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My 36th birthday

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    My 36th birthday

    Hi Everyone,

    Yesterday was my 36th birthday and we went out to dinner with a bunch of friends. I drank so much I don't remember falling over by the car in front of all my friends not wanting to leave the restaurant and booze and don't remember coming home and going to bed.

    So this afternoon I googled alcoholics and found this site. I am going to download the book and read it asap and have written down the supplements to buy.

    My abstinance starts today. This person I became with drink is so unattractive and not who I want to be. She stays back on my 36th birthday and will not come out again.

    By the way if anyone here is from Sydney Australia would be great to hear from you.


    My 36th birthday

    Hi Louie,

    I'm from good old sydney welcome you have come to the right place. I started on the program 29 days ago and it has changed my life. Kim
    Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


      My 36th birthday

      Way to go!!! great start Louie, all these things can only make it easier when you have clicked into the right mindset...I am now on the start of my fourth week of abs, and believe me, this is nothing short of a really is thanks to the advice and support from all the guys here, and of course the great RJ for giving such a great bunch of people the site to get together and help each other thrash this out...
      Looking forward to future posts from you..Weemelon x


        My 36th birthday

        Congrats for starting on the abs train. I wish I had done it @ 36 instead of wasting more good years with the bottle as I have done.

        All the best. You will get lots of support here. Make sure to spend a lot of time reading the Research Section and the Long Term Abs Board.


          My 36th birthday

          Hi louie.
          You've come to a great place for support.
          Best of luck to you


            My 36th birthday

            Welcome Louie,
            Researching things and talking is a great way to start.. and such a relief, isnt it? I'm from NSW (not all NSW is Sydney, you know!!!)

            You will find various opinions on this board and thats really useful as it will get your mind going and you can work out what you think sits best with you. Whatever your choices are, I'd say, listen to your gut about what is really likely to be successful for you and keep re evaluating as it goes along and stay honest with youurself.

            The support here can be great, but dont be fooled that there is an easy way to do this - the decision comes from within YOU.. from my experience, it has been tough (but well worth the effort) and required a multi pronged approach (much like the one RJ suggests).. which is eat well, sleep well, exercise, meditate/reflect/hynotise yourself and hang on to your determination. some people use medication - some dont.. there are various opinions on that also..

            My life has changed since I became sober. No way do I want to go back. I hope the same happens for you.


              My 36th birthday

              Hi Louie & :welcome:
              You really have found the right place....

              Like you I was Passing out with drink, But since finding this place i've been soooo much better.....

              The people here are so nice and really understand how you feel.

              Really wishing you all all the best.

              Paula xx


                My 36th birthday


                :goodjob: You really are in the right place. I am just three alchohol free days ahead of you. It is not easy but it is worth it. These people are amazing and the system does work. You can do it. When the going gets tough turn to your friends here. They will not let you down. You are going to make it.



                  My 36th birthday

                  36 must be a good year for us because that's how old I am and plan to stop altogether on Jan 1. I will see my way to 37 a much more sober and in control person than the years before.
                  Take Care and keep strong. You can do it.
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

