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gonna try again

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    gonna try again

    well i going to give this another try at least for a month. i have done it many times before. 8 months, 3 months, a couple of one month spells. i am great during the week never even think about it but my weekends are so blurry. i am a severe binge drinker and i know i am slowly killing my body. i am very health concious so don't know how i can do this to myself.I severely love life but love too hard. i think that is where my addictive personality comes in. during the week i forget how bad my weekend was and start all over again. i have ordered a couple of books to keep me on track. i want this so bad otherwise i know it will be the death of me and that is not the legacy i want to leave my small kids. thanks for 2
    I must suppress the beast within so I can find my way out of the darkness.
    sober since 2/4/12

    gonna try again

    well done on day 2 I have left a message for you on your other thread


      gonna try again

      Star, I'm going to go AF too. I've decided I just don't want to drink anymore. I really believe this is it for me - so let's do it!



        gonna try again

        Star, thank you for posting and sharing your story! I am fairly new in the game...have been on and off al a few times this year. Third time's the charm they say and that's where I'm at. I am also very health conscious and actually work in a health related field and it amazes me that I would kill myself slowly with AL even though I know what it does to my poor body. I've had enough. I'm at 2 weeks today and into it for the long haul, but taking it one day at a time.

        Good luck to you...we can do this!!!
        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



          gonna try again

          Star, I am with ya bud! I cannot drink even a little and it scares the shit out of me when I think of how unhealthy I have become. Today is my day 2.

          Which books did you order? I just ordered the Kick the Drink book that everyone on here seems to love. Have you (or anyone on the thread) read that one?


            gonna try again

            Hi Starfairy,

            I, like you, have had many AF days. But find myself bingeing again and again. Back here after many years ..... think it was 2008 when I last posted here!! I want to quit again badly! Giving it a try. Good luck to you..... you can do it!!


              gonna try again

              Star, your post could be mine. Except I drink daily. It has taken a toll and I like you have stopped many times. I just give up b/c it feels like the deck is stacked. I had only one beer yesterday and now plan on going for a month and hope that within that time it will click that AL is not my friend and I need to keep it out of my life. I wish you well.


                gonna try again

                Anna, I've read Kick the Drink. It's worth reading, but not necessarily a magic bullet. I really liked a lot of what he says in the book, and I do think overall it's helped me a lot.

                Star, I hope you're still posting - will look for you on other threads.

                Blonde, hi - see you in the Newbie's Nest - I think you're just starting again as am I.

                Hyper and Scarlet, hope you'll also stop by the nest if you haven't already.

                Strength and peace to us all!:l


                  gonna try again

                  I so need to get a copy of Kick the Drink...last time I checked Amazon was out of stock but that was 2 weeks ago or so. I tried to get it from my library but it's not in the network (always try to read it for free if I, but it would be good to have my own copy anyways.

                  Hi to all checking this thread today and well done Anna on your AF start!
                  Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                  BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                    gonna try again

                    Hi Starfairy and everyone else. I have been to this site about a year ago, but have only made a couple of posts. I have been binge drinking as well my whole drinking life. Little during the week but a lot on the weekends.. One thing I found really interesting about the "kick the Drink" book was that the part were he talks about binge drinking and how most of us would drink even more if it were not for the restrictions, such as a job, picking up the kids, money, etc. I never thought of it that way, I always thought I was choosing not to, and thus had things under control. The book made me think hard if I was actually choosing or I just have a bunch of restrictions that force me to have some level of restriction.


                      gonna try again

                      Star I am the same except for the binging, I don't want to drink on the weekend at all now though! Hang in there!
                      You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                      Everyday we choose the direction of change.

