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    My hands are cold, yet my heart is warm. I'm looking for help out of this Not so merry go round that I'm on. I pop in/out of this forum needing inspiration. WHY can't I do this one thing? Stop Drinking To The Point Of Blacking Out. The stories here are SO helpful, yet I keep struggling. How do I stop this crazy nonsense that I'm doing to myself??



    I'm sorry to hear you are struggling but it's good to see you back here!
    Inspiration is good but waht yuo really need is commitment & a good plan.

    Go back to the & use the great ideas there to help you put a plan together.

    You have to break out of the old routine, it's not serving you anymore
    Commit yourself to just one AF day then go on from there.

    Drop in the Newbies Nest thread for more support.
    You can do this, we will support you

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



      Tribal Rose;1207594 wrote: My hands are cold, yet my heart is warm. I'm looking for help out of this Not so merry go round that I'm on. I pop in/out of this forum needing inspiration. WHY can't I do this one thing? Stop Drinking To The Point Of Blacking Out. The stories here are SO helpful, yet I keep struggling. How do I stop this crazy nonsense that I'm doing to myself??
      Hi TribalRose, I can all relate to what your going through, It took me a long time to realise that alcohol was controlling me and not me controlling alcohol,I has so many false starts and promises to my self i nearly gave up on giving up.Use the tool box as lavande has suggested and also read some of the stories here as they might help,you can do this as many people here can tell you.

      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.



        Hi Tribal Rose,

        Coming here and posting and talking about how you are feeling is part of doing "this thing" that you desperately seek. You ARE doing something! So don't be too hard on yourself. I too came here for a long time as a lurker and felt like I just could not get my arms around the quit. I wanted it so bad, but kept giving in. One day, once again hungover, I said enough! I can't and do not want to live like this any longer, and found the strength to carry though with my decision. It is true...If you can get ONE day in, you will feel so different...Just try ONE day...then One Day at a Time.

        It took a lot of reading and filtering information to find out the best plan for me. Everyone of us (I bet) has a different plan; it takes time to figure it out so that it sticks. What you say in your post, tells me you are in that process. Self refection is very important and true honesty in that reflection is very necessary. If you need help we are here for you. Like Lav suggested- Check out the Newbies Nest. It is a busy thread with people of many different stories.

        Good luck and keep trying.

        p.s. Love your user name.



          TribalRose-Come on over to the Newbie's Nest when you are ready...we'd love to have another Nestling! It is a great group and there is always room for another!

          Meanwhile, I wanted to say hello and let you know that I have been where you are. And yes, it is a terrible merry-go-round. I stopped and got off 12 days ago, and I hope it is for good this time. Tired of going round and round. Good for you for helps to share your story and read others. We have all gone through it and want you to succeed at getting to a safe, healthy place.

          Be well and listen to the little voice inside you. That's what made me give up AL for good...the 3AM voice inside me that would be loud and clear after a night of drinking...saying that I need to give this up for good or else!
          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.


