard to maintain my commitment to myself.


                            An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                            hi mby,thats how i feel too! serious more problems seem to be popping up now,than when i was drinking heavy,weird
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                              ....pppsssttt....Hi everyone!

                              Just poppin' in to see how everyone is doing!

                              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                                An older drunk back on day one. Who's with me?

                                Hi Mby, I'm so sorry to hear you're having a horrid time. Again, I'd ask have you spoken to HB about it all - told him how that made you feel? Have you told him what you're doing re going sober? Does he drink? Sorry, lots of questions. I know when you're in a critical time, it can seem that the whole world is against you, but you will come through it. The one constant you can rely on is change. How are the finals going? Can you try and focus on the positives in your life at the moment. And every ounce of AF time you manage is a huge positive. Drinking will only make you feel more depressed. Sending you lots of strength and a big fat :l
                                You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi


