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Preparation/action stage

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    Preparation/action stage

    Going to try this again in the next few days. Went to a MD Monday hoping for antabuse, ambien, zanax and a referral to a psych. Tired of the "I need to stop...can't stop...have to stop....can't"...hoping taking the antabuse stops some of the waffling. Don't sleep much...need sleep if I am going to do this...thus the ambien. Have some pretty weird and terrible anxiety issues...need a replacement for medicinal alcohol. Have been diagnosed a couple of times as bipolar but stopped taking any meds years ago.

    MD said basically that I am too crazy to prescribe anything. Did get the referral to the shrink but can't get in until tuesday. Had hoped to get started before then, but am sure I can't do it without some pharmaceutical help.

    Been drinking out of control for most of the last 40 years. Have been in and out of rehabs and AA for several years. Am tired. Just think I need help for the first few days. Beyond that, am looking forward to kicking this problem.

    The truth is that most of the pleasure I get from drinking is the easing of alcohol withdrawal. That intense feeling of ease and comfort is mainly knowing that the shakes are going to ease, the hole is going to be filled and my mind is going to slow and settle. A few days without booze and those conditions will change.

    MD said I needed a support group. Told her I wasn't ready to deal with AA again but that I had found this forum and would spend time here. Thanks for reading and for being here. Will start a progress thread as soon as I actually pull the trigger.
    "If I don't go crazy, honey, I'm going to lose my mind." Son House

    Preparation/action stage

    B.J. - Good for you for seeking help with the MD. At this point I am confused as to his comment about "being to crazy" to help you with meds? What exactly did he mean? You came to him for HELP! Where was his HELP?

    Secondly - I hope you take advantage of ANY help you can get. If you have had no success with AA - maybe it was the wrong group. There are many groups and you maybe need to shop for the one that will work for you!

    Whatever it takes - get the support you need and put together a team of help. As this disease worsens with time .. it CAN make us crazy! It destroys our brains, bodies and lives!

    You can do this - think of it as your "stop the craziness" plan!! There is help here - but being a forum - it is just one tool. You need to fill your tool box with as many tools as you can.
    Put your hands over your heart - and tell yourself that you are going to guard this essence of who you are with everything. Alcohol opens us up to darkness and depression instantly. You choose love today. Guard it by keeping the poison out of your body. It IS poison.

    NF - May 2, 2013 (cig free Jan. 25, 2013)
    AF - July 31, 2013


      Preparation/action stage

      BJ, just wanted to say hi and wish you well on your new journey. Lots of great people here who will be along to give you good advice.

      I'm glad you're doing this with medical help. I'm also posting a link to the Toolbox with excellent information.

      You can download the MWO book from this site, and it can guide you about helpful supplements, etc. Also, lots of water with lemon, meditation CDs, etc. are super beneficial.

      Click below for the Toolbox (be sure to scroll through the pages because stuff gets buried):

      Best to you!


        Preparation/action stage

        :welcome:BamaJohn, welcome. When I read your post, all I could think of is "please find another doctor". If alcohol withdrawal is a big issue, then you need help, real help...not to be told you are "too crazy" for help. I think that doctor needs to be removed from practice for a comment like that.

        Anyway, glad you are here. Lots of helpful people with experience and wisdom to share. You are cordially invited to Newbies Nest where you can pull up a twig and grow to a fledgling with the rest of us.

        Alcohol does me no favors.

        Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


          Preparation/action stage

          Hi Bamajohn,

          I totally agree with Belle, find another doctor. If he actually used the word ?crazy?, that is unacceptable! You are NOT crazy; you are addicted to alcohol and went to him for help. Please get a second opinion, there is help out there!

          When I first went to my doctor (actually I only see the Nurse Practitioner, I prefer her over ANY doctor!), she was so supportive and encouraging. She said it was refreshing to see someone coming in asking for help, but also being willing to put in some work. She prescribed me 7 days of Ativan to help with the withdrawal, and also Antabuse, which I still take to this day. I cannot recommend Antabuse highly enough. It takes away the inner battle of ?should I drink today or not???you simply CANNOT drink on it. If you do, the repercussions are so bad, I guarantee you won?t do it again (being a true alcoholic, I did try?and will not ever attempt it again!)

          Please, please find another doctor, and let us know how you?re getting on!

          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            Preparation/action stage

            Bama-- want to say welcome-- I am a Bama girl too living in Atlanta now (a Roll
            Tider inourning this week too). The doctor sounds awful! No doc should use such a perjorative term as crazy to a patient though sadly I have heard them use terms like "too fat and unhappy" about me so I know there are some issues with sensitivity! It sounds like a psychiatrist might b better equipped to deal with the issues than a GP-- had you gone in with no mental or sleep issues you likely would have just been told "don't drink" and sent to AA. Tell the psychiatrist of this site and please take time to look at the meds forum here-/ I don't take them but there are lOads of options beyond Antabuse to consider. Please try to get in with someone even am ER to help withdrawal-- if you tell them they it happens daily if you don't drink they should help you out. Alc


              Preparation/action stage

              Sorry Bama-- not sure what happened -- alcohol withdrawal can be very dangerous so at least get some help with that piece of it. Then hopefully you can find more med help. Good luck

