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falling asleep during CD's?

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    falling asleep during CD's?

    I seem to fall asleep during the CD sessions. Will that decrease the effectiveness of them? My drinking has decreased drastically (not that I drank ALOT, just often), but my life is fairly de-stressed for this exact moment (stress is what causes my drinking to get out of control!), so don't know if the CD's are helping or not. Haven't been here in a while, but stress in my life was at a dangerous level. I literally had no time to listen to the CD's, between taking care of both kids, my elderly mother, two jobs....but, they are all gone away for Christmas and I have about a week to myself and I want to get the ball rolling while they are away! I actually have an hour or two to myself at night to do the CD's. But, I'm always tired and try as I might, middle of the disk, I fall asleep, then suddenly wake up when they are over....any thoughts?

    I go (or try) back to college in two weeks. I HAVE to be alcohol craving free by then! With my hectic life, otherwise, I'll never make it. I HAVE to finish this degree for my daughter and I CANNOT when the craving for alcohol overwhelms me. I realize now, with a docs help, that the craving is psychological, not physical, but as he says, it will get physical very soon if I cannot get it under control......I can't have that. My son is only with me for another year or so and my daughter is only ten. I want her to have a better life than he has (not because of alcohol... that's been fairly recent... but for my financial situation to be more stable)....My financial and home life will be so much better once I have this degree in my hand and can go for what I want with it. It will allow me to work the hours my daughter is in school and be home when she is out!

    falling asleep during CD's?

    Hi Jerri,

    I asked my hubby about this because I also fall asleep. He said that either way the message is getting across because your brain still processes what it hears.
    This would support why they have us listen to the subliminal CD during sleep time.


    : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results................... Albert Einstein


      falling asleep during CD's?

      I kept finding myself dropping off to sleep during the tapes as well. I've now adopted a new method (not sure if it's recommended- but works for me!) I listen to the Hypno part 2 while I'm on my excise bike, or stairmaster... I know you're supposed to completly relax, but I wait tables for a living...sooo..... (for me) zoning out on a stairmaster IS RELAXED! And it keeps me awake to hear the whole tape. Otherwise I wake up feeling groggy everytime . No matter what time of day I listen to them.
      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

