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Too embarrassed to visit the nest!

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    Too embarrassed to visit the nest!

    Messed up again. Did 7 days - felt great, most days so far. And then I went out! All the nesters doing great - just can't face posting there. Don't really know what I'm doing posting anymore. I keep f***ing up. Suffice to say last night turned into today and I'm down the rabbit hole - again! Really not sure why I'm saying this - booze talking.
    You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi


    Too embarrassed to visit the nest!

    The only way to fail is to quit trying!!!!!! Don't feel bad. Go back to your support group - when we are struggling is when we need our homies the most!

    I stayed away from here when I was in chronic relapse mode in fall/winter 2007 - 2008. I can tell you for sure that staying away and not posting does NOT make drinking better - for me it was infinitely worse.

    So post. Please.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Too embarrassed to visit the nest!

      CantBelieveI'mStillAtIt;1208013 wrote: Messed up again. Did 7 days - felt great, most days so far. And then I went out! All the nesters doing great - just can't face posting there. Don't really know what I'm doing posting anymore. I keep f***ing up. Suffice to say last night turned into today and I'm down the rabbit hole - again! Really not sure why I'm saying this - booze talking.
      Hiya CB.

      Firstly, don't panic. Remember how crap you feel right now, and keep this memory with you next time you are tempted. The newbies nest, and every single thread here, is here to support, encourage, love, and educate. Use them, and now is when you need to dive in and start posting.

      For me, the most important question is....'What did you learn'? What was your thinking process that led you to choose to drink, and how will you handle that better next time?

      Great to see you post here and not just hide away.

      What's your plan now?

      Best wishes, G-bloke.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Too embarrassed to visit the nest!

        Bless you G - you're a very kind man. Yes, feeling very crappy right now. I so want to be a "successful" nester but this is the fourth time I've failed now. What have I learned - that I can't just have one drink. Each time I abstain I think I can, but I can't. Scared I never will be able to. Embarrassed cos I think it sounds like I'm feeling sorry for myself which is why I hate posting my f***ups. But something in me brings me back cos I reckon folks on here understand and hopefully won't judge me! Tomorrow's another day I guess :upset:
        You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



          Too embarrassed to visit the nest!

          Doggygirl;1208017 wrote: The only way to fail is to quit trying!!!!!! Don't feel bad. Go back to your support group - when we are struggling is when we need our homies the most!

          I stayed away from here when I was in chronic relapse mode in fall/winter 2007 - 2008. I can tell you for sure that staying away and not posting does NOT make drinking better - for me it was infinitely worse.

          So post. Please.

          Bless you too Doggygirl and thanks. It is hard isn't it fessing up! Will take your sage words on board. Thank you!
          You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



            Too embarrassed to visit the nest!

            CantBelieveI'mStillAtIt;1208021 wrote: Bless you G - you're a very kind man. Yes, feeling very crappy right now. I so want to be a "successful" nester but this is the fourth time I've failed now. What have I learned - that I can't just have one drink. Each time I abstain I think I can, but I can't. Scared I never will be able to. Embarrassed cos I think it sounds like I'm feeling sorry for myself which is why I hate posting my f***ups. But something in me brings me back cos I reckon folks on here understand and hopefully won't judge me! Tomorrow's another day I guess :upset:
            People here don't judge, because we have all been there. It can take many cracks at ditching the booze, and believe me when i tell you that you will soon get it, and something will shift for you. I don't think about 'forever', all i know is i don't want to drink right now, and most likely for a long time to come, and maybe for the rest of my life. It's not something i stress over or think about, i just enjoy the 'now'. Just tackle the short term for now. You'll be okay, just take action.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Too embarrassed to visit the nest!

              Guitarista;1208026 wrote: It can take many cracks at ditching the booze, and believe me when i tell you that you will soon get it, and something will shift for you.
              Trusting you on this one G - I truly hope so. I'll keep giving it a good crack til one day, I hope, it won't even be an issue.
              You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                Too embarrassed to visit the nest!

                Why go away? We don't care about you any less...

                Look - each of is one teeny tiny moment of weakness away - so don't leave us. :-)
                That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                AF - August 20, 2012


                  Too embarrassed to visit the nest!

                  Thanks Prairie - means a lot x
                  You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                    Too embarrassed to visit the nest!

                    What great support everyone is here. Glad this thread exists as I had a girl's weekend away and succumbed to two glasses on saturday night. I only managed 6 days which is pathetic and am so angry with myself but also trying not to be too hard on myself as I know that would make me give up trying. Instead I am looking at the positive of actually stopping after the second glass and jumping straight back on here to get through my second day today. I don't have the cravings like I had a week ago though and have had enough days waking up with a clear head now to know how wonderful it feels. So I hope you don't feel too rotten with yourself CB, at least you came back here too and want to start again.
                    But like you, I got home, read the nest postings and felt too embarrassed and useless to post.


                      Too embarrassed to visit the nest!

                      CB and lil,

                      Been where both of you are numerous times, and all I can say is don't stop trying, and don't go MIA on us. You are definitely not alone. We need each other, failings and all.

                      Glad you posted. Welcome, always.

                      "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                        Too embarrassed to visit the nest!

                        Morning all

                        Well a fail from me. sigh. Was not too bad from my previous drinking non stop 7 days a week. Had 4 wines on friday night and woke with the worst hangover, OMG i dont miss that one and it was after 4 glasses not 2 bottles so my body is telling me something. had 2 wines with soda on saturday with my daughter and that was it. so back to the drawing board. I feel ok with it but i do agree with you Molly there is no such thing as moderation. In the back of my mind i say yes i can moderate but ..............

                        so back to day one and i feel good, i did worry about you guys more than anything lol. you all certainly have a way of getting in i must say, but for the better. I did 11 days and proud of that feat as had not done that for a long long long time. I can happily say that i did not need a drink yesterday and i dont need a drink today.

                        Now off to the naughty corner i go for 47minutes

                        well CB and lil come join me in the naughty corner for a bit. Above was my previous post on another thread and like you CB i wanted to stay away but as they guys say they are here for support. I am not worrying about it too much, as lil said glad it was 2 glasses and not 2 bottles and now off we go again on the merrygoround of AF. You are back and so am i and we can only try.
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Too embarrassed to visit the nest!

                          Thanks Juja. Yes, av,off we go again, but with more strength and knowledge this time.......


                            Too embarrassed to visit the nest!

                            never a dull moment in AF land is there. Theres always someone lol but no one can say we dont try and try and try.
                            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                              Too embarrassed to visit the nest!

                              Hey Can't Believe

                              Get up. Dust yourself off-start again. Everyone
                              has the ups and downs. Just think --you are
                              SO much better off than a person who drinks
                              a lot and doesn't even admit it! You are on top
                              of the situation, at least in that respect.
                              I know 2 people (at least) who are DRUNK every
                              day and both say " I just enjoy an OCCASIONAL
                              beer/ glass of wine." So delusional.
                              I'm sure noone here will judge you. We've all
                              done it many times!
                              Take good care of yourself and stick around

