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non-alcoholic beer / liquor?

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    non-alcoholic beer / liquor?

    I had been drinking daily for about 8 years and last month i switched to non-alcoholic beer and havent had a real beer since. I evev initially told myself iwould drink real beer on the weekends only but i have no urge to. Im still drinking NA beer since.

    Now health wise im not completely in the clear since i had my blood test done a couple weeks ago and my sugar levels are way too high at diabetic levels.

    I cant quit drinking the NA beer and i know its not good for my blood sugar because of all the carbs so i was wondering what about if i just get vodka and dilute it down with water to the same level as NA beer which is less than .5% so that means if the average beer is 5% alcohol then 10 NA beers equals = 1 beer. They say that a shot of liquor is the same as 1 can of beer so each at 12 oz. A can means its 120 oz. Total and i need to put 1 shot in here with the 120 oz water and now i have NA liquor, is that correct?

    Since i believe people say that vodka doesnt have any added sugar (besides the alcohol) and no carbs.

    Do you think that would work for me? Same alcohol content as NA beer but without the sugar and carbs?

    non-alcoholic beer / liquor?

    Hi and congrats on reducing you AL intake.

    How much AL are you having per day. If you are drinking 10 NA beers surely the AL is not having that much effect on you now. Is it for pyschological reasons that you cannot give it up?

    If it were me I would be afraid the start mixing with vodka as I know that over time I would increase the AL content in each drink until I would be back to where I started.

    Can you switch to a NA drink that is low in sugar or has no sugar content? A lot of people crave sugar when they give up AL.


      non-alcoholic beer / liquor?

      Right now im drinking about 8 to 10 cans of NA a day so that equals to almost 1 real can of beer.

      Its not having much effect on me and yes its psychological or else i feel like i have nothing to do.

      For diabetics carbs is a problem and there isnt a NA beer that doesnt have any carbs, im not sure about the sugar but i doubt it


        non-alcoholic beer / liquor?

        From what im reading NA has more carbs / sugar than regular beer
        Beer: Sugar, calories in beer, o douls


          non-alcoholic beer / liquor?

          I am not a diabetic but did have gestational diabetis with my last pregnancy. I thought the problem is that you body converts carbs to sugar.

          I am in Australia and we can get diet ginger beer. Not quiet the same but it could work.

          I was seriously addicted to diet sodas as well as AL. I have recently given both up. There is another thread going call Tit for Tat (sorry I can't do links) where people are talking about NA drinks they are consuming instead.


            non-alcoholic beer / liquor?

            Ellaq;1203641 wrote: I am not a diabetic but did have gestational diabetis with my last pregnancy. I thought the problem is that you body converts carbs to sugar.

            I am in Australia and we can get diet ginger beer. Not quiet the same but it could work.

            I was seriously addicted to diet sodas as well as AL. I have recently given both up. There is another thread going call Tit for Tat (sorry I can't do links) where people are talking about NA drinks they are consuming instead.
            If you highlight all the words in the dialog box up at the top......hit ctrl and the letter c
            then put your cursor where you want the link
            and hit ctrl v is shows up
            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



              non-alcoholic beer / liquor?


              The NA beer is a no-brainer.Stop drinking it.
              Vodka and water to make NA liquor?
              Another bad idea.
              Only my opinions. I think plating with fire results
              in burning.
              With a medical condition that should be the
              first consideration, what to drink seems like
              a distraction, unless it's an addiction.
              In which case it must be addressed.


                non-alcoholic beer / liquor?

                I am addressing my health which is to get rid of the carbs and extra sugar. My liver is still fine and my dr. Even told me that i could drink sometimes so instead of drinking a 6 pack once a week in one day im drinking the equivalent of 1 a day or i have been the past month with NA beer.

                I think ill be able to keep it in control according to NA standards of less than .5% since for the past month ive not gone back to real beer and its costing me twice as much every week im not even drinking real beer occassionally ive never had this much "abstinence" in my life and i feel good about it. Im eating healthy and ive stopped (for the most part except occasionally) fast food. I bought a $300 juicer last week and juicing a ton of vegetables 3x a day for vitamins and nutrition and im working out 3 times a week.

                If this vodka/water thing works out it would be cut my costs so much i did the math its 1 shot to about a gallon of water 3.5 liters. If itdoesnt work fir me and i cant control myself ill come in here and admit it.


                  non-alcoholic beer / liquor?

                  Hi abc. :welcome:

                  It sounds like your question is - would vodka process "not as a carb." I was a vodka drinker for many years. I always thought I could rely on the carb counters which show vodka as having 0 carbs.

                  Well, that doesn't quite work. Alcohol doesn't process like a food (or other beverage). If health is your concern, I wouldn't look at this just as a "carb" issue. You might want to do more research to see how this different processing affects blood sugar, because I think it does. I dont' know the mechanics of it though. But 100 calories of vodka with 0 carbs is not going to affect you the same way as 100 calories worth of chicken breast with 0 carbs.

                  Here is some very basic info on how alcohol is processed in the system. And this is true for an form of alcohol - the alcohol in beer, NA beer, wine, distilled spirits, etc. How Your Body Processes Alcohol - For Dummies

                  Good luck!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    non-alcoholic beer / liquor?

                    Thanks for your reply. I understand what you're saying, I mean I don't believe it's the same as a protein shake or something but, I guess was more or less asking if this would be a lesser of the two evils, vodka diluted with water to NA level, or NA beer with more added sugar and carbs. The NA beer has that little bit of alcohol that process as a sugar etc. along with added carbs while the vodka I guess just has the alcohol itself.

                    Anyway I've been diluting a half a shot or less in a liter of water, I'm drinking about 3 liters a night so I guess I'm having the equivalent of 1.5 beers a night, the first day I did feel like it needed more vodka since it tasted mostly like water with a hint of vodka but, I didn't fall into the temptation to add more. Instead I started putting lemons into the water early in the day and by night it mostly tastes of lemon water and I can't taste any vodka so I can't tell how much is in there in my mind. Obviously as somebody stated before it must be all psychological for me, as I know it's in there since I poured it in but, I can't taste it and I'm ok with it, I like the lemon water taste. I might try to trick my mind and in one of the bottles (they look exactly alike) not put any vodka and only put it one and mix them up so I can't tell which is which and drink both, I think I won't be able to tell which is which by the taste because of the lemons and I think I won't care, I'll just drink both since I'll think I'm getting the vodka fix since one of them has it. I still prefer the NA beer for some reason but, not going back to it since I think it might be worst for me.

                    Also it looks like lemons and lemon water is good for you, for your liver and good for diabetics also in balancing sugar levels.

                    Benefits Of Lemon Water | LIVESTRONG.COM
                    Lemons & Diabetes | LIVESTRONG.COM

                    I've also got my treadmill in last week, so now I'm exercising 7 days a week. I do weight lifting every other day on weekdays so 3 days and off days cardio, walk for 30 min. (mile and a half), eating healthy, baking fish or chicken every night with lots of vegetables, also juicing vegetables 3 times a day.

                    I hope I'll stick with this for long-term and make exercising and eating healthy a lifestyle change, I have to go back for another blood test in 3 months and I'll see where I'm at, if I have to quit drinking completely not even the small amounts I am now or what will happen.

                    I think the reason that I'm not falling into the temptation of drinking more or putting more vodka is since I'm not remembering what it's like to be drunk, so I'm not missing it, I guess I'm stuck on the psychological part. I guess maybe I'm forgetting with how busy I'm trying to keep myself so with the cooking and exercising, I keep having to do something so it's keeping me occupied.

                    Doggygirl;1203866 wrote: Hi abc. :welcome:

                    It sounds like your question is - would vodka process "not as a carb." I was a vodka drinker for many years. I always thought I could rely on the carb counters which show vodka as having 0 carbs.

                    Well, that doesn't quite work. Alcohol doesn't process like a food (or other beverage). If health is your concern, I wouldn't look at this just as a "carb" issue. You might want to do more research to see how this different processing affects blood sugar, because I think it does. I dont' know the mechanics of it though. But 100 calories of vodka with 0 carbs is not going to affect you the same way as 100 calories worth of chicken breast with 0 carbs.

                    Here is some very basic info on how alcohol is processed in the system. And this is true for an form of alcohol - the alcohol in beer, NA beer, wine, distilled spirits, etc. How Your Body Processes Alcohol - For Dummies

                    Good luck!



                      non-alcoholic beer / liquor?

                      well about 3 months later, I've been able to still keep the vodka/water thing at NA levels but, even lesser now for the first couple months I was at 1.5-2 shots an evening now since the last month it's been 1 shot mixed in a gallon of water. Have not had a beer or NA beer since, and not had the temptation to put more vodka in and get drunk off it, have not been "real" drunk since, never more than 2 a night like I said and now down to 1 shot every evening.

                      I've been exercising since regularly 5 times a week now (started with 7 but, working on the weekends now), and eating healthy hardly ever eat fast food if I do I try to get something healthy (as much as possible for fast food). In October once I switched to NA beer had a blood test done at the doctors office my blood sugar was at 270 he was ready to put me on diabetes meds. Since I changed my lifestyle as much as I have, I had my 3 month doctors visit last week and my blood sugar was 97. He said to continue to do what I'm doing and he doesn't feel it's necessary to put me on sugar meds anymore. I still have prediabetes it seems but, I'm able to keep it in control by trying to have a healthier lifestyle.


                        non-alcoholic beer / liquor?

                        So why are you still drinking any alcohol? What is the point? What is the reason you are posting here? Were you seeking help? If so, for what?
                        AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

                        Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


                          non-alcoholic beer / liquor?

                          Have you ever tried SODA WATER?

                          Works wonders for me!!!


                          Round 1 - AF/NF Sept 29, 2011-June 23, 2012

                          Round 2 - AF/NF October 6, 2012-December 2012

                          Round 3 - AF/NF January 5, 2014 - ????

                          Third times a charm!


                            non-alcoholic beer / liquor?

                            Stay away from the vodka, studies show it's much harder to quit hard liquor than beer.
                            And your already doing good !!!!!!
                            Maybe gradually cut down on the NA beer and have some seltzer water in place until it is no longer psychological . GL to you.
                            I am the master of my fate . I am the captain of my soul.

                            Had 10 weeks AF from 9-11-11 to 11-24-11

                            AF since 2/20/12

                            Goal no.1 - 1 week DONE !

                            Goal no.2 - 2 weeks.

                            Goal no.3 - 30 days.

                            Gaol no.4 - 10 weeks .


                              non-alcoholic beer / liquor?

                              I am a HUGGGGGE fan of the seltzer, but I am also still drinking the occasional NA beer. I know some on here vehemently disagree with drinking it, I find that "for me" being able to still enjoy a "beer" once in a while......takes some of the harshness out of quitting.

                              Its like telling someone they all of the sudden cant have something.....the usual natural reaction at that point is to crave whatever has been taken away.

                              I guess Im lucky that my poison of choice was beer, and they have a NA form of it
                              Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                              DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER

