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From my heart

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    From my heart

    Morning all. I am out the door, running a bit late, but this is more important.

    I just wanted to say I am so amazed by the fact that everyone here gets along so well. I belong to another forum that focus's on a certain medical issue (I won't name) that others from all over come to, to get advise, facts, support, etc. There are so many cat fights on that site that the moderator has to come and break them up from time to time. I find it so sad. But on here, there is none of that. (Except for one day I poked my head into the med section and a small cat fight was going on in there. I quickly came running back to the nest.) LOL. But I truly want to thank you all for the love, warmth, compassion and understanding that you all seem to have. We come from all over and from all walks of life with many differing opinions, but everyone opens their minds even though they may not agree with those opinions. I want to especially thank the senior members. You are all so wise and caring and I have been so inspired by your stories and resolve. :h

    I know it seems like I am on drugs or drinking. I assure you, I am not. I actually told my hubby that I am on such a high that I am waiting to crash. He said maybe you won't. I hope not. I am on a high but a natural, good one.

    Okay, enough mush. I just wanted to say that. Be back later.
    "What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding." Elvis Costello

    From my heart

    Awww, shucks, mighty,

    You are also a kind hearted , honest person ... I came here to come clean to perfect strangers about my drinking and found so much support and understanding that gave me the courage to move forward and admitt this to other real life people and most importantly to myself.

    I've got you to thank too for the final push to just go and tell my DH. It was the best thing I ever did.

    thank you
    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


      From my heart

      mighty might and shue it has been great reading your posts. having a bit of a rough time tonight but just posting away and reading threads. starting to realise we all have a struggle but such lovely people here that dont judge which gives more determination to be AF.

      Also have been listening to a lot Yusef Islam and he has some wonderful words of wisdom.

      have a great day guys, i have a cple more hours before sleep awaits and fingers crossed tonight will be my first full nights sleep AF
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        From my heart

        GREAT thread!

        I was actually thinking of starting a thread like this myself. When I first discovered the site I was on it 24/7. It was full of good info, support, laughs, and tears. Even though I have never met anyone from here, it still holds some accountability for me.

        I can come on here, be myself, not have to be embarrassed or ashamed of this issue we share. I wont have to worry about whispers behind my back(or do I? LoLz), at the water cooler or with friends.

        I have had a lot of fun interacting with all of you. Just wanted to thank each and every one of you.

        THIS PLACE ROCKS!!!!!!
        Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



          From my heart

          I am also grateful to have found this forum and all the great people on it. The only people that know I come here are my children. I feel like a have a kind of secret society of friends that no-one knows about.....I also feel protective of what we have here....
          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


            From my heart

            Hi Dasiy45,

            I just wanted to say hello, you are the first person I've come across that is from Ireland. I'm on day 19 AF and so far so good. Good luck and Well done ! xx


              From my heart

              mrsg;1202674 wrote: Hi Dasiy45,

              I just wanted to say hello, you are the first person I've come across that is from Ireland. I'm on day 19 AF and so far so good. Good luck and Well done ! xx
              Hi Mrsg, there are a few of us here, but actually I am surprised there are not more from our part of the world. We'll have to get ourselves sorted then maybe more will be interested..........
              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                From my heart

                Mightymite what you said is soooo true. I feel like I can come here every day to be with compassionate people who truly understand. I hope I'll hang around when I'm over the first hurdles so I can give a bit back to others coming here behind me. You're all so normal and yet this is an extraordinary place. Your words about feeling high ring so true with me right now. I feel like I've been given an incredible gift, I'm seeing life with new eyes. I don't ever want to go back to where I was only a short time ago.
                AL free since 24 October 2011


                  From my heart

                  temptation nearly got me this afternoon, so close to that bottle shop but thought no i dont want to disappoint you guys who understand so much. so a 2 litre of coke zero it is and it may not taste the same but day 5 tomorrow and so need to do this. back to reading lots of threads and feeling better that i am not alone.

                  NELZ i agree this place does rock big time and so much support. all i thought about wass going to AA and i didnt want to do that, not me.
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    From my heart

                    Mightymite well done your post says it all! MWO is a great place.

                    Available, you are doing really well hang in there! Be careful of diet drinks I'm not sure if Coke zero contains aspartame (seems likely). Maybe do a bit of research on aspartame? The "glitzy pro sites" and the "down to earth" anti ones. Maybe I've just gone overboard on food additives and stuff this time around AF.?
                    I'll be around in the chat room tomorrow if you want to drop by for a virtual cuppa.
                    " I'm not trying to counsel any of you to do anything really special, except to dare to think and to dare to go with the truth and to dare to love completely." -R. Buckminster Fuller


                      From my heart

                      I agree with you all.....have found it brilliant and so helpful....everyone is so honest and nice!

                      Daisy...Im from Ireland too


                        From my heart

                        Willow thanks for the advice. I dont normally drink much fizzy drink but a bit over water though am enjoying water and lemon juice. Heard talks about seltzer on threads and pretty sure we can get that here. what is your drink of choice now? I will have a look at aspartame. I am only new so this is all new to me and any help is always appreciated. at the moment i am just doing it on my own and coping really well i think but i am going to get some l-glut. just starting to get my appetite back and so craving for chocolate and i dont normally eat it. any ideas on tht one.
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          From my heart

                          I craved sweet things too..... ur body misses the sugar from the alcohol i think.....I let myself have what ever i was in humour of, nothing is worse than pouring acidic wine down ur throat!

                          Tropicana ruby breakfast or a rubex first thing in the morning is my new fix.....makes me feel healthy....ha ha, if somebody told me i was going to say that a few weeks ago i would have committed them to an asylum!


                            From my heart

                            just having a cammomile tea OMG. so much better than the 2nd bottle of wine and thinking will i be too pissed if i open the third. oh of course not!

                            Just letting my body do what it wants. putting up with the headaches and waking up 1000 times a night instead of being in a coma. not shaking anymore so that is really good, not as much anxiety.

                            Maybe if my dog has an epileptic fit i might be awake for her now.

                            what is a rubex Athome?
                            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                              From my heart

                              Gosh...i remember contemplating the thrid have lockjaw and still want it!!! Soooo glad im not doing that anymore!

                              Rubex is a disolvable vitamin c tablet, put it in water and hey presto...a tasty effervescent orangy refreshing drink...i find they kickstart me...berrocca is another one thats a multivitamin

